What is the climax, the first signs and symptoms, treatment

Climax is one of the most important periods in a woman's life, escape his arrival is not possible. You can only slightly delay its onset. The average age of the first signs of menopause - 44 years old, but it is the average value. The time when the menopause begins, and its symptoms become pronounced - individually. For someone it lasts six months, and someone extends over several years. Some women suffer symptoms of the menopausal period, quite easily, while others suffer from severe menopausal symptoms.

In this article we will talk about that when it's climax, what signs is accompanied by much runs than he is dangerous, as well as what treatment can be used to relieve symptoms women.



  • What is menopause and menopause
  • When menopause occurs
    • Premenopausal and its features
    • Features menopause
    • postmenopause
  • How long does menopause
  • How to survive it
  • menopause treatment

What is menopause and menopause

After 40 years, the woman begins a gradual irreversible change in the system of the reproductive organs. The reasons lie in slowing the production of sex hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg: ovulation become irregular menstrual cycle is unstable. After a certain time is reached menopause, characterized by complete cessation of ovulation and menstruation.

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One should not confuse the concept of "menopause" and "menopause" - is not the same thing.

Can be defined as menopause - is a natural extinction of reproductive function, accompanied by degenerative changes in the female reproductive organs as a result of the termination of the synthesis sex hormones. In medicine, there is a division of menopause on the following stages:

  • premenopausal - the beginning of menopause;
  • Menopause - lasts for a year from the date of last menstrual period;
  • Postmenopause - the period from the last natural menstrual period until the end of life.

Premenopausal characterized by the fact that against the background of reducing the production of estrogen by the ovaries, menstruation retained, but the cycle time can vary, the amount of menstrual discharge varies from lean to abundant. The gradual decline in hormone production leads to a complete cessation of ovulation and menopause.

Since menopause opportunity to conceive, carry and give birth to a child is considered to be lost, the ovaries stop producing hormones, the egg does not mature and menstruation do not come.


After a year in this state, a woman goes into postmenopausalWhen hormones ordered, and degenerative changes in the genitals are included in the final stage. Such a state is accompanied by a woman until his death.

When menopause occurs

Exact age when a woman first symptoms of approaching menopause, can not be called. The time of arrival, as well as the duration of this life stage are strictly individual. There are some averages and concepts such as the late and early menopause in women.

It is believed that if there were the first signs of menopause in women up to 40 years, then we have an early menopause, and if 55 years later - the late menopause. Both conditions are abnormal.

Premenopausal and its features

The beginning of menopause - premenopausal - usually begins around the age of 44, and the length is different, too. At this time, the woman begins to observe the first changes in the body associated with a gradual decrease in the number of sex hormones, namely:

  • begin menstrual function, ovulation occurs irregularly, there are delays of menstruation 1 to 4-5 months;
  • menses change their character and become either more abundant or scarce;
  • It increases the risk of uterine bleeding;
  • constantly changing level of estrogen in the blood cause painful swelling and engorgement.

The beginning of menopause is also accompanied by the development of so-called climacteric syndrome, the manifestations of which are the following:

  1. Hot flashes at menopause diagnosed in the vast majority of women. Accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature, a feeling of heat, spreading from the breast of the whole body. On the skin shows signs of hyperemia (redness), sweating increases. Seizures are accompanied by an increase in heart rate, blood pressure can rise. Replaced by a bout of fever and weakness. By duration it can be either a short (30 seconds) and long - up to several minutes.
  2. Headaches and dizziness. Many women complain of poor health, mental decline, lack of energy and general weakness during menopause.
  3. Increased sweating. The woman's body periodically covered with sweat, it covers the state of the chills, hands and feet are cold.
  4. Numbness of fingers. This condition is associated with the reaction of the cardiovascular system to changing hormonal levels.
  5. Emotional lability. Fluctuations in hormonal levels cause mood swings, causeless tears and tantrums. The behavior of women in menopause differs by a constant inflated state, she was ready to cry for any trifle, or falls into a causeless rage.
  6. Insomnia in menopause. The instability of the nervous system leads to sleep disorders, which only exacerbates the situation.

Recognize the onset of menopause and can change affecting female urogenital system and reproductive organs - both internal and external. Women feel unwell, which is expressed by the following manifestations:

  1. Urinary incontinence (particularly in laughter, coughing or sneezing), pain and a burning sensation during urination.
  2. Dryness and itching of the vaginaCausing discomfort during intercourse.
  3. Due to estrogen deficiency develops atrophy of the vaginal mucosa: it dries on it microcracks appear and microtrauma during sexual intercourse can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases.

Unsatisfactory performance of the ovaries causes a persistent decline in the level of female hormones, and even though the menstrual function is still in progress, begin irreversible changes in appearance, such as:

  • dystrophic changes are reflected in the glandular breast tissue. They lose their elasticity and become flabby and change shape;
  • due to hormonal imbalance hair quickly turn gray and begin to fall heavily;
  • inhibits the production of collagen, which causes a decrease in skin turgor: it begins to sag, there are deep wrinkles;
  • skin of the face and the body loses its natural moisture level and becomes too dry;
  • lack of calcium and vitamin leads to brittleness and dryness is not only hair, but also nails.

The change in hormonal balance during menopause have a negative effect on all organs and systems of the female body, causing health problems, namely:

  1. Dystrophy bone mass due to the loss of calcium. Reduced bone density is the cause of their brittleness and fragility, a particularly severe menopause causes the development of Osteoporosis - a pathological reduction in bone density, even when falling from the height of its growth can cause severe fractures.
  2. Slow metabolism results in increased concentration in the body of the "bad" cholesterol, significantly increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies: atherosclerosis, hypertension disease, stroke. It increases the risk of thrombosis.
  3. Negatively reacts myocardium: an increasing threat of a heart attack, developing coronary heart disease, angina.
  4. Metabolic disease. Metabolism slows down, the slightest excess of the norms of consumption of calories affect body weight.
  5. Endocrine disorders, triggered by hormonal unstable, can cause the development of diabetes.

At this time, women need to pay special attention to their health, as the whole body is in a stressful condition.

Over time, the estrogen level is reduced to a critical level, and ovulation break - comes menopausal period.

Features menopause

Determine the menopause is simple - the starting point can be considered as the last natural menstruation. The first signs of menopause - long-term (within a year), the absence of menstruation. They are usually preceded by symptoms such:

  • an increase in the break between periods;
  • The void volume falls to critical levels;
  • internal sex organs begin to shrink in size.

Inhibition and termination of estrogen production is accompanied by a decrease in progesterone levels, responsible for the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus). With a lack of progesterone start endometrial atrophy pathological processes affecting the volume of secretions during menstruation. Accordingly, menopausal update endometrial terminated with menses.

in a swimming pool

With the help of biochemical blood tests for hormones can accurately predict the timing of menopause. This is evidenced by the level of FSH - follicle stimulating hormone, the pituitary production of which increases as the suppression of estrogen synthesis. Thus the pituitary gland tries to compensate for the loss of estrogen and restore hormonal balance. If the results of the analysis revealed a sharp increase in the concentration of FSH - soon menopause.

Thus, starting with menopause premenopausal, then menopause and postmenopause final stage becomes.


This period is characterized by the complete extinction of the system of female genital mutilation. The ovaries stop completely synthesize hormones. Migrating organism to aging is completed.


Usually by this time I am behind all the negative manifestations of the climacteric syndrome. But the danger of developing serious conditions such as malignant cancer of the internal genitals remains. Until the end of the life of a woman should not neglect regular inspections at the gynecologist and conducting surveys.

How long does menopause

accurately answer the question of how long does menopause, it is impossible. It is so depends on the individual woman and genetic factors that can speak only about the average duration of this period. It begins menopause an average of close to 45 years and ends by about 55-57. It is believed that the average duration is about 10 years.

On the accuracy of the timing can only talk about menopause. Last menopausal period is usually 12 months - in monthly does not happen during this time. By the beginning of menopause is tied and timing advance predklimaksa (premenopausal): it is believed that it It comes in 4-5 years before the last menstrual period, so to determine the exact date of the start of menopause can only back number.

In gynecology premenopausal and menopausal collectively called menopausal. Then comes the postmenopause lasts about 70 years, although many experts do not distinguish between age of menopause.

How to survive it

Climax is a serious challenge for most women. In addition to the fear of the loss of a young woman is under stress from the negative impact of reduced hormonal levels causing many unpleasant conditions and diseases. Some believe that the deal with menopause is useless, and let things take their course, as a result of losing the remnants of health and attractiveness. Other panic fear approaching old age, thereby compounding the already difficult condition of the nervous system.

with your doctor

Cope with menopausal syndrome can be, not only with a doctor and medical treatment. An important role in dealing with menopause play the following factors:

  1. Prevention. Doctors say that the observance of simple preventive measures not only helps to delay the onset of, but also greatly facilitate the state of a woman in menopause.
  2. Careful attention to the health of the woman helps to timely detect serious diseases at an early stage of development, and either prevent or facilitate treatment.
  3. Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle helps relieve discomfort and ease the symptoms of menopause.

Negative factors approaching attack and aggravates symptoms of menopause are:

  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • sedentary lifestyle (lack of exercise);
  • Unbalanced diet, poor in vitamins and minerals;
  • chronic illness, escalating in menopause.

Improve health and help you to cope with discomfort such simple measures, such as:

  • active lifestyle, exercise (swimming, yoga). Even a simple walk in the fresh air and daily morning exercises will improve the well-being;
  • proper diet, in which are excluded from the diet, harmful for the figure fast carbohydrates and excess fat and intake of fruits, vegetables, seafood and fish increases;
  • diet enriched with vitamins and minerals in order to prevent their deficits;
  • rejection of bad habits

menopause treatment

menopause treatment is directed not to its removal, and freedom from severe manifestations of menopause. There are two types of treatment - hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal treatment is called hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), and it is conducted via hormones introduced into the woman's body in small doses, to reduce the hormonal deficit in the period menopause. But these drugs have many contraindications to use:

  • oncological malignancies;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of liver and kidneys;
  • Varicose veins;
  • allergic reactions to drugs components.

In the case of contraindications doctor prescribes therapy based phytoestrogens means - plant analogs of female sex hormones. They have almost the same therapeutic properties as hormones, but are deprived of their contraindications.

Also, the doctor may prescribe treatment with the medicinal herb as an adjuvant. They help not only to get rid of hot flashes during menopause, but also have a restorative effect comparable to medication.

The main thing that should be remembered every woman approaching the age of menopause - a condition requires constant medical supervision and assistance. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the health and life-threatening. It is therefore necessary to regularly go to the reception to the gynecologist and perform all his appointments and recommendations. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment to facilitate the flow of menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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