Erosion of the cervix during pregnancy: Is it possible to give birth to the effect than dangerous, treatment

erosion of the cervix during pregnancy - a common diagnosis, which puts a gynecologist after confirmation of conception. The patient is always exciting, whether it can safely carry a child and whether the therapy immediately. Some treatments lead to complications during childbirth, so the struggle with the disease can be transferred to the postnatal period.

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  • cervical erosion and pregnancy
  • symptoms
  • Risk of Pregnancy
  • The consequences for the fetus
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • the necessary tests
  • therapies
  • Can I burn
  • As generations pass
  • What happens after childbirth
  • recommendations

cervical erosion and pregnancy

Erosion and pregnancy often occur simultaneously. If the pathology is not complicated by infectious diseases, the carrying of the child will be fine. If found accompanying disease of the genital tract, there can be complications.

Erosion on the background of pregnancy is most commonly diagnosed in young women, who are waiting for the first baby. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Any failures greatly affect the state of the cervical epithelium. Pathology can provoke weight gain, frequent douching, and oral contraceptives.

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Some methods of treatment do not apply to women, which in the near future, planning to become pregnant. Cauterization of erosion leads to the formation of scar. This scar interferes with normal cervical dilatation during labor, which is fraught with severe pain and complications.

Modern medicine has in the arsenal of many techniques for controlling the disease. Some of them can be used during pregnancy. The doctor decides which treatment methods are most appropriate.

Many girls are concerned about: is it possible to become pregnant while erosionTherefore we recommend to read more information on this topic. Also, do not give up the doctor's advice.


Pregnancy erosion often occurs normally, so she knows about the disease by chance during a routine examination by a gynecologist. However, after conception in the body begins hormonal changes, which leads to a worsening of the disease and the emergence of more severe symptoms.

Erosion in pregnant women is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Blood ichor selection or after sexual contact;
  • painful sexual relations;
  • appearance or purulent mucus.

If erosion is small, the signs of pregnancy may be entirely absent. Disease progression is slow, most affected area is not increased.

The emergence of erosion during pregnancy may make itself felt burning sensation in the vagina. Sometimes women worry nagging pain in the abdomen. Gynecologist should exclude infectious diseases, as many of them lead to serious disturbances of the fetus and can even cause miscarriage.

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Risk of Pregnancy

Most doctors believe that the erosion during pregnancy does not interfere with the development of the fetus. The child is not in contact with the lesion focus, as well protected. Erosion pregnancy itself does not directly affect, and is not dangerous to the fetus. The disease does not threaten the growth of the baby and the birth process, if there is no infectious agents in the genital tract of the mother.

Women wondering whether it is possible to give birth at the erosion, need to understand that when a small area of ​​injury problems should arise. If the disease has been diagnosed prior to conception, better to spend treatment, and then to plan pregnancy.

The consequences for the fetus

Erosion during pregnancy is dangerous, if caused by an infection. Many of them can lead to serious consequences:

  • herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea can cause mental and physical abnormalities in fetal development;
  • in the early stages damaged endometrium occurs miscarriage;
  • in late pregnancy is a high risk of premature withdrawal of the waters, and the birth of a premature baby.

Erosion of the cervix caused by infections, affects the health of the fetus. Baby can become infected from their mother and be born with pneumonia, otitis media and other diseases.

Moxibustion during pregnancy is not carried out. This can cause even death of the fetus. Treatment is necessary in cases where the mucous membrane of the cervical canal turned out. Even in mild dysplasia of the therapy as well as a significant increased risk of malignant transformation of the disease.

pregnant and the doctor

Genera with small erosion are normal. During the passage of the baby through the birth canal lesion may increase in size. The full treatment is carried out after the appearance of a baby into the world.

Diagnosis and treatment

cervical erosion is usually diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy. Whether it is necessary to conduct therapy or better to wait until the baby is born, the doctor decides on the basis of these research results.

erosion treatment during pregnancy is performed, if the survey confirmed the presence of infection. In other cases, therapy is performed after birth.

used several methods, including to confirm the diagnosis colposcopy with erosion.

the necessary tests

The first step in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of erosion during pregnancy - examination by a gynecologist with special mirrors. Accurate diagnosis can be made after the following studies:

  • Smear on the flora;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

Smear on the flora make any and all patients. If the results are good, but the changes in the mucous membrane of the gynecologist can see visually, it gives direction to the following laboratory tests.

Colposcopy - slightly painful procedure. With this method, the doctor can examine in detail the state of the surface of the cervix and distinguish the disease from the Cancer Education.

A biopsy is performed only if there is a suspicion on the development of cancer. In pregnancy, this procedure is dangerous because it is a high risk of bleeding. The resulting biomaterial is subjected to thorough investigation and can then be an exact diagnosis.

a doctor looking into a microscope


If there is no infection and lesion tissue is small, treatment is delayed to the postnatal period. a mark is made in the patient map the presence of pathology of the disease to women doctors know that will take generations.

At the gynecologist often asked whether it is possible cauterize erosion during pregnancy. This method does not apply to the delivery, as after the procedure often opens the bleeding, which can cause miscarriage and severe fetal abnormalities. During this period, the doctor will prescribe homeopathic and wound-healing remedies, herbal tampons. In the presence of infection antibiotics are used.

After completion of the pregnancy cervical erosion treated in the following ways:

  • coagulation electric current;
  • cryosurgery;
  • laser cauterization;
  • radiosurgery technique.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. Besides the basic procedures are assigned restorative drugs and other medications.

Can I burn

During pregnancy if the erosion, is not due to an infectious disease, it is not in danger. Pathology was observed, but often do not intervene.

There are cases when after the birth of the lesions disappeared, and the tissue is completely restored. Damage to the surface could not heal due to the fact that the uterus is constantly growing and the pressure on her increased.

Burn areas with erosion can not, because in this place formed a scar. During the upcoming birth bleeding can be revealed here that will cause serious complications.

To give birth when erosion is possible, but if the cauterization procedure was carried out in less than 7 weeks before conception, a caesarean section is assigned. The natural process of birth is not recommended.

If it was decided to cauterization of erosion before pregnancy, the doctor will tell you in detail about when you can pregnant after the procedure. Also we recommend that you read more information on this issue.

pregnant give an injection

As generations pass

When cervical erosion births are normally, but the higher the risk of unpleasant consequences. Many women after the appearance of a baby into the world is necessary to treat the microfractures on the inner surface of the body.

A natural child out of the womb affect erosion can not. Cesarean section is assigned in cases where there are other contraindications for independent delivery.

What happens after childbirth

Development erosion after childbirth - the most unpleasant phenomenon for women. In most cases, after the birth of a child illness still has scheduled a treat. The traumas of the pathology can be the following:

  • degeneration of tumors in cancer;
  • growth foci ulceration;
  • dysplasia of the organ.

Against the background of the received birth injury affected areas may increase in size. In the process of delivery takes place more than tears body and often have problems with the normal opening of the cervix.

By the treatment of the disease after birth begin immediately. Usually 2-3 months should pass before the mother's body returns to normal and is ready to conduct therapy. After treatment before the next pregnancy should be at least 2.5 months.

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Many women have already given birth, are concerned about whether they can then get pregnant again if conducted moxibustion. Although conception there are no obstacles, this method of treatment can affect the course of the second birth.

After cauterization formed scar, which interferes with normal uterine stretchability as fetal growth. Damaged the lower part of the neck, which creates an obstacle for further generative process naturally.

pregnancy planning should be in advance. If a woman wants to have children, this should be discussed with a gynecologist. The doctor will choose the more benign methods of treatment, and the next pregnancy and birth will be held safely.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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