Can I become pregnant while cervical erosion: whether to burn, whether at conception affects

When diagnosing women erosion biggest issue is of concern, as the pathological condition affects the reproductive function. Gynecologists in this respect soothe: pregnant cervical erosion is possible, and it happens very often.

Unpleasant, but possible combination of states is permissible, however, it is considered safe only in cases where there is no suspicion on oncology and the development of serious infectious diseases. The disease does not interfere with conception and does not deprive a woman's ability to bear children, but, as any gynecological disease, the pathology requires prompt treatment.



  • The essence of the disease
  • Effect of erosion
    • Conception
    • Pregnancy
    • birth
  • planning for pregnancy

The essence of the disease

Cervix - a connecting body between the vagina and the uterus. If the damage is the epithelium uterine cervical erosion is formed. It is this term called in gynecology any ulcerative mucosal defects. Violation sheath integrity can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • abnormal epithelial development;
  • instagram viewer
  • early sexual activity;
  • viral, and fungal infectious disease;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cervical injury;
  • weak immunity.

The diagnosis of "cervical erosion" Posing women who already have children, nulliparous women, pregnant women and infertile. The disease is very common and dangerous asymptomatic. For a long time the pathology does not manifest itself, and does not cause discomfort. A bright red spot erosive detected only when gynecological examination. If a woman does not visit a doctor about the disease she could not guess. Painful symptoms of inflammation and is characterized by a chronic stage. Advanced forms of the disease are treated for longer and lead to complications during pregnancy.

cervical erosion

Effect of erosion

Cervical erosion can be pregnant. These two states are compatible and do not always represent a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the child. Furthermore, this pathology can exclude himself. Often this occurs in the first pregnancy, during pregnancy and immediately after the baby's born, but such a favorable outcome is observed not in all women.

To treat cervical erosion is desirable at the stage of planning of pregnancy. When a progressive disease, occurring in the chronic form, a very high risk of complications. Fetus develops in the uterus, and the epithelial layer performs a protective function. It protects the cavity from the penetration of harmful microorganisms. When the integrity of the epithelium breaks down, his defensive abilities are lost. This causes infections and bacterial reproduction.

Developing in pregnant inflammatory processes have a negative impact on the health of the baby not yet born, and most moms.


The presence of the erosion of conception is not affected. Damaged mucous tissue does not prevent the promotion of sperm and fertilize the egg, but for their own safety and the health of the unborn baby's doctors to treat the disease is recommended to pregnancy.

girl on the gynecological chair

By surgery cervical erosion rarely resort. Current procedures are performed using liquid nitrogen, radio waves, laser cauterization. The latter method is considered a classic and is still used, but if a woman plans to give birth, it is better to abandon this procedure. Moxibustion before pregnancy is accompanied by a deep tissue damage and triggers cervical strain, which in the future can cause problems with childbearing and childbirth.


cervical erosion is not able to prevent pregnancy. If conception has taken place or only planned, a woman must always be observed at the gynecologist and pass examinations. Small erosive lesions do not show up and is not dangerous. Another thing, when when erosion pregnancy cervix complicated by the emergence of large lesions and atypical symptoms:

  • pain during sex;
  • sanies between periods;
  • whites, pus;
  • abundant mucus.

Such symptoms indicates running (chronic) stage of the disease, which can develop into a cancerous tumor.

To avoid transformation of erosion in the malignancy, the woman should be tested regularly epithelial secretions. Smear reveals abnormal cells that might indicate negative changes began.

Need for treatment during the gestation of the child only occurs when inflammatory process has begun and is suspected tumor growth. If the test results are not confirmed by pathological conditions, treatment of pregnant erosion is transferred to the post-natal period. In order to avoid aggravation of diseases physicians prescribe preventive therapy.

consulting gynecologist


When cervical erosion natural childbirth are permitted, but there are complications, most of which involve a violation of the integrity of the epithelium. Fragile, erosion of the affected area of ​​the mucous is very easily damaged. During labor in these places often occur breaks. In identifying serious disorders of epithelial tissue elasticity physician may prescribe caesarean section.

Another trouble with which a woman can face - vaginal candidiasis. Pathology arises and becomes aggravated after any operation. If erosion cauterize weakened body can not protect themselves from the yeast Candida fungi. They are free to penetrate into the uterine cavity. Natural childbirth thrush dangerous, especially for a child. There is a risk of infection during passage through the birth canal.

Erosion often recurs, ie returns after treatment. If this condition is repeated regularly, to give birth to recommend between relapses.

planning for pregnancy

Cervical erosion has no effect on conception. In most cases, the disease is not harmful to the pregnancy and the fetus. Minor lesions are not able to cause miscarriage, premature birth and lead to infertility. However, when planning pregnancy, women need to eliminate all of the risks and be as healthy. Thanks to modern means and methods of treatment of erosion is possible.

After inspection and thorough examination with the obligatory delivery of analyzes gynecologist determines the cause erosion and stage of the disease. After the diagnosis, the doctor offers the best for a particular application method of therapy. This can be:

  • chemical coagulation (cervical special processing agent);
  • radio wave therapy (non-contact therapeutic treatment without injuring healthy tissue);
  • moxibustion (impact on the affected area electric);
  • cryosurgery (freezing with liquid nitrogen);
  • lazerokaogulyatsiya (Impact of the laser beam).
physician and the device to cauterize erosion

After any procedure recommended to postpone conception. The body has to recover. When planning a pregnancy after conducted by laser and radio wave therapy, it is necessary to wait a month. After cryodestruction for rehabilitation need at least a year. More precise destination and make recommendations to doctors.

cervical erosion can not prevent pregnancy. When diagnosing the disease should not abandon the desire to have a baby and to think about the possible complications. Planning for pregnancy and early treatment of erosion with a good specialist can help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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