Moxibustion cervical erosion current (electrocautery) whether painful consequences

erosion of the cervix is ​​removed by different surgical methods. For a long time the only true and most effective method is considered a high-temperature exposure pulses or electrocautery (diathermy).

With the advent of the laser and radiowave therapy relation to painful and traumatic cervical erosion cauterization current changed. Because of the availability of such operations are practiced so far, but make them rare and only parous women.

Woman sitting on the couch


  • Cauterization of the cervix erosion electrocution
  • preparation Features
  • How is the procedure
  • Indications and contraindications
  • rehabilitation period
  • Possible adverse effects after surgery

Cauterization of the cervix erosion electrocution

Electrocoagulation is carried out in cases where the confirmed benign lesion and does not reach the cervical canal. The essence of the surgical procedure is to remove the erosive surface using electrical impulses. A high frequency current destroys the diseased tissue and healthy cells are formed in their place. The treated area heals and scars.

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The procedure lasts 20 minutes on average, expensive equipment is required. Compared with other types of treatment of cervical erosion, this technique refers to the cheapest and most affordable. Diathermocoagulation held in common public and private clinics. In the absence of complications the woman immediately sent home.

On the effectiveness of moxibustion erosion current inferior to modern ways, but I think this procedure is absolutely useless and inactive unfair. Electrocoagulation can achieve full recovery without relapse in 75% of cases.

preparation Features

Diathermocoagulation prepare for the start of the month. A woman should implement all the recommendations of the gynecologist. This will depend on the success of the operation and duration of the rehabilitation period.

The first thing the doctor prescribes a daily procedure. Typically, selecting a second phase of the menstrual cycle. By this time, the wound of cervical erosion remote heal and scab appears.

Marked the date of the visit to the doctor

Before cautery patient passes a pelvic examination and delivers the following analyzes:

  • Pap cytology;
  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • analysis of infectious and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • biopsy;
  • smear on vaginal microflora.

The mandatory patient is assigned cervical colposcopy with erosion. Into the vagina entered a special device, which helps to assess the condition of the blood vessels of the reproductive system. Instrumental examination is carried out to determine the places of localization areas affected by erosion.

If the results of analyzes of the woman found out any infection or inflammation, the doctor prescribe treatment. Moxibustion will be applied only after the control examination.

The girl at the doctor

How is the procedure

During cauterization current erosion electrodes are used. cauterization procedure is performed in stages:

  1. A doctor examines a damaged surface and defines the boundaries of its localization.
  2. Local anesthesia. Apparatus and cervical surface contact during surgery. Exposure to high-frequency current causes discomfort. To moxibustion passed without pain or discomfort, the doctor blocks the nerve endings by injection (a shot) or by spray.
  3. Cauterize erosion using the electrode 2. One of them, a metal, performs a passive function, the other is in contact with the erosive surface and cauterize it. The active electrode may be in the form of loops or needle. Electric current is distributed between components that produce heat. Diseased cells are melted, intercellular fluid is evaporated, coagulation occurs. To prevent damage to healthy tissue, the operation is carried out punctually. Each portion of the affected part of the neck is processed 10-15 seconds.

One of the characteristics of the procedure - different duration. The time depends on the size of the erosion. Cauterization current ends only after the cessation of bleeding and scab formation. This crust, which is within 2-3 weeks moves independently.

The doctor holds the device for cauterization of erosion

Indications and contraindications

A decision on the treatment of the physician takes on the basis of the results of laboratory tests and after examining the patient's body. The procedure is used and considered effective when the erosion of large size, the prevalence of ulcerative lesions in the healthy tissue and the patient's complaints of pain and isolation of blood. By indications also include:

  • precancerous changes in the cervical canal and cervical cells;
  • parallel flow erosion and endometriosis;
  • cystic formation on the neck;
  • body deformation and cervical ectropion big size.

If a woman is planning to become pregnant, the erosion of small, co-morbidities, and no discomfort, and viral and fungal diseases have been identified, the doctor makes the decision on inexpediency of this therapy and other types of picks cautery. If there are worthy alternatives to experts prefer more modern methods. Diathermocoagulation do nulliparous women.

Limiting due to the fact that after the shock impact scar is formed on the surface. During pregnancy and childbirth the cervix can not simply stand and burst. Among other contraindications worth mentioning diabetes, inflammation, cancer, pregnancy, clotting problems, lactation, disease, sexually transmitted infections, cesarean section, the presence of an intrauterine spiral.

The doctor prohibits pregnant cauterize erosion

rehabilitation period

After cauterization cervical erosion current to the mucosal surface is formed a small bleeding wound, covered with scab. After 2 weeks the crust removed from the body, but the actual damage to heal for a long time, about 2-3 months.

So that the body recovered quickly and did not have complications during the healing tissue woman must abide by a number of recommendations. Most of them belong to the prohibitions. After cauterization can not play sports, lift weights, take a bath, use tampons, relax in the sauna, steam room swimming pool, solarium.

After diathermocoagulation prohibited sex. By the sexual life will be back as soon as the gynecologist during a routine inspection ensure complete healing of the treated wound.

Possible adverse effects after surgery

In most cases, complications and unpleasant effects occur in women neglecting your doctor. wound healing after the removal of erosion does not cause much discomfort. Many people simply forget about that for the full recovery of the body needs a few months and do not follow the rules.

The early effects after cauterization include bleeding from the wound immediately after the procedure, exacerbation of previously identified gynecological diseases, impaired cycle. Among the late complications observed metaplasia, endometriosis, re erosion, cervical narrowing channel.

Throughout the rehabilitation can occur abdominal pain and spotting after cauterization of erosion. During the period of scarring tissue is normal, but if the secretion has a yellow or greenish color and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, consult a physician.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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