Cheap analogues Flucostat from yeast: Russian and foreign

Treatment thrush (candidiasis), involves exchange reception antifungal agents. One of the most effective is considered Flucostat. Its only drawback is the price.

Often women try to pick up an analog Flucostat from yeast and choose the cheapest, which can only pick up a pharmacist in a pharmacy. However, the low price-to-analogue drug means that its main active substance is different from that of Flucostat. In order to save without compromising the effectiveness of the treatment, it is necessary to know which analogues Flucostat from yeast have the same composition, and which tools are the other components.



  • Action main component Flucostat
  • Overview analogues
    • fluconazole
    • Mikoflyukan
    • forkan
    • Diflazon
    • Mikosist
  • special Considerations

Action main component Flucostat

This antimycotic drug produced in Russia. The main component of the antifungal fluconazole Flucostat is artificially synthesized active substance group of triazoles, which successfully copes with fungus genus Candida - the causative agent of thrush. The mechanism of action of drugs on the basis thereof lies in inhibition of the fungus multiplication up to complete destruction.

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Flucostat distinctive feature is its effectiveness in destroying pathogenic yeasts: sometimes require only one portion of the capsule to thrush retreated disappeared its manifestations as itching, burning and cheesy precipitates from vagina. If we talk about adverse events in the use of medication, these include:

  • idiosyncrasy components;
  • treatment other drugs toxic to the liver;
  • liver disease in the acute stage;
  • renal insufficiency.

For each patient the drug is appointed solely by the attending physician based on the collected history and taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

fljukostat substance

Flucostat discharged in different dosage forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • syrup;
  • powder (be dissolved in water for oral administration);
  • solution for infusion.

For the most convenient oral tablets and capsules, it is the most common form fljukostat. But in some cases, for example in the treatment of young children are used and other dosage forms.

Overview analogues

The most significant drawback Flucostat is its high cost. In Russian pharmacies price of the package with 1 tablet or capsule will start from 300-350 rubles. If you want to exchange rate therapy, the treatment can eventually hit the pocket. In this case, a pharmacist in a pharmacy can help you find cheap analog Flucostat from yeast. But at the same time replacement medications should be agreed with your doctor.

Consumer prices in the pharmacy chains affected by the following factors:

  • hyped manufacturer;
  • amount of drug attachment in advertising campaign;
  • margin trading network.

To quickly and effectively get rid of yeast infection, not necessarily to buy expensive drugs, you can use cheap tools that are not inferior in quality Flucostat.


Drug name speaks for itself. In composition, it is a complete analog Flucostat, so is used to treat yeast infections. The content of active ingredient is the same - from 50 to 150 mg. As for the auxiliary components Flukozanola, their list is also no different.


The only difference between the two products from each other is the price. For one capsule fluconazole average have to pay:

  • by "Stada" - 130 rub .;
  • of JSC "Vertex" - 150 rub .;
  • from "Kanonfarma" - 100 rubles.


Such cheap analog fljukostat manifestations of yeast as MikoFlyukan be no less effective substitute this expensive drug. At MikoFlyukana the same active substance in the substrate 50 and the dosage is 150 mg. It is produced in the form of tablets.


This medicine is different in value. In pharmacies, the price varies from 180-200 rubles. for a package containing one tablet.


Another worthy replacement of expensive antifungal drugs - Indian Forkan. The active substance - fluconazole. The dosage of 50 to 150 mg. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for intravenous administration.


In contrast to many analogues, the use is permitted even in the treatment of neonates. Among contraindications, among other things, relates to the use prohibition beremennymm women.

Forkan at rates in Russian pharmacies range from 150 to 180 rubles. packing with one capsule.


Drug production Diflazon Slovenian company KRRKA - a worthy replacement of expensive anti-fungal medications. It is produced in the form of capsules and solutions for drip administration. Not recommended for use in the treatment of childhood.


Side effects application relates alopecia (hair loss increased).

The average price for a package containing one 150 mg capsule is 190-224 rubles.


This medication belongs to the antifungal agents of a wide spectrum of action. Manufactured by Gedeon Richter in Hungary. In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition also includes lactose, therefore it refers to the number of contraindications lactose intolerance. It means produced in the form of capsules and solution for intravenous infusion.


Persons who operate a motor vehicle, a drug used with caution. Also in the instructions to the drug has an indication that the incomplete course of treatment of candidiasis relapses in the future.

cost of Mikosista in Russian pharmacies ranges from 300 rubles. 150 mg per capsule.

special Considerations

Applying for the treatment of thrush Flucostat analogues, especially cheap, we can not forget about a number of side effects on the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. These include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

Also contains instructions for use of medicines lists that are incompatible with Flucostat and its analogues. Only a doctor can determine suitable or that drugs for the treatment of candidiasis or not. To do this, he needs to get full information about what medications the patient takes.

In the case of self-selection of drugs can cause irreparable harm to their health. This fully applies to all medicines for the treatment of thrush.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 80
  • 159