How much can not have sex after cauterization of erosion, how long can

One of the most common gynecological diseases is cervical erosion. If a woman has been appointed surgical treatment, it raises the question, how much after cauterization of erosion can not have sex. Duration intimate limit depends on the method chosen cauterization and duration of the recovery period. Also, this period may be extended by a doctor of individual indications.

Girl lying in bed with a man


  • Cervical erosion: general information
  • Treatment and recovery period
  • After how many days you can have sex
  • planning for pregnancy
  • Restrictions after cauterization

Cervical erosion: general information

Erosion can be congenital, False or true. Congenital able to self-diagnose when hormonal changes the body. True erosion requires mandatory treatment. In the early stages of its development is allowed to use the popular medicinal and healing and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the disease transferred in the form of running, it is necessary to cauterize erosion.

Surgical treatment of cervical erosion implies a use of one of several species of cauterization. The technique selected depending on the severity of the disease, its type and extent of mucosal lesions, the individual characteristics of the female body, the patient's financial capacity.

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Each of the methods is characterized by individual healing period, which can speed up, observing all the prescribing physician. One of these recommendations is considered to limit sexual contact after cauterization.

Treatment and recovery period

For cauterization of erosion uses an electrical current, chemicals, radio waves, laser. Some patients claim that the recovery period is accompanied by unpleasant sensations:

  • appear vaginal discharge, odorless, yellow or greenish;
  • there are nagging pains in the lower abdomen;
  • there is a feeling of general weakness.
Unpleasant discharge and abdominal pain

Such symptoms - a consequence of the reaction of the organism to a stimulus in the time of healing of wound surface. Basically similar symptoms disappear within two weeks after the procedure. If they are stored for a long time, a woman should see a gynecologist. After treatment may disrupt the menstrual cycle. Such a phenomenon is considered normal if it is recovered within two months.

Many girls say that erosion prizhgli normal, but prescribed candles. Such appointment is conditioned by the desire to reduce the chance of professional development of the inflammatory response or infection of the treated surface. From similar reasons, doctors recommend a patient to give up sex life for the entire period of rehabilitation. Sexual rest will not only eliminate the mechanical effect on the treated area, but getting into the vagina infections.

After how many days you can have sex

If the woman, burned erosion, it is in a relationship or marriage, she is interested in the question: how many days after the surgery can not have sex? The duration of the recovery period determined by the physician based on the activity of healing lesions, individual features of the female body, the method of cautery. Most often, rehabilitation is 1 month, but may be extended for a gynecologist appointment. Thus, the sex life should be completely eliminated within 30 days after cauterization. According to the testimony of this individual life specialist can increase to 2-4 weeks - until complete recovery of the patient.

These restrictions are not accidental. This time is necessary for regeneration of the uterus, and sexual contact could compromise the integrity of the mucosa of the treated area. If a woman begins to be sexually active earlier than the period, the increased risk of bleeding because of damage to the crust, of infection or inflammation.

Some women find that after cauterization of erosion can have sex with a condom. But it is wrong, as the probability of mechanical damage to the crust is not excluded integrity.

A girl holding a condom

planning for pregnancy

Despite the fact that the menstrual cycle after cauterizing almost immediately restored, women need to delay the planning of pregnancy. Doctors recommend exercise intimacy after the procedure, with the aim of conceiving a child only six months. This is because the process does not allow early as possible eliminate scar tissue formation, and therefore the delivery will take place with complications in the form of incomplete organ disclosure.

On the other hand, that the procedure for cervical cauterization was the most safe and gentle, girl, planning to become pregnant, you should think about applying the process eliminates risks scarring.

Pregnant after cauterization of erosion nulliparous cervix is ​​necessary, too, only half a year, then at the time of delivery, the likelihood of complications is much lower. In this case, sex after such procedures are allowed already after 1 month.

Restrictions after cauterization

After surgery, the physician will tell the patient whether there are any restrictions in the recovery period. In addition to the restrictions relating to the issue, you can have sex after the procedure or not, there are a number of contraindications after cauterization:

  • can not overheat the body, in order to minimize the risk of bleeding;
  • It should not take a bath, to eliminate the risk of infection in the genital tract;
  • during menstruation is forbidden to use tampons;
  • it is impossible to lift weights, exercise for 1 month;
  • You need to observe good personal hygiene.
Restrictions after cauterization of erosion

If the patient and her partner have sex after the removal of erosion by cauterization, doctors recommend to arrange an intimate relationship means, excluding the mechanical effect on the cervix. In these cases, doctors are advised to engage in oral sex.

After cauterization erosion of this embodiment is the best one proximity, since it does not involve penetration of the vagina, it eliminates the possibility of damage to the healing surfaces.

Engage in traditional sex should be only after the restoration of the organ. The degree of healing of the mucous gynecologist determined upon inspection.

And to accelerate the healing can not choose their own folk or medication drugs, all doctors' recommendations should be followed precisely. In some cases, to exclude the likelihood of inflammation, experts advise to use a local anti-inflammatory drugs: Depantol, Metiluratsil, herbal teas. These tools help to speed up the recovery process after uterine surgery.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 21
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