Cauterize hurt if cervical erosion, as the laser cauterize

Formation on the cervical mucous of the ulcer is called erosion. One of the main methods of treatment of this pathology is moxibustion. This basically applies to parous women, since there is the possibility self-healing after childbirth. Before the procedure, many patients wondering if cauterize erosion hurts. To answer this question, you need to know which method is used in each case.

girl hurt


  • Causes of
  • erosion treatment methods
    • When appointed moxibustion
  • types of cauterization
    • Diathermocoagulation (DEC)
    • Kriodistruktsiya
    • laser cauterization
    • Radio wave therapy
    • Himiokoagulyatsiya
  • Why pain occurs
  • recovery process

Causes of

There are plenty of the reasons for the erosion of the cervix. The most likely of these are:

  • early or late start doing sex life;
  • the presence of occasional sexual encounters;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the presence of infections, inflammation of cervical tissue, genital mutilation;
  • obtaining gynecological injuries;
  • surgical gynecological operations;
  • erosion after childbirth;
  • hormonal disorders.
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To detect the presence of cervical erosion need to visit a gynecologist. This is because the symptoms of this disease is similar to other diseases of the reproductive system. Symptoms of erosion include:

  • the presence of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • occurrence of pain during urination;
  • presence of bleeding between periods;
  • abundant whitish appearance or purulent discharge from the vagina.

If you experience any of these symptoms need to seek medical adviceWhich is based on the state of the epithelium of the cervix to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

patient and physician

erosion treatment methods

A method of treatment of cervical erosion is administered after receiving the data analyzes, diagnosis and staging of disease development. Most often, treatment depends on the size of the region is suffering. In the diagnosis of small lesions doctor prescribes topical and internal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial treatment.

If the lesion is extensive or there is a risk of transformation into malignant cells of patients, appointed by the cautery.

The character of the pain of cauterization of erosion depends on the method chosen to fight the disease. Some of them involve anesthesia.

Among the possible methods of anesthesia should be noted the local, is to apply an anesthetic to the affected area and the tissue adjacent to it.

When appointed moxibustion

cautery method is most often treated by erosion, which increase the risk of cancer formation, as well as pathology affecting a vast area of ​​the cervix. Such a method is mainly used for the treatment of patients giving birth, since the procedure reduces the chance of pregnancy.

Do moxibustion is best expressed with the appearance of symptoms of the disease: severe pain sensation during urination and sexual intercourse, as well as with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. In this case, the operation may be carried out and for the treatment millipara zheknschiny.

types of cauterization

Cauterize erosion of the cervix can be through a variety of procedures. They are performed by means of electric current, liquid nitrogen, Laser, radio waves, or chemicals.

woman on the couch and the doctor

Each of these procedures has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are carried out with the use of anesthesia, and during the other woman will experience pain. Treatment methods differ and contraindications. So before you go for surgery, you need to carefully examine the designated type of cauterization of erosion.

Diathermocoagulation (DEC)

This procedure involves the use of an electric current. Diathermocoagulation appointed parous women, which has no plans to conceive a child for 1 year. There is a clear time cauterization of erosion: the manipulation is performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle. electrocautery not used for the treatment of pregnant and nulliparous women.

The electrical pulses are sent to the affected area, thereby and carried moxibustion. Erosion stops its development, and in its place formed a crust formed necrotic tissue. Gradually, it will be rejected, the treated area will be covered by healthy tissue. The process of restoring mucosal lasts 2 months.


This method of treatment of cervical erosion is quite effective and is available in the financial plan. But this causes burning pain, increases the likelihood of bleeding, formation of scars. Such negative features contribute to the fact that the fabric loses its former elasticity, because of which more complex disclosed during childbirth.


This procedure is carried out by treating the lesions with liquid nitrogen. The modified cells are killed due to the crystallization of the liquid therein under the influence of low temperature characteristics. Nitrogen is distributed only on the affected cells without affecting healthy ones.

After operation can appear heavy vaginal discharge and swelling.

The procedure is absolutely painless, it is not accompanied by the appearance of bleeding. recovery period lasts 1-1.5 months. After kriodistruktsii not appear scars, so this operation is often used for treatment of erosion in nulliparous women. Of the negative characteristics of this process is isolated:

  • a possible shortening of the cervix;
  • incomplete cure due to the difficulty in assessing the completeness of treatment of affected areas;
  • inability to use in the treatment of deep lesions.

Also kriodistruktsiya not used for treatment of erosion of irregular shape, since the apparatus has only standard nozzle.

laser cauterization

One of the most effective ways to treat erosion is its burning with a laser beam. Under its influence of the affected cells vaporized liquid, which is why the fabric gradually shrinks. Dead skin cells for 1 week rejected and healthy tissue formed in their place. Fully recover within 1 month.

Treat erosion laser absolutely it does not hurt, as this method eliminates the risk of bleeding, scarring.

Cauterize thus erosion can be nulliparous and girls. Among the shortcomings of this procedure allocate its high cost.

Radio wave therapy

This manipulation is carried out by means of radio waves. On exposure to radio waves affected area, due to which the liquid is evaporated from the cells, they gradually disintegrate and die. The woman is recovering after 1 month.

The procedure is painless. Another advantage of surgery is that it does not cause the formation of scars. Disadvantages - high cost of the procedure, as well as the possibility of occurrence of brown discharge.

How to cauterize erosion of the cervix and it hurt


Neobshirnye ulcers can be treated by chemical preparations. Under their influence, the affected cells die. The procedure is done in several stages, that is, for the full treatment will require several treatments.

Before applying the surface chemistry dried. After 2-3 minutes after the treatment with the residue removed portion means.

This operation is troublesome in that the treated spot is formed a chemical burn, and during the action of the drug the patient feels pain. Also, surface treatment chemicals increases the risk of scarring.

Why pain occurs

Moxibustion cervical erosion passes hurts only when you use certain medications. These include himiokoagulyatsiyu, diathermocoagulation. To alleviate the pain before the surgery the doctor spends anesthesia. Most often painful sensations arise due to contact of the active agent for treatment on healthy portions, however, given the level of pain threshold of the patient, using local or general before treatment chemicals and the use of electrical current anesthesia.

discomfort in women

recovery process

Duration mucosa recovery after cauterization erosion different for each method: basically it takes 1-2 months, the death of the affected tissues occurs during the first week. To speed up the recovery, the girl is recommended to follow a few tips:

  • before full treatment is required to refuse sexual relations;
  • during the recovery period necessary to take prescribed antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, healing agent;
  • if necessary the taking pain medication;
  • for 1 month is prohibited to lift weights, play sports;
  • can not overheat the body, take hot baths.

Also required to cure all infections, sexually transmitted diseases. The girl should see your doctor regularly to monitor the recovery process. Furthermore, it should be prevented relapse using methods erosion therapy to eliminate the possibility of re-injury uterine mucosal surfaces.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 36
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