Genital external endometriosis: what it is, symptoms and treatment, types of disease

Genital endometriosis - one of the most common pathologies are diagnosed in the gynecology office. It is important to understand why the disease develops and how to fight it.

looking at monitor


  • genital endometriosis
  • Interior
  • Outer
    • Causes of external genital endometriosis
    • Symptoms external endometriosis
  • stage of the disease
    • Complications of endometriosis
    • methods of diagnosis
  • therapies
    • drug therapy
    • Surgical intervention
    • combined treatment
  • Forecast and consequences

genital endometriosis

Endometriosis - a disease in which there is abnormal proliferation of endometrial tissue. These cells can grow in the uterus, on the ovaries, and even outside of the reproductive system.

There are two main forms of the disease:

  • inside;
  • exterior.

When the inner layer of endometrial lesions increase occurs only in the uterine cavity. If diagnosed with "vagina endometriosis", pathology can be classified as external disease. Issue determined by a physician after a pelvic exam.

External endometriosis - a disease in which abnormal lesions are formed not only on the uterus. The process may involve both sexual organs, and other body systems.

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When the internal failure, it only occurs in the uterus. Endometrial layer grows and thickens. Often women do not experience symptoms bright.


uterine bleeding may occur in advanced cases, heavy and painful periods. Sometimes spotting between menstrual periods occur, this should alert a woman.


Outer vaginal endometriosis may be accompanied by the growth of endometrial tissue, not only on the genitals, but also on internal organs. The examination can reveal foci in the abdominal cavity, the kidney, the bladder, the liver and even into the lungs.

Abnormal growth of endometrial outdoor types are rarely localized to the internal organs. First diagnosed defeat labia, genital fallopian tubes and ovarian endometriosis. There are cases when the endometrium cells were found within the scar tissue after previous surgical procedures.

Causes of external genital endometriosis

Factors that can trigger the development of external endometriosis, a lot. At the risk of diseases affecting the image of a woman's life, age and state of health. Transferred reproductive tract infections and can weaken natural defenses.

The causes of disease are the outdoor type:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • living in adverse conditions;
  • undergone surgical intervention on the uterus.
uterine surgery

sometimes there postpartum endometriosis as a result of uterine trauma. Any strong impact on a woman's body, including the nervous breakdown, can contribute to the development of pathology.

Symptoms external endometriosis

Common manifestations are similar to external endometriosis internal. Differences associated with another process localization. Location of lesions on the female genitalia causes additional discomfort and pain associated with endometriosis. During sexual intercourse discomfort can be greatly enhanced if the abnormal tissue narosli in the cervical region or in the vagina.

The main symptoms - pain and bleeding. Due to the fact that during menstruation all the tissues that depend on hormonal levels begin to be rejected, the gap vessels occurs not only in the uterus, but also in any other parts of the body where the endometrial layer formed cells.

Externally-genital endometriosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe menstrual pain, localized in the lower back;
  • copious dark brown tinge;
  • signs of anemia due to high blood loss.

If the proliferation of the endometrium at the outer type formed outside the reproductive system, such as in the lungs or digestive tract may appear nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, hemoptysis. If it affects the lacrimal glands blood appears in tears, and if you are involved in the kidney or bladder, it is also evident in the urine.

lower abdominal pain

If formed endometrioid ovarian cysts, the symptoms occur only after getting their contents into the abdominal cavity. There is inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum or adjacent organs.

stage of the disease

The state of health of women and the severity of symptoms depend on the localization of foci, their size and number. Allocate 4 extent of external endometriosis.

  1. In the presence of pathology in the 1st stage is formed one or more foci. They are characterized by small size and often do not bother.
  2. At the 2nd degree lesions are still small. Can increase their number. Tissue grows deep into the affected organs.
  3. 3rd degree outer shape pathology characterized by the formation of endometrial cysts. Lesions are multiple.
  4. At stage 4 foci of many, most of them germinated deep into damaged tissue. Between the internal organs begin adhesions. On examination the doctor can detect the formation of large cysts.

In any form adenomyosis varies menstruation character. Regula become more abundant. If a woman will notice this symptom, and in time to see a doctor, it is possible sparing therapies.

Complications of endometriosis

In the case of external endometriosis often appear possible complications of untimely treatment. In organs that are involved in the process, there is a dysfunction. Recovery is not always possible.


The outer form of the disease can result in the following adverse effects:

  • adhesions and infertility in women;
  • the formation of large cysts rupture and peritonitis which is a syndrome of acute abdomen;
  • increasing the likelihood of abscess;
  • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • prolapse or uterine prolapse.

In the most severe cases, when the proliferation of large cells can acquire the ability to malignant transformation. Consequently, the outer endometriosis leads to an increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

Pregnancy with external endometriosis is possible, but not always occur. Adhesions interfere with the passage of the ovum by the fallopian tubes. Still runs the risk of ectopic pregnancy. In the presence of the disease can be complicated labors.

methods of diagnosis

methods of diagnosis It depends on the stage of the disease pathology. Notice the disease at an early stage by ultrasound is virtually impossible. For the detection of endometriosis in the inner surfaces of genitals carried colposcopy.

Ultrasound study may help in the examination of other organs, which may have formed pathologic lesions of endometriosis. Identify which systems are overwhelmed, it can be difficult, especially if the disease takes a long time.

ultrasound uterus

To confirm the diagnosis carried out histological examination. If endometrial tissue is found in the presence of pathology doubt remains.


Tactics external endometriosis therapy will directly depend on the stage of development of the pathology and the state of health of women. Ovarian cysts removed surgically, so an early visit to a doctor guarantees the successful disposal of the disease without surgery.

drug therapy

The purpose of the doctor - to determine the most probable cause of the disease. The vast majority of women pathological proliferation of endometrial tissue provoked by abnormal levels of hormones. To correct this condition is assigned hormonal drugs.

If a woman because of external endometriosis bother severe pain, analgesic and anesthetic drugs can be recommended. The most frequently prescribed paracetamol and analgin.

drinking pill

Surgical intervention

Although with medication can reduce the severity of disease, surgery - the most effective method of dealing with external endometriosis.

Technique interference depends on the location of foci of pathological proliferation of tissues. In most cases, the removal is conducted formed diseases nodes. In the most severe cases, the uterus and appendages are removed completely.

combined treatment

Hormonal drugs and surgical intervention is required at the same time with the rapid development of the disease. Emergency surgery, supplemented by drug therapy, is required for an ectopic pregnancy, endometrial cyst rupture.

Excision of adjacent tissues and organs may be required if the outer endometriosis affected intestine, bladder or kidneys. In this case the endometrial lesions removed everywhere.

Forecast and consequences

Progressive disease can lead to serious consequences for the woman. Time spent treatment (even surgery on the affected organs) allows you to fully preserve the reproductive function.

Quality therapy helps to get rid of endometriosis. If there had been no surgery is always the risk of recurrence of pathology on the background of hormonal changes. Therefore, the woman is important to constantly be screened. The most unpleasant consequence of the disease - the disappearance of fertility.

Gynecological pathology may be asymptomatic. If a woman notices a change in his health and seek medical help, it can maintain your health and the ability to have children.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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