Leeches in endometriosis (hirudotherapy): where to put the treatment

Endometriosis - a gynecological disease that is very common. This diagnosis is most often put women of reproductive age. Current treatments are varied and in many cases can achieve the desired result, to avoid recurrence. It is important to understand what guarantees can be obtained by use of leeches in endometriosis, and when there is a positive effect.

girl and leeches


  • The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy
    • Features girudoterapii
    • testimony
    • where to put
  • Features of treatment
    • In endometriosis the uterus
    • ovarian endometriosis
  • Operating principle
    • internal endometriosis
    • external endometriosis
  • Side effects
  • Contraindications

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy endometriosis - not the primary method of treatment. It is appointed in addition to the medication methods.

Bites of leeches helped many women to maintain reproductive function. The key is that saliva of these "doctors" contains specific agents that are beneficial to the organism processes. Last but not least, the places where they are placed.

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Features girudoterapii

Treatment of endometriosis leeches especially effective if carried out at the initial stages of development and combined with suitable medications. Therapy can be combined with hormonal drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Before the start of hirudotherapy need to become familiar with the use of these worms in the struggle against disorders:

  • staging leeches held in the pelvic area;
  • there is an influence on the point, which control the sexual organs;
  • procedure helps to eliminate venous stasis;
  • normal hormones;
  • stabilizing the menstrual cycle;
  • decrease negative symptoms during the critical days;
  • optimize the composition of the blood.
leech in a glass

The use of leeches helps strengthen the overall body. When the immune system is working properly, endometriosis progresses slowly, as pathological tissues take root worse. After a course of therapy, a marked decrease inflammation, decrease pain.


Formulation of leeches is practiced in many gynecological diseases. Endometriosis is most often triggered by hormonal failure or stagnation of blood. If the disease is due to these factors, hirudotherapy could have a positive impact.

Indications for use of leeches as follows:

  • low blood clotting, due to which very abundant menstruation;
  • inflammation in the uterus or adjacent tissues;
  • poor circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genital tract adhesions in or adjacent organs (type pathology in outdoor);
  • severe pain during menstruation.

Although girudoterapiya - effective method of dealing with gynecological diseases, should consult a physician. Only the specialist who conducted the survey, will be able to say with certainty whether the use of leeches need.

leech doctor in the bank

where to put

Leech therapy for endometriosis is based on the unique composition of their saliva and acupressure on the body of a woman. To achieve a good result it is important to correctly identify the place setting.

Women are wondering where to put leeches in endometriosis. Most often, the doctor will determine the following places:

  • the coccyx;
  • crotch area;
  • ovarian projection portion of the body;
  • lower abdomen.

In rare cases, the doctor may recommend a sterile formulation of organisms on the inner surface of the vaginal walls or directly to the cervix. The use of leeches leads to faster healing process.

area for girudoterapii

Features of treatment

leeches treatment consists of several stages. They need to be put in a period of 2-3 with an interval of 1-2 months.

Each complex consists of 10 treatment sessions conducted daily. With progressive disease, the doctor may prescribe a longer therapy.

Most of the fairer sex after the first procedure noted an improvement in health. During one session is not recommended to put on the body is more than 10 leeches. Most often the doctor is limited to 5-7 individuals for a woman of average build.

Inspection shows that after the first layer 10 procedures endometrium in the uterus decreases. Symptoms of the disease are less severe, less concerned about pain.

In endometriosis the uterus

In diseases of the uterus physician should be particularly cautious, hesitating to hold hirudotherapy. Although treatments for endometriosis provide a pronounced positive effect, there is the risk of some complications.

Saliva contains leech hirudin. This material dilutes the blood. Because of this, there is a risk of opening uterine bleeding. In the presence of concomitant diseases hirudotherapy never carried out directly on the cervix. Leeches put on the abdomen and lower back. During the procedure, there is always a doctor, who can provide expert assistance if necessary.

You can also use folk remedies for uterine endometriosisSo be sure to check this issue in more detail.

leech on his stomach

ovarian endometriosis

The use of leeches in the treatment of domestic ovarian endometriosis always more efficient than in cases where the pathological tissue began to grow outside of the uterus. Especially appreciated the ability of salivary fluid in a natural way to control the hormone levels of women.

Ovarian Endometriosis also depends on hormonal levels. Due to its normalization occurs regression formed foci with their gradual disappearance. Statistics show that many women are able to become pregnant due to such therapy.

Operating principle

The effectiveness of treatment is achieved by the action of the bites of leeches on the body of women with endometriosis. Each session hirudotherapy has a powerful effect on her health.

Through the use of medical procedures can get rid of such problems as:

  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • overly active endometrial cell division.

The principle of the effect of treatment is slightly different for internal and external endometriosis.

leeches for women

internal endometriosis

When sprouting within the uterine endometrial tissue use leeches gives pronounced beneficial effect. For internal endometriosis important implications following procedure:

  • resolving the impact of salivary fluid;
  • prevention of adhesions;
  • decrease pain during menstruation;
  • increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

If adhesions in the uterus or the fallopian tubes have already been formed, hirudotherapy facilitates their resorption. The disease is successfully treated with leeches.

external endometriosis

When the outer form of the disease with abnormal cells are carried by blood flow through the body. First they hit the genitals, so it stands out genital endometriosis. In this case, the degree of importance of immune protection. Hirudotherapy affects immune activity and endometrial tissue does not take root in other organs. Due to this the emergence of foci of disease is impossible.

Because of leech saliva normalizes hormonal balance. A course of treatments is most often appointed after medical and surgical treatment.

Side effects

Although treatment of endometriosis using leeches - effective helper method, some women have adverse side effects. Before therapy is important to become familiar with potential problems.

side effects girudoterapii

girudoterapii rate may provoke the following side effects:

  • bleeding from staging locations leeches;
  • allergy;
  • scars, if improperly performed procedure;
  • anemia in the formulation of a large number of individuals simultaneously.

Already after the first session, it will be clear whether this method of treatment is suitable. On the quality of the final result is affected by a physician skill and experience. You can not self-medicate.


Despite the range of positive actions in hirudotherapy, there are conditions and diseases in which the procedure is absolutely contraindicated. You can not put a leech in the following cases:

  • low blood clotting;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if in the past you experience an allergic reaction to the saliva of the leech;
  • the presence of cancer tumors;
  • if there is a disease of the blood;
  • low hemoglobin.
contraindications hirudotherapy

To exclude possible contraindications, it is important to consult a doctor. Low clotting can lead to uterine bleeding, and treatment during pregnancy endangers the life of the fetus.

Cooperation with the doctor and strict adherence to its recommendations will help women to notice the disease and deal with it by using hirudotherapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 17
  • 212