Adenomyosis and endometriosis: what is the difference, what is the difference, what is worse, treatment

Adenomyosis - a disease in which there is excessive growth of the uterine tissue, and there is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Similarly, such changes in the body occur in the case of endometriosis. Both diseases are precancerous lesions that can lead to infertility. In the early stages of development of these diseases are asymptomatic, thus reveal their turns difficult. Minor differences therebetween. What is the difference between adenomyosis and endometriosis can only tell the doctor, who knows the morphology and pathogenesis of these diseases.



  • Adenomyosis and endometriosis: what is the difference between the concepts
  • The causes of endometriosis and adenomyosis
    • The differences in the mechanism of development of pathological processes
    • What similarities in disease
  • Diagnosis of endometriosis and adenomyosis
    • diagnosis of adenomyosis
    • form of adenomyosis
    • diagnosis of endometriosis
    • What is the prognosis of adenomyosis
    • What is the prognosis of endometriosis
  • Adenomyosis and endometriosis: the difference in the treatment of diseases
  • Can I get pregnant with endometriosis and adenomyosis
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Adenomyosis and endometriosis: what is the difference between the concepts

Unlike adenomyosis endometriosis insubstantial. Many even believe that this is the same disease. However each has its own characteristics pathologies.

Endometriosis is considered a pathological condition which is characterized by increased division of endometrial cells and their distribution throughout the body. This may be affected by a variety of bodies, but most often occurs in the expansion of the pelvic area.adenomyosis

For adenomyosis also characterized by proliferation and dissemination genitals layer. Only in this case, the germination of tissue is carried out in the thickness of the uterus, as a result, it increases in size.

The causes of endometriosis and adenomyosis

Endometriosis and adenomyosis are the result of hormonal regulation. Despite the fact that the pathological focus in these diseases is localized at different sites, have similar symptoms and pathogenesis. A woman experiences discomfort during intercourse, observed violations of the cycle and changes in menstrual flow. In addition, trigger the development of diseases are the same factors.

The causes of these diseases lie in the violation of the pituitary activity, ovarian or hypothalamus. Most often, endometrial hyperplasia occurs at elevated estrogen concentrations.

The differences in the mechanism of development of pathological processes

The basis of these pathologies - proliferation of tissues. Normally, endometrial wall thickening due to the intensive cell division on a monthly basis for all women of childbearing age. In the case of adenomyosis, this process is expressed more clearly. In the period of intensive production of progesterone hyperplasia portions do not disappear. As a result - the uterus permanently thickened and gain a soft texture. During the approach regulating production of female sex hormones becomes reinforced, the reproductive organ reaches its maximum size.

symptoms of endometriosis

Endometriosis is developed on the same principle. Processes differ only in the fact that the centers are located outside of the uterus during the development of this pathology. They are localized in the ovaries, peritoneum, pelvic cavity, and sometimes spread to the joints, lungs, and intestines. Such changes result in the characteristic appearance of clinical manifestations.

Say for sure what's worse, some diseases can cause more harm to the body, it is impossible. Both the disease provoked by hormonal disorders and manifest as abnormal proliferation of endometrial cells.

What similarities in disease

Pathology have the following common characteristics:

  • the cause of development is the intensive production of estrogen;
  • proliferation of the endometrium occurs;
  • at the initial stage of treatment used hormonal preparations;
  • observed failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • without proper treatment of pathologies become chronic and often recur.

At the same diagnosis of adenomyosis is carried out by means of histology. In the case of endometriosis, this method is ineffective.

Diagnosis of endometriosis and adenomyosis

In most cases, the development of endometriosis at an early stage asymptomatic, due to which recognize the disease is difficult. In addition, the clinical manifestations of these pathologies are very similar. Such symptoms were also observed in other diseases of the uterus. For this reason, a differential diagnosis.

diagnosis of adenomyosis

Suspected pathology can develop when a characteristic symptoms. The main features of adenomyosis include:

  • pain during sexual intimacy;
  • abundant menses;
  • pronounced pain during menstruation.

Furthermore, an increase in size of reproductive organ can not determine by palpation. In order to identify lesions performed ultrasound of the pelvic organs, or magnetic resonance imaging.


form of adenomyosis

By type of endometrial formations in the affected organ distinguish focal, nodular and diffuse forms of adenomyosis.

Focal tumors have a relatively small size and often do not cause discomfort. In the case of diffuse forms affected are large areas of the mother layer. When nodules are visually similar to the fibroids.

The pathology occurs in several stages, which differ according to the degree of severity:

  • single formation on endometrial surface;
  • lesion extending to the myometrium, but not more than half its depth;
  • numerous germination endometriotic cells in myometrium;
  • defeat the whole thickness of the myometrium and neighboring organs.

diagnosis of endometriosis

diagnose endometriosis quite difficult. This is due to the fact that the place of localization of endometriosis is not known initially. At an early stage of development of the clinical picture of the disease is erased. Often it is diagnosed during the survey of women seeking medical help because of problems with conception. The main methods of diagnosing endometriosis are ultrasonography, Hysteroscopy and laparotomy.


What is the prognosis of adenomyosis

Typically, after lesion excision endometrial reproductive function is completely restored. The prognosis for this is favorable. Irreversible effects are only possible if not timely treatment started when struck large areas of genitals. In this case, resorting to hysterectomy.

What is the prognosis of endometriosis

The chances of a favorable outcome is directly dependent on the stage of the diseaseIn which treatment was initiated. With timely diagnosis and properly selected therapeutic course of the reproductive system is completely restored.

If endometriosis lesions have spread beyond the uterus, the prognosis may be unfavorable. In addition, this pathology is prone to frequent relapses. For this reason, the fight against disease of considerable importance is a comprehensive approach.

Adenomyosis and endometriosis: the difference in the treatment of diseases

The etiology of these pathologies is identical, for this reason methods of treatment are similar. Resorted to conservative, surgical or combined treatment. Tactics doctor selects an individual basis taking into account the scale of the defeat of the uterus and the pelvic cavity, localization of the pathological focus, and the woman's age.

Drug therapy is primarily aimed at the normalization of hormonal levels. For this purpose, means the group administered COCs. In use immunomodulating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs as auxiliary agents. Surgery performed by laparoscopy.

If there are certain risk factors, the doctor can take a radical solution - the removal of genitals. Most of these measures are justified in the therapy of pathologies of running stages.

Can I get pregnant with endometriosis and adenomyosis

Endometriosis and adenomyosis are often the cause of infertility. Adenomyosis when conception is possible, but due to the frequent contractions of the uterus there is a high risk of miscarriage or giving birth prematurely.

Pregnancy in the development of adenomyosisand endometriosis, and it becomes impossible due to the destruction of the internal organs of the urogenital system. Often it is noted tubal obstruction and the beginning of adhesions. These changes lead to the fact that the ovum is not able to penetrate into the cavity genitals.

One of the main symptoms of endometriosis is considered irregular menstruation, caused by changes in hormonal levels. As a result, there may be no ovulation and fertilization becomes impossible.

The cause of endometriosis and adenomyosis lies in hormonal disorders and excessive growth of the endometrium. The difference between these pathologies is at the site of the lesion. Both diseases can lead to infertility and the need for timely treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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