Laser cauterization cervical erosion (treatment and removal, vaporization) as do

No less than half of women of reproductive age at least once been diagnosed with ectopia ekzotserviksa. Behind this name hides the defect of the mucous membrane of the vaginal portion of the cervix. Modern medicine recommends several ways to treat this disease, including non-traumatic conservative therapy and a number of methods of temperature effects on the affected area. Laser cauterization of cervical erosion refers to the sparing procedure, after which fertility is preserved in its entirety, and the risk is minimal complications.

apparatus for laser cauterization


  • Treatment of cervical erosion by laser
  • Indications and contraindications
  • The necessary diagnostic tests
  • Preparation for surgery
  • recovery period
  • Pros and cons of laser treatment

Treatment of cervical erosion by laser

Cervical erosion is dangerous for the health of the woman so that the adverse factors it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. The affected area is an ulcerated surface through which penetrate infections causing inflammation of reproductive organs. There are several methods of cauterization of erosion, among which:

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  • chemical, processing drug Solkovagina;
  • radio wave through radionozha Surgitron;
  • cryosurgery - based on the use of liquid nitrogen;
  • impact of electricCharacterized scarring;
  • laser removal of erosion - less traumatic and bloodless manipulation.

The choice of method depends on many factors, including the presence of concomitant diseases, the size of the lesion, the individual characteristics of the patient.

Laser surgery is actively developing the last twenty years. Equipment improved, increasing the scope of this therapeutic method. In medicine used such devices:

  • ruby;
  • Argon;
  • neodymium;
  • carbonic.

The action of the last of these instruments is based on the evaporation of the intracellular fluid. During the operation cauterize only the diseased tissue without affecting healthy, in connection with which there is a low rate of complications.

doctor near the device to cauterize

laser cauterization requires a high qualifications of the doctor and is still a fairly expensive procedure, not accessible to ordinary antenatal clinic.

Indications and contraindications

Once a woman has discovered damage to the mucous of the cervix, the doctor makes a decision on the method of treatment of erosion. Despite the fact that laser cauterization is considered one of the safest methods, it has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • a bleeding disorder;
  • infection;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • venereal diseases;
  • acute viral period. HPV is a particular risk;
  • cancer processes in the body;
  • postpartum recovery;
  • lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • polyps upper part of the cervical canal;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Before cauterize erosion, it is necessary to cure the infection and inflammation.

If no specified constraints, removal of damaged tissue is carried out under the following indications:

  • medical prohibitions to conduct other types of treatment;
  • progressive or extensive degree of damage;
  • soreness and bleeding erosion;
  • absence of co-infections and inflammations.

After the procedure, possible scarring, which allows plan pregnancy three months after complete healing of the tissues.

a couple planning a pregnancy

The necessary diagnostic tests

Before making a decision about the possibility of laser cauterization of erosion is necessary to range diagnostic measures:

  • visual inspection of the chair;
  • sampling swabs to determine the microflora affected surface epithelium and cervical canal;
  • extended colposcopy;
  • cervical biopsies in which pinch off the tissue sample to detect abnormal cells;
  • cytology;
  • tests to exclude infections, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • Bacteriological sowings;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • hormonal sample;
  • ultrasonography.
girl on uzi

The correct diagnosis will help determine the exact location and depth of the lesion.

Preparation for surgery

If the results of tests revealed no diseases, preventing cauterization, the doctor according to the menstrual cycle sets a date for the treatment of erosion. As a rule, the procedure is done in the morning on an empty stomach or after a light breakfast. Eve is not recommended to drink alcohol and eat junk food. It is necessary to empty the bowel and bladder, to conduct hygiene genitals, come at the appointed time to the clinic.

Manipulation itself takes about 15 minutes, here you need to add the time needed to anesthesia and disinfection of the surgical field. Cauterization is done in a gynecological chair. Colposcope is introduced into the vagina and the laser oscillator. Under visual control is carried out on the impact of the affected area of ​​the mucous of the cervix, whereby evaporate columnar epithelial cells with concurrent to sealing capillaries.

The final stage is the reorganization of the genital organs, after which the woman can go home.

recovery period

rehabilitation period takes 5 to 7 days. During this time the treated surface occurs healing and tissue rejection subjected to thermal effects. In these days a woman can feel the nagging pain in the abdomen. Mucus after cauterization with minor blood veins extend to ten days after the procedure. Full recovery takes place six weeks later. 8-9 weeks after the laser cauterization of erosion should visit a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will determine how successfully passed the wound.

doctor and patient

epithelial tissue should recover fully. The need for repeated manipulation occurs in a few cases. Complications after cauterization are extremely rare and mostly due to violation of the doctor's recommendations about rules of behavior in the postoperative period. Banned all activities that may enhance the blood circulation of the pelvic organs:

  • Active baths, saunas, hammam and other thermal procedures;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • sports, and other physical activities;
  • massage the lumbar region;
  • swimming in open water and in swimming pools;
  • taking baths.

To avoid negative consequences in the form of inflammation and bleeding should be carefully hygiene genitals, do not use tampons and abstain from sexual intercourse. In the first month after the resumption of sexual relations should be to use a condom.

Pros and cons of laser treatment

The method of laser treatment of cervical erosion is used in gynecology recently. As with any method, laser vaporization has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • lack of physical contact of the device and the patient's body;
  • minor trauma;
  • point impact on the damaged tissue without the risk of Healthy;
  • the absence of blood loss;
  • inability to infection;
  • low probability of complications;
  • Procedure speed;
  • slight pain;
  • conducting cautery in the laboratory;
  • rapid healing;
  • preservation of female reproductive function.

Despite the fact that the operation can be carried out any day of the cycle, except for critical, better schedule the procedure for 6-7 days after menstruation to cervical epithelium could be restored to next menstruation.

Unfortunately, there were some drawbacks. Cons laser treatment:

  • the high price of the procedure;
  • limits on the size and depth of erosion;
  • the need to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Conduct manipulation Have a qualified technician, using high-quality equipment. Regular medical examination will allow early detection of cervical erosion. The earlier identified pathology, the early and safe being treated.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 94
  • 186