Ovarian cyst in menopause: symptoms and treatment, whether surgery is needed

Decreased activity of the reproductive organs and hormonal changes during menopause can cause benign cystic tumors. It is important to know what to do to ovarian cyst in menopause is not degenerated into malignant. Since the appearance of the disease often occurs without symptoms, a woman in menopause is especially important to regularly visit a gynecologist.

woman sitting hugging her knees


  • Often there is an ovarian cyst in menopause
  • Brush size: norm and pathology
  • Modern treatments
  • Laparoscopy - a minimum of seams
    • Indications for laparoscopy
    • Possible complications and consequences
    • The consequences of the laparotomy
  • Treatment cysts without surgery

Often there is an ovarian cyst in menopause

A cyst is a capsule filled with a liquid, which by means of legs attached to the ovary. It can eventually increase in size, and twist around the legs and burst, thereby requiring immediate surgical intervention.

Cysts are divided into 2 types - functional and epithelial. The first type is most often formed in women of childbearing age as a result of cyclic processes in the ovaries. Such cysts themselves may disappear after several menstrual periods. Because women in menopause is not happening these cyclic processes, functional cysts occur rarely.

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Epithelial cysts are divided into the endometrium and cystadenoma. First results from the proliferation of the endometrium occurs in approximately 3% of patients, only be removed by surgery. Serous cystadenoma of the ovary at menopause appears in 60% of cases, and papillary mucinous less common (about 10%). Such cysts often degenerate into cancers and require mandatory medical supervision.

Ovarian cyst in menopause often occurs in the early stages occurs virtually asymptomatic. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing cystic neoplasms:

  • early menopause;
  • lack of pregnancies and the availability of abortion;
  • transferred venereal disease;
  • suspected uterine fibroids;
  • frequent inflammation of the appendages in history;
  • bloody issues;
  • age over 50 years.

Brush size: norm and pathology

To investigate appeared ovarian benign tumor, the doctor performs ultrasonic diagnosis. If an ovarian cyst during menopause is not growing to the size of more than 5 cm, it should not be removed. Conducted conservative medical treatment.

Foreign doctors believed that one chamber formation with thin walls and smaller than 10 cm is also not necessary to remove, since they do not regenerate in malignant. compound cystThat are larger than these are considered to be pathological. Such cysts are to be removed, often with appendages.

Modern treatments

The main issue of concern to a woman when it detects ovarian cysts after menopause - which treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The following factors are taken into account for this decision:

  1. Phase of menopause.
  2. Single chamber or multi-chamber formation.
  3. The density of the walls.
  4. cyst size.
  5. The number of the affected ovary.
  6. Fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.

After the ultrasound examination, and determining the presence or absence of such negative factors a decision is made about the nature of the treatment. Your doctor may prescribe additional tests: CT and MRI tests for hormone levels and tumor markers CA 125.

Woman reading the instructions to tablets

There are medical and surgical therapy. In the first case, the appointed pills and regular monitoring of the results. Most often, women are turning to the gynecologist when there are signs of cyst growths to large sizes. She starts to put pressure on adjacent organs, which manifests itself in the form of pelvic pain, frequent urination, feeling of bloating. In such a case, surgical intervention, which can be performed using the laparoscope. Sometimes a cyst removed along with the ovaries to prevent cancer in the future. This operation is called oophorectomy, often it is performed by laparotomy, when the abdominal wall is cut to gain access to the organs.

Laparoscopy - a minimum of seams

The most commonly held removal of ovarian cysts laparoscopy. This is a gentle way to surgery, when the patient's body is a few incisions in the abdominal area. The surgeon conducting the operation with the help of a special device - a laparoscope and sees the whole process on the screen, with the result that does not require abdominal incisions.

After the operation begins rehabilitation period, which can last up to a month and is mainly in the absence of physical activity and control of power.

Indications for laparoscopy

Immediate surgical intervention is required in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the pelvic area or at the bottom of the waist;
  • dizziness, pale skin, vomiting;
  • bleeding.

To choose the type of surgery in the treatment of cyst formation affects the size, wall thickness, the need for removal of the uterus or appendages. In the latter case often assigned laparotomy (due removed organ size). The patient's condition and the risk of complications also affects the way the operation. Most often it is chosen laparoscopy, due to the rapid recovery period and lower risk of complications.

In the case of women having pathology of the cardiovascular or endocrine system is extremely undesirable to carry out surgery. Then the patient must be regularly, every three months through an ultrasound examination to control the growth of cysts.

Possible complications and consequences

When the surgery for ovarian cyst performed by laparoscopy, period of total Recovery lasts less than one month, and the risk of complications is significantly lower compared to the cavity operation. patients usually leave the hospital the day after the laparoscopy.

surgeons in the operating room

However, it is worth considering that in the menopause a woman's body is not able to recover as fast as at a young age. On this basis, it is imperative to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician.

The first hours after laparoscopy may bother dizziness, nausea and vomiting, associated more with the anesthesia used during surgery. 2-3 days will appear pains in the abdomen, uterus and appendages. This symptom is easily relieved by analgesics.

Since interference conducted through the abdominal wall may also disturb unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, bloating, flatulence. We should pay particular attention to food, it is important to gradually restore intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. The doctor will prescribe a special diet to be followed strictly.

Less common effects after laparoscopy:

  • the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes and peritoneal cavity;
  • relapse. After the operation the doctor will prescribe regular ultrasound frequency of every 3-6 months to monitor the emergence of new cysts;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infection, which will help avoid a careful choice of the clinic and the doctor.

Compliance with the doctor's recommendations regarding diet and exercise, intake of prescribed medications, regular checkups can help avoid complications after laparoscopy.

The consequences of the laparotomy

In the case of the removal of ovarian cysts or ovariectomy way abdominal surgery, general guidelines for the recovery and monitoring are almost the same as after the laparoscopy. However The recovery period after laparotomy lasts a little longer.

The patient can be confusing in the ovarian pain 6-8 days after surgery. If the pain lasts longer, you must consult your doctor immediately. It is necessary to observe the condition of the joints to prevent their differences, or pus.

Treatment cysts without surgery

In some cases described above, the treatment can be administered without surgery. Complex therapy of cystic formations of the following medications:

  1. Hormonal treatments - progestins (utrozhestan, djufaston).
  2. Antiestrogens (tamoxifen novofen).
  3. Drugs that increase the immunity (Vitamins A and C, tsikloferon).

It is strictly prohibited to self-medication, because the wrong treatment methods not only do not help, but also to provoke the growth of cysts.

Cyst in menopause often occurs. Timely treatment, correctly chosen treatment and regular monitoring will help to avoid the risk of complications, as well as degeneration of benign cysts in malignant tumors.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 77
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