Is it possible to cure endometriosis forever without surgery, if he could pass on their own

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases of the reproductive system. In the course of its development there is excessive proliferation of endometrial tissue. Pathology is dangerous because it can cause serious complications, including even infertility. For this reason, women are concerned about, what are the chances of cure endometriosis forever. To understand this, one must understand the causes of the disease process and learn about all the possible ways of treatment.

Endometriosis uterine


  • Signs and symptoms of endometriosis
  • Causes of
  • Is endometriosis harmful
  • That, if not treated: the consequences
  • Features and types of treatment
    • Medication
    • Surgery
    • Folk remedies for endometriosis in women
  • Prevention of illness

Signs and symptoms of endometriosis

In some cases, endometriosis are asymptomatic. Identify the pathological changes in the uterus is possible only during the ultrasound. No matter were amazed at the deeper layers of genitals (adenomyosis) or endometrium grown far beyond it, following clinical manifestations may occur:

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  • menstrual cycle duration is changed;
  • spotting days before and after the arrival of regular completion;
  • menstruation with blood clots;
  • PMS symptoms are expressed too bright;
  • selection secretion mixed with blood is critical period of days;
  • pain;
  • discomfort during intimacy.

Severity of clinical manifestations increases as the disease progresses.

Causes of

Specific causes of disease scientists to determine it was not possible today. There are only theories about the origin of this disease:

  • immplantatsionnaya. The pathological process is initiated by casting endometrial cells during regular or surgical intervention;
  • embryonic. The lesions appear from the tissues of the embryo;
  • metaplasia. Mesothelium of the peritoneum undergoing metaplasia, provokes disease onset.
The cause of endometriosis

There are also factors that contribute to the emergence of the first symptoms of endometriosis:

  • damage to body tissues as a result of the abortive measures, surgical intervention or complicated childbirth;
  • heredity;
  • Early or delayed appearance of menses;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • susceptibility to stress;
  • inflammations of the urogenital system;
  • excessive exercise;
  • hormonal disorders and disruption of the endocrine system;
  • overweight;
  • immunosuppression;
  • poor environmental conditions.

Is endometriosis harmful

Endometrium can grow in the uterus and beyond. In some cases, the pathological process spreads to other organs. Lesions in this situation are the source of inflammation and provoke the formation of adhesions that result in tubal obstruction and strong pain.


Risk of disease It is in violation of the menstrual cycle and hormonal failure. Monthly thus appear irregularly, become heavy, prolonged and accompanied by pain. There is also a brown spotting is a period of critical days. As a result, there may be no ovulation and conception is impossible.

Even if a woman is pregnant with a history of this disease, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The chances of normal gestation fetus in this case the minimum.

The possibility of excessive blood loss, often develop anemia. Accordingly, a woman does not need to worry about whether endometriosis is treated. Should promptly seek medical attention.

That, if not treated: the consequences

Only a specialist can do everything possible to cure endometriosis forever. Leave without a diagnosis of attention or to resort to self-treatment is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the pathology is constantly progresses and becomes severe. For this reason, there are strong pain, and quality of life is significantly reduced.

In addition, among the most dangerous complications of the disease noted sterility and degeneration into malignancy.

Features and types of treatment

Speaking about whether endometriosis is treated, it is worth noting that treatment approaches are different. In many ways they are dependent on the overall clinical picture and the scope of the lesion. In some cases, you can treat endometriosis without surgery. The maximum efficiency of the conservative method is observed in the early diagnosis of disease in women of reproductive age.

treatment of endometriosis

When running forms of the disease have resorted to surgery. Typically, the excised lesion only, but sometimes it is necessary to remove the reproductive organ entirely. Subsequently pregnancy becomes impossible.


If therapy is performed without surgical intervention, it provides:

  • birth control pills, hormonal and non-hormonal preparations;
  • the use of immunomodulatory drugs;
  • symptomatic treatment.

The main purpose of drug to combat disease - the normalization of hormonal levels. Thus it can be prevented the further development of the disease and eliminate the clinical manifestations. Depending on whether there was a pathology after birth or at another time, the doctor selects a course of drugs individually.

The most effective hormonal preparations

Most often used in the treatment of endometriosis, hormonal preparations. Among them are:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • drugs, which is composed of progesterone;
  • analogs of gonadotropins.

It is usually prescribed contraceptives Jeanine tablets and Yarina. In some cases, resorting to the use or Marvelona regulon. In them, the concentration of hormones is significantly different.

oral contraceptives

Before taking to consult with your doctor.
Oral contraceptives eliminate pain, normalize cycle and prevent further proliferation of the endometrium.

Duration of therapy is at least six months.

In the course of treatment is often recommended medications, which is composed of progesterone. With their help it is possible to reduce the concentration and suppress estrogen in the disease process ovaries, fallopian tubes and genitals. For this purpose, you can take Utrozhestan, Depo-Provera and Visan. Also it helps to normalize the level of hormones Duphaston.

Your doctor may prescribe medicines, which are analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The most effective are considered Buserelin, Zoladex and Sinarel. With their help it is possible to suppress the work of appendages and reduce the concentration of female hormones. During the reception of these drugs are no critical days, often noted the appearance of the symptoms of menopause. Eliminate clinical signs manage by assigning additional hormones in small doses.

Treatment with analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone lasts about six months. After treatment the ovaries begin to fully operate, reproductive function is restored.


Medications have a number of side effects and are not always able to cope with the disease process. For this reason, physicians often resorted to endometriosis excision by surgery. Especially surgical method is used for complex forms of the disease and advanced stage.

Surgical treatment of endometriosis

Among the indications are the following:

  • pathologies accompanied or fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia;
  • nodal disease species;
  • 3rd or 4th stage endometriosis;
  • the formation of endometrial cysts appendages;
  • conservative treatments have failed.

In order to eliminate the lesions resort to the following methods of surgical intervention:

  • laparotomy. Excision of the affected area is produced by performing abdominal surgery;
  • laparoscopy. Interventions performed by making small incisions in the abdominal patronage reproductive organ;
  • laser therapy and electrocoagulation. Methods are considered minimally invasive and the most painless.

Folk remedies for endometriosis in women

There are traditional treatments of the disease. Often used a variety of herbs.

  1. For the preparation of medicines it is necessary to put into the container in equal proportions root coil, shepherd's purse, and bloodroot calamus root, nettles and knotweed. All components of the mix.
  2. A pair tablespoons resulting mixture should pour 400 ml of boiling water and simmer plate for about five minutes.
  3. Then pour the broth into a thermos and insist for two hours. Is inside three times a day for 100 ml.
  4. Course duration is only a month. After doing this ten-day break and repeat the course again.

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of endometriosis deserve special attention the ones that are based on the upland uterus. To prepare the necessary one tablespoon grass pour 500 ml of water and a water bath simmer quarter hour. Cooked divided into three equal portions. Every day, drink one of them for an hour before a meal.

Infusion of upland uterus

It is used in therapy as blue clay:

  1. It should crumble and cover with water.
  2. The resulting mass is left to stand for twelve hours after which the water is drained and softened clay is thoroughly mixed.
  3. In the next step it for a few minutes to give a plate is taken out and put on cellophane, and form the cake is applied to the stomach.
  4. Top while wrapped in a warm scarf.
  5. Compress maintained for about two hours, after which the skin was washed with lukewarm water. In total, the treatment process is performed at least five such procedures.

Prevention of illness

In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases must adhere to these guidelines:

  1. Undergo routine inspection at the gynecologist every 6 months.
  2. Time to carry out any treatment of gynecological diseases.
  3. Keep track of body weight.
  4. Use hormonal contraception and avoid abortive events.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. Stop smoking.

Endometriosis is a common condition, the cause of which is reliably known. With timely treatment can achieve a positive result. But even after the removal of the lesion there is a risk of recurrence. Often, after a while the endometrium starts to grow again. It is therefore important to regularly visit a gynecologist and strengthen the immune system. Only a strong body able to resist disease.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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