Cervical erosion: causes of nulliparous whether you can burn treatment

Cervical erosion is diagnosed every second woman. Half of them do not know about the disease, as this gynecological pathology in the early stages are asymptomatic. Very often at risk nulliparous are of the fair sex.

Delayed treatment can lead to infertility and cause the development of malignant tumors. In order not to bring the body to a state where the treatment will be long and difficult, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist regularly. erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women doctor discovers during the inspection, but to establish the cause of the disease, need further examination.

She thinks about the erosion


  • The causes of erosion in nulliparous women
  • Covert and overt symptoms
  • Diagnosis and treatment
    • conservative therapy
    • cauterization of erosion
  • The main danger

The causes of erosion in nulliparous women

The most common causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous patients - hormonal disorders and inflammation in the genital area. If you normalize the functioning of the body and reproductive organs, a damaged epithelium can recover on their own.

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Besides inflammation and erosion hormonal failure occurrence provoke:

  • infections, sexually transmitted;
  • injury during sexual intercourse;
  • abortions, miscarriages;
  • early sexual activity;
  • correctly chosen contraceptive agent;
  • cycle regulatory violation;
  • endocrine disease;
  • weak immunity.

If there is erosion of nulliparous women are not experiencing painful symptoms without resorting to treatment. Very often, symptoms of erosive lesions disappear after childbirth. Visits to the doctor in such cases are not canceled, as revealed by the disease may return at any time. Relapses are frequent. At glad to visit the gynecologist 1-2 a year to prevent the development of complications.

Covert and overt symptoms

Hazardous conditions include large erosion in nulliparous. This pathology is accompanied by an explicit siptomatikoy, that is impossible not to notice the problem. Gets off the menstrual cycle, there are frothy and monthly with an unpleasant odorRegularly felt pain, cramps in the abdomen.

She holds on to the stomach

Hidden form of erosion in nulliparous women, too, has its own characteristics. Recognize them difficult, but careful attention to itself and atypical manifestations of deviations can be detected. Pay attention to any changes in the body: the emergence of abundant whiter, longer periods, dragging pain in the abdomen. If such condition had not occurred and have become regular, go to the doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment

Nulliparous girls can live with erosion before delivery, but in some cases it is not safe. Without treatment, the disease progresses. If the doctor decides to postpone the therapeutic measures, the disease must be controlled.

endometrium damage detected during the inspection at the gynecologist. The affected area of ​​the epithelium is visible through a special mirror. Erosive ulcer has a bright red color and grain structure. For a more in-depth study of the internal defect and the check erosion on the goodness of conduct colposcopy cervix. This kind of diagnosis allows to detect any changes that are characteristic of malignant tumors.

Mandatory measures in the survey include biopsies, swabs for the study of the microflora and the detection of dangerous infections.

The emergence of new technologies and drugs, doctors know how to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women effectively and painlessly. Depending on the size and type of pathology, conservative or surgical methods are used.

conservative therapy

Conservative treatment is considered the safest to eliminate cervical erosion defect in nulliparous women. Help cope with the disease medicines. Your doctor may prescribe azithromycin, clarithromycin, immunomodulators, candles and Hexicon Depantol. The elimination of small erosions in nulliparous women always participate vitamins and fortifying agents.

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Well-proven himiofiksatsiya using preparations which contain a mixture of acids: Vagothyl, Vulnostimulin, Solkovagina. During processing chemicals affected tissues diseased cells are destroyed. Healthy tissue is not damaged. Scarring after the procedure does not remain.

cauterization of erosion

When conservative therapy is nulliparous erosion ineffective assigned surgery. She is a regular burned by which damaged tissues are simply removed. The only difference in the exposure mode. radio waves are used to the birth, laser light, a liquid nitrogen. The use of diathermy (an electric cautery) is contraindicated, since then the woman may have problems with conception and childbirth.

The laser device for the treatment of erosion

The laser device for the treatment of erosion

The main danger

erosion treatment allows you to isolate and remove the damaged part of the epithelium, but also healthy cells are affected during procedures. Radical therapy leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The greatest danger of erosion treatment are possible splicing channel and severe scarring. Atresia of cervical canal (coalescence) often leads to infertility, and the presence of scars negative effect on tissue structure. In childbirth loss of elasticity causes complications in the form of tears.

In addition, scarring often causes spontaneous cervix during pregnancy. This can cause a miscarriage.

Congenital ectopia of pathology is not considered. According to experts, this is one of the stages of formation of the genital organs. Because cervical erosion at virgins do not cure. The same approach is often practiced in relation to nulliparous women. Due to the high risk of complications and serious consequences, doctors do not recommend therapeutic measures before the birth of their first child. But such decisions only after careful examination. There are critical cases, when the non-interference can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 17
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