Endometriosis treatment without hormones, hormonal preparations,

Endometriosis - a very common disease in which there is abnormal proliferation of endometrial cells. Causes of this disease are rooted in hormonal disorders. Therefore, most of all therapy performed using hormonal drugs. endometriosis treatment without hormones also practiced medicine. There are several methods to eliminate the pathological process.

The doctor holds the uterus layout


  • Contraindications for hormone therapy
  • Conservative treatment without hormones
  • Of drugs without hormones
    • antibacterials
  • Surgery
    • Laparoscopy
  • Physical therapy in the early stages
    • Balneotherapy
    • computer reflexology
  • Complementary therapies
    • Hirudotherapy
  • Folk remedies

Contraindications for hormone therapy

There are certain contraindications to hormone treatment. Among the main are the following:

  • are allergic to components of the selected product;
  • increased risk of thromboembolism;
  • uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, requiring immediate surgical intervention;
  • a precancerous condition of the cervix or dysplasia;
  • liver disease;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • instagram viewer
  • failure of metabolic processes;
  • kidney disease requiring long-term therapy;
  • violation of the functional activity of the endocrine system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncology.

In the presence of at least one contraindication effect on the body is using non-hormonal therapies. The doctor carefully examines the history and holds a number of additional studies. Only then begins non-hormonal treatment of endometriosis.

The doctor prescribes survey

Conservative treatment without hormones

By selecting circuit endometriosis without hormones, physicians have resorted to the purpose of the following preparations:

  • immunomodulators;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal medications (Cyclodynon and Endoferin);
  • vitamin complexes, and iron;
  • antibacterial agents.

The use of immunomodulators is because the development of the pathology is associated not only with a change in hormone levels, but also the suppression of the immune system. In normal endometrium is located in the cavity and carpets the genitals of its inner surface. In the case of these tissues in other parts of the lymphocytes need to eliminate them immediately. With the development of the disease weakens the protective function. The concentration of lymphocytes thereby reduced and their activity is suppressed.

In connection with such changes occur the uncontrolled proliferation of endometrial tissue and dissemination. Strengthen the immune defense help drug which is composed of interferon (Ronkoferon, Viferon).

Antispasmodics Spazmolgon and No-Spa are used to eliminate pain. Vitamin complexes have a beneficial effect on the general condition. Iron prevents anemia.

Girl drinks spazmaletiki

Of drugs without hormones

Therapy for endometriosis without hormones can be carried out using medication. Often it is recommended Cyclodynon. He was appointed to eliminate hormonal imbalance. The drug inhibits the production of prolactin, provoking failure of menstruation cycle. Menses after treatment start to come on time.

It is also in the process of therapy used Endoferin. The drug has a minimum list of contraindications and side effects. It is strong enough to fight drug endometriosis, which affects directly on the lesions themselves.

Also in the treatment of endometriosis can be applied homeopathic remediesOf which we recommend that you read in a separate article.


Be appointed in the following cases:

  • pathology accompanied fungal infection;
  • marked complication of infectious diseases of the urogenital system;
  • previously observed inflammatory processes.

In the absence of such disorders antibacterial agents are not used since they are capable of provoking the appearance of side effects and lower protective functions.

Pills on table


The surgical technique is considered to be the most effective in combating the disease. Through surgery can not completely remove the pathology. Most often it used a minimally invasive way to laparoscopy.


Procedure laparoscopy for endometriosis It allows to eliminate the lesions without a large-scale operation. It accomplished by introducing a special device in the peritoneal cavity and determining damage size. Endometriosis can affect not only the uterus, but also other organs. It is important to identify such variations and correct them during operation. After this manipulation unhealthy portions are excised using the handpiece with the laser. Surgery is performed quickly and under general anesthesia.

Laser therapy laparoscopy has several advantages:

  • possibility of diagnosis and treatment;
  • organs are damaged only to a minor extent;
  • no negative effect on the reproductive function;
  • removed during surgery adhesions, which has a positive effect on fertility.

Physical therapy in the early stages

Physical therapy is used to treat endometriosis in the early stages of disease, as well as for the prevention of complications in the postoperative period.

Contraindicated method in the following cases:

  • the presence of endometrial cysts appendages;
  • severe form of the disease;
  • use of psychotropic substances for elimination of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

In these cases, you need to look for another option to cure endometriosis without hormones.

The following procedures can be used in the course of therapy:

  • electrophoresis iodine;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultraviolet radiation and magnetic laser therapy.

By procedures such as massage in the lumbar region and mud therapy, should be abandoned. As a result of their estrogen begins to be developed intensively.


The method involves combating pathologies by administering radon and iodine bromine baths supplemented microclysters vaginal irrigation and radon water.


Radon baths have the following effects on the body:

  • suppression of pain;
  • normalization of gonadotropins;
  • sedative effect;
  • stimulation of progesterone production;
  • decrease in estrogen concentration.

The effect achieved can not save a whole semester. Iodide-bromine baths, and vaginal irrigation help to achieve the following results:

  • sensitivity threshold is increased;
  • functional activity of the thyroid gland to normal;
  • blood pressure is reduced;
  • synthesis of estrogen is suppressed;
  • inflammatory processes are eliminated.

The duration of treatment varies from three to five months.

computer reflexology

Computed reflex method is applied in various forms of pathology. The procedure is designed to resume communications and neuroendocrine regulate immune processes. This tactic gives the patient an opportunity to restore reproductive function and normalize hormones.

Apparatus for computer reflexology

Manipulation is carried out by the action of weak discharges DC portions connecting the autonomic nervous system and brain. Further assigned to receive medication.

This treatment method helps:

  • stabilizing the nervous system;
  • activation of protective functions of the body;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • restoration of health of the reproductive system;
  • cure infertility.

Complementary therapies

Non-traditional varieties of treatment in some cases, can also prevent the further proliferation of hotbeds of disease and are effective in combating the disease. They have the following effects:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the functional activity of the appendages;
  • sedation.

Can help such herbs as upland uterus, nettles, knotweed, and celandine, as well as the use of hirudotherapy.


It means the use of leeches in endometriosis. The method is carried out only with the assistance of a specialist, and after a preliminary examination. Tactic is that the leech applied to the body portion corresponding to the location of the urogenital tract, the vagina, and the acupuncture points.

Leeches in the bank and in hand

The efficiency due to the fact that in place bites is more than one hundred biologically active compounds that have a beneficial effect on the organism.

After the procedure is unable to achieve the following results:

  • the number of endometrial effuse decreases;
  • cycle returns to normal;
  • amount of blood lost during the regulator becomes lower;
  • cystic formation and adhesions dissolve;
  • pain is suppressed.

Folk remedies

Treatment of endometriosis traditional medicines It may be carried out using plant Comp. Before you start to use them, necessarily consult your doctor.

According to traditional healers, effective for a given ailment is based on the reception decoctions red brush and upland uterus. For the preparation of dry herb drug and tomyat pour boiling water on a water bath for at least half an hour. Prepared drug filter and take 50 ml twice a day.

Also used tampons, which dipped in honey, diluted with water. They are administered into the vagina before bedtime, and after wake-up and operate recovered douching herbal broths.

Most often associated with endometriosis are appointed by the hormonal drugs, but there are many other ways to combat the disease. Each of them has specific characteristics and contraindications. Before starting treatment it is necessary to discuss the treatment with your doctor.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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