Cauterization of cervical erosion: how to do the treatment, the effects of

Erosion refers to those diseases of the female reproductive system, which occur virtually asymptomatic. About her existence women often learn at gynecological examination. Despite this, the cervix is ​​constantly present inflammation, which often leads to a precancerous condition.

Moxibustion cervical erosion - the most effective way to treat the affected area. As a result, adequate treatment of ulcer eliminated capillaries sealed. After cauterization there is a complete recovery of the mucous structures disappear all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

girl hurt


  • Characteristics of the disease
  • Is it always necessary procedure
  • Contraindications
  • Analyzes before cautery
  • cauterization of erosion techniques
    • diathermocoagulation
    • laser cauterization
    • cryolysis
    • radiowave coagulation
    • Argon ablation
    • chemical cautery
  • Hurt if cauterize erosion
  • consequences of cauterization

Characteristics of the disease

Cervical erosion - a violation of the mucous membranes of the structure: abnormal development of epithelia, chemical or mechanical damage.

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Such ulcerative defect makes no striking symptoms. Diagnosed with the disease in any age group of women, including those diagnosed erosion in nulliparous women.

independently and erosion heals without treatment Only in true form. A long current ulcerative defect becomes chronic, leading to scarring, polyps and cystic cavities. Ectopic cervical condition arises because of the hormone imbalance, falls immunity, subacute inflammatory and infectious diseases, against cervicitis, vaginitis.


Symptoms of erosion is often perceived as a sign of another disease - bleeding in Specifically, after a pelvic exam and sexual intercourse, abdominal pain, profuse discharge whitish color. General state of health is not affected.

Risk of disease is that promotes erosion of infertility, and precancerous cervical condition. Accordingly, the cauterization of erosion do to avoid the consequences. Especially if the patient is planning to become pregnant in the future.

Is it always necessary procedure

Before cauterization of cervical erosion is always evaluated the need for the procedure. WHO recommends that treatment only if there is a certain, fairly narrow range of indications - ulcer, not amenable to conservative treatment, deformation and cervical dysplasia 2-4 degrees for any erosion embodiment.

Before the cauterization occurs, the physician evaluates the condition of the affected area, and determines the form of erosion. In most cases, the first stage is assigned and antiinflammatory therapy is carried out for dynamic monitoring process dysplastic mucosa.

doctor and patient

In the countries of the former Soviet Union carried out moxibustion is not always indicated. Any non-standard or amplifying discharge, the patient is often a desire to serve as the basis for the operation.


Make sure there are no contraindications necessary before cauterization erosion, which woman is assigned a range of research. are major limitations:

  • disturbances in blood clotting;
  • malignant degeneration eroded tissue portion;
  • diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (acute or chronic phase);
  • inflammations in the urogenital system;
  • manifestation signs of bleeding;
  • pregnancy, rarely - hepatitis B;
  • early postpartum period, the availability of lochia;
  • established by the CPA;
  • cesarean history;
  • diabetes;
  • carriers of HPV;
  • aggravation of any chronic disease.

Not all methods cauterization cervical erosion universal, with significant amounts epithelial damage site is suitable only a few ways.

Failure to comply with the principles of contraindications may appear different complications after the procedure. That is why in the early phase of the survey is necessary blood tests (general and biochemical), urine, swabs, cytology and others to determine the hormonal status of women, lack of bacterial and viral inflammation.

Analyzes before cautery

To carry out the procedure without negative consequences and provoke a variety of complications, such as inflammation or recurrent erosion, it is necessary to hand over the full range of testing before cautery:

  • HIV, syphilis;
  • general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis;
  • identification of all types of hepatitis, urogenital infections and human papilloma virus (the most commonly used PCR analysis);
  • Papanicolaou (Pap on onkotsitologiyu) test;
  • smear to determine the composition of the flora;
  • colposcopy and in cases of suspected malignant degeneration of tissue - biopsy.
tube in hand

Upon detection of any infection or inflammation before passing procedure requires complex treatment. Only after tissue healing will disappear and the focus of inflammation tests show normal, the woman will be aimed at carrying out moxibustion.

cauterization of erosion techniques

Among the various ways to burn the erosion of the most promising, non-traumatic and painless considered radiowave treatment. However, this method - one of the most expensive, so other species are also in demand and widely used.

The better cauterize cervical erosion determined by the attending physician based on such factors as the size of the damage, its location, the presence of dysplasia or degeneration of tissue, age, overall health of the patient, a woman's desire to preserve reproductive function and plan future pregnancy. As often moxibustion is performed under general anesthesia, the selection of analgesic anesthesia is also carried out on an individual basis.


Like any other method, diathermy has several disadvantages:

  • pain treatments, a high risk of developing endometriosis, bleeding;
  • method does not apply in nulliparous women;
  • on the cervix after such cauterization scars are due to exposure to high temperatures.

In addition, cervical erosion after cautery current can give a relapse and reappear. The advantages of this technique include low cost, simplicity and efficiency of the procedure, which is a maximum of 98%.

One of the most dangerous complications is bleeding diathermocoagulation. It may be so abundant that a woman need hospitalization. Separation of blood can last for several months, with the erosion of healing after such treatment is long enough - at least 2-3 months.


laser cauterization

Removing the damaged area of ​​the epithelium electric DEK - more modern and secure method. Nonhealing epithelial tissue processed laser beams under local or general anesthesia, or even without the use of anesthetics. Beam is directed strictly to the damaged area, the cells evaporate, small capillaries are sealed, so there are practically no bleeding and reduced the risk of bacterial infections.

laser treatment It stimulates regenerative processes, so the affected area is restored literally for 3-5 weeks.

Laser treatment does not give negative effects, scar tissue may form in rare cases. This occurs because of low or high professional skill damage zone.


Under cryodestruction involve erosion and cauterization processing eroded portion with liquid nitrogen. Freeze damaged cells occurs through the cryoprobe connected to a container of liquid nitrogen, whose temperature is below 90 degrees.

In carrying out this procedure, healthy tissue is usually not affected, there is no pain, the negative effects are minimized. After the process is maintained swelling, the affected cells are completely replaced with new ones for a maximum of six months.

This method affects the lining does not have many contraindications, used in nulliparous women.

However, the method has its drawbacks - for quite a long healing, complete renunciation of sex life During the first month after the procedure, a small risk of recurrence, the possibility of uterine scarring process tissue.


radiowave coagulation

Removing eroded ulcers with the help of radio waves is considered a primary treatment for erosion. This treatment option is most safe, after healing occurs faster than in other cases, there are practically no side effects - recurrent erosion, bleeding, inflammation of the tissues.

The procedure is performed using a special radio wave "knife", which does not hurt healthy tissue simultaneously vaporizes pathological cells and sealed vessels. At the same time eroded land is not subject to burns or cutting, which minimizes the risk of complications.

When you remove ectopic this way the patient feels no pain or discomfort. Radio wave beam simultaneously disinfects ulcer, prevents bleeding. After the operation, the shape is not changed cervix without scarring remains.

apparatus for moxibustion

Argon ablation

Argon photocoagulation (cervical treatment with argon) - high-frequency monopolar surgery. During the procedure of the electromagnetic field energy is directed onto the affected area a non-contact manner, using the argon plasma torch. The affected tissue is heated and vaporized.

Deep tissue damage does not occur, the scars are not formed, so this method is widespread in nulliparous women. In this case, the cervix remains as resilient as it was before removing ulcers.

Erosion cauterized without direct contact with the electrode cervical tissues, the maximum depth of the coagulation is controlled. Healing is a maximum of 1-2 months.

chemical cautery

Chemical coagulation cervical erosion is carried out using two preparations - Vagothyl and Solkovagina. These two products were mixed, subsequently solution cauterize erosion damaged portion. Colposcopy method is used, which allows precisely to influence the ulcer.


In fact, chemical burn tissue cauterization is chemically. It not only removes the damaged cells, but also contributes to the regeneration process, resulting in a healthy epithelium appears quickly.

Burning is carried out at a depth of 2.5 mm, a few days there is a complete rejection of tissues prebaked, but full recovery prolonged epithelium. Within 10 days after the procedure will depart the scab - dead skin cells. Sometimes, it may require additional treatment prizhzhennogo portion, for which women are assigned immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, healing candles.

After treatment vaginal mucous tissue chemical composition complications occur rarely - inflammatory processes epithelialization of tissues, with the further difficulty conceiving, burn healthy tissue and its subsequent scarring. In view of this chemical treatment is rarely used in nulliparous women.

Hurt if cauterize erosion

When it is necessary to cauterize erosion before the woman question the choice of method. Most patients is focused not only on the cost of the procedure, but also on pain of a method, as well as the duration of the healing process and possible complications.

Soreness cautery depends on several factors:

  1. Dimensions eroded portion. The larger size is eroded, the more long-term treatment is required. Accordingly, the increased procedure time and discomfort.
  2. Individual patient's pain threshold. The stronger the woman feels the pain, the more it will seem unpleasant sensations during cauterization.
  3. The choice of anesthesia. The procedure is performed without the use of painkillers and anesthetics. But sometimes used anesthesia - both local and general. When certain types of moxibustion, for instance, chemical coagulation, anesthetics are used.
  4. View cauterization. The laser and radiowave removal when properly executed - painless methods.
  5. When repeated passes moxibustion (in case of recurrent erosion), the feeling will be stronger. This is due to the thinning of the epithelium or incomplete recovery after the first procedure.

In general feeling can be characterized as not intensive pulling, cramping.

girl hurt

consequences of cauterization

If burning was conducted reasonably, if strict indications, the procedure itself carried out by qualified specialist, the consequences will be minimal. adverse effects after treatment may occur:

  1. Sore chest and abdomen - this condition is observed within 2-3 days and is considered normal. If the pain does not go in for 1 week, you should see a specialist.
  2. Relapse when erosion occurs again after cauterization. Repeated cell damage occurs for the same reasons that originally appeared ectopia - carriers of HPV, regular cervical injury, hormonal imbalance. But most of the erosion of relapses during pregnancy on the background of hormonal changes the body. In this case, the disease can pass on their own after delivery.
  3. Scar on the cervix. This phenomenon is practically does not occur after treatment with radio waves or laser erosion, while other types of moxibustion appears as an undesirable effect. Scars and deformations result in further problems with conception, pregnancy miscarriage.
  4. Allocation. Dangerous side effects are bleeding - they sometimes occur immediately after the procedure and lasts for several days, rarely even require the patient's hospitalization. The main cause of bleeding - damage to healthy tissue. Meager allocation of blood pass through the 10 days after the procedure. Such bleach liquid consistency are odorless and do not cause discomfort.

Depending on the results of cauterization and the selection method of the procedure in women rarely have individual side effects such as intolerance of components for chemical cauterization, increased tenderness, menstrual disorders cycle.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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