Uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis: what it is, what treatment

Mostly frequent diseases of female genitalia - is adenomyosis and fibroids. Both of these diseases have the same reasons for the emergence and development. They have an impact on the functioning of the reproductive system and on the health of the patient as a whole. Any of these diseases is dangerous in its own way. And if the body had settled myoma with adenomyosis together, which happens quite often, a woman is exposed to great danger. Let's see why.

fibroids and girl


  • Uterine fibroids and the reasons for its occurrence
  • Adenomyosis and its characteristics
  • Myoma with adenomyosis
    • Causes of and a combination of pathology
    • Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • The importance of an accurate diagnosis
  • Methods of treating a disease
    • medication
    • Surgery
  • prognosis

Uterine fibroids and the reasons for its occurrence

Fibroids - benign tumor is a character that is formed and grows in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Usually it grows slowly. With the increase of the tumor becomes larger and the affected organ, as in pregnancy. Most often, this pathology affects women between 35 and 45 years old. And in

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menopause fibroids begin to decrease until the disappearance.

The causes of fibroids:

  • irregular production of hormones;
  • frequent breakdowns;
  • malfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • heredity;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • chronic forms of diseases caused by infection.

If a woman has already appeared fibroids, then provoke further growth are:

  • the absence of pregnancy and giving birth to 30 years;
  • inflammation in the genital area;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • abuse of tan.

Adenomyosis and its characteristics

This kind of endometriosis, which is characterized by inflammation and abnormal proliferation of the endometrium in the uterus. In a normally functioning female body, unless pregnancy occurs, part of the mucous membrane reproductive organ is rejected to the menstrual bleeding, and the remaining inner layer grows for the next cycle. If there was a conception, it is attached to the fetus.


Between the uterus and its mucous membrane is a thin layer. at education adenomyosis endometrium penetrates the barrier and grows into the muscle of the female sexual organ. With the development of the disease its walls thicken, and it becomes much more.

Depending on the form of pathology adenomyosis is:

  1. Focal: the shell of the female reproductive organ is attacked by disease with the formation of the fire.
  2. Diffuse. Endometrium grows into the internal tissue wall of the uterus without distinct areas of defeat. He can get to the outer shell of the penis and go beyond it.
  3. Nodal. The uterine wall root nodes resembling capsule with blood. This is the most severe form of internal endometriosis. Neoplasms do not allow the fetus to implant in the lining of the reproductive organ, or lead to miscarriage.

Affected areas closer to the critical days begin to bleed, it often provokes inflammation.

Myoma with adenomyosis

Adenomyosis and fibroids have much in common: they are equally arise, progress and affect the same organ. And the consequences of the development of benign tumors in combination with internal endometriosis in almost all cases are miscarriages and infertility. Constant companions of women suffering from these two diseases at once, are frequent intermenstrual bleeding.

Causes of and a combination of pathology

Doctors do not fully believe in these factors for the disease. But provoking the bases of occurrence of uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis can be:

  • chronic diseases caused by infection;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • reduced the protective functions of the organism;
  • frequent abortions;
  • surgery of the reproductive system organs;
  • daily stress;
  • promiscuity;
  • prolonged lack of sex life, orgasms;
  • insufficiently treated gynecological diseases;
  • heredity;
  • bad ecology.

Heavy exercise and excessive weight may also provoke benign tumor in combination with the growth of the endometrium.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Myoma uteri and adenomyosis in the early development is extremely difficult to recognize yourself. Symptoms of these diseases manifest combination:

  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen during sex;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • rejects a significant increase in blood volume during menstruation;
  • brown discharge at any time during the month;
  • fatigue, frequent ailments, bouts of nausea, pale skin;
  • migraines and heart pain;
  • frequent constipation and urination;
  • pain of varying intensity in the pelvic area, which starts a few days before the critical days and lasts for some time after their completion;
  • wall thickening and swelling of the uterus;
  • infertility.

Monthly with fibroids become painful, heavy and prolonged, so please read more information on this topic.

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When disease is detected at an early stage, it can be eliminated by using drugs. But if the disease run, the only way out is the removal of the affected organ is sometimes, without which she can no longer have children.

For raising such a diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive survey, which should include an ultrasound. But because of the strong increase in the affected organ and a large number of tumors as nodes ultrasound inefficiently. Therefore, as an additional diagnostic method is carried echography. It shows a complete and high-quality picture of the disease. In some cases, to be sure to make sure of the diagnosis, the doctor directs a woman:

  • MRI;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • laparoscopy;
  • X-ray;
  • multislice computed tomography;
  • determination of tumor markers;
  • biopsy;
  • doplerografii color.

The use of modern technology will enable more accurate diagnosis and begin treatment as soon as possible, which will help get rid of the disease.

The importance of an accurate diagnosis

With the development of uterine fibroids on the background of internal endometriosis it is important to quickly detect the disease. After all, the faster will be diagnosed, the treatment will be appointed soon, which is adjusted individually in different cases of disease, as well as the status of the woman. The accuracy of the doctor's report will depend on the favorable outcome of the treatment.

In most cases, after surgical removal of tumors from the muscle tissue of the internal layer of the uterus woman fully cured and can conceive and bear a healthy child. But if the symptoms for a long time did not pay attention, then the only way out may be extirpation genitals.

Methods of treating a disease

If the disease is detected at an early stage of development, there is a chance to recover with the help of pills. To do this effectively applied Djufaston and more powerful means that could lead to false menopause. That is, the menstrual cycle goes astray, and then completely lost monthly.


The use of these drugs can reduce the size of benign tumors in half in a short time. Yet for such therapy takes a long time. In such treatment has features it does not fit all. Therefore, there are cases when it is necessary to resort to surgical removal of the disease, and sometimes all of the affected organ.

After removal of the genitals begins surgical menopauseTherefore we recommend to read additional information on this issue.


Treatment with pills is recommended:

  • the fairer sex of 45-50 years;
  • at myoma small size, combined with adenomyosis;
  • women's, when no longer come monthly;
  • young girls waiting for surgery or who have a contraindication to surgery.

This method of treatment is based on the appointment on the basis of hormone drugs. Accepted drugs act on pathological formations, reducing them in size.


Surgical treatment is indicated when:

  • In women of childbearing age found a benign tumor with a diameter greater than 10 mm;
  • pathology is rapidly increasing in size;
  • there are frequent pains that prevent full human life;
  • sore harassed by heavy bleeding;
  • It found multiple uterine fibroids in combination with adenomyosis;
  • Benign cells are transformed into cancer;
  • there is a sharp decrease in hemoglobin.

The operation was carried out in different ways, all related to the individual characteristics of the combined disease.

application folk remedies for treatment of adenomyosis and fibroids are also possible, but before the break to treatment is necessary to thoroughly examine the issue and to consult with a specialist


Often, after the occurrence of fibroids with adenomyosis woman a long time may not be aware of their presence, as the generation stage they are asymptomatic. And this points to benign tumors that are not life threatening.

With timely treatment to the doctor and begun treatment time a woman has a better chance to get rid of disease and to restore the original appearance of the uterine endometrium. It is therefore important as a preventative to go for a visit to the gynecologist, even if nothing does not bother, at least once a year.

After surgery to remove a woman's disease recover completely, can conceive and give birth to a desired baby safely. Therefore, after the rehabilitation period allowed to plan pregnancy.

But after menopause, tumors and adenomyosis alone decrease in size and disappear altogether.

Therapy success depends:

  • the accuracy of the diagnosis;
  • timely treatment to the doctor;
  • Experience gynecologist;
  • woman's desire to recover.
  • Oct 19, 2019
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