Preparations in menopause: choosing the most effective

Weakness and predisposition to disease - the natural state for menopausal period caused by hormonal fluctuations. Through this difficult stage to help drugs during climax. They eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and improve well-being.

Find the right means easy. The rich assortment of pharmacy has the usual pills, suppositories, patches, solutions. Forms and types of drugs a lot, but which ones are the most effective, will really help and not harm the health, is known only to doctors. At a time when the body is changing, it is difficult to understand the nature of disease states and atypical manifestations. For this reason, medications to relieve menopause should choose and appoint an expert. Especially when it comes to hormone therapy.



  • Hormonal treatments at menopause
  • Non-hormonal therapy
  • Vitamins in menopause
  • Climax and traditional medicine

Hormonal treatments at menopause

It is important to realize that the climax - is not a disease or pathology. It does not cure, only help to cope with unpleasant symptoms. Menstrual disorders accompanied by hot flashes, heart palpitations,

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insomnia, Mood swings, pressure jumps, Headaches, nervous and sexual disorders. Observed not only physiological changes. Changing habits and character, there is a reassessment of values. All of these symptoms during menopause are the norm, but to live with this norm is not easy.

It is easier to move during menopause allow female hormonal preparations. The use of drugs makes it possible to remain attractive and vibrant. Drug therapy in this period, is appointed to replenish hormone deficiency, eliminate nervous and mental disorders. Supplementation strengthens the immune system, controls the functioning of the heart and vascular system.

Menopause occurs in different ways. There are women who do not know about the unpleasant symptoms. They live quietly, happy and did not feel the need to take medication. Many are limited to non-hormonal and folk remedies in menopause to improve the condition.

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In severe cases, severe pain and threats of complications, it is recommended to take during menopause hormonal agents. Preparations of this type have a quick and effective action. With their help solve psychological problems, reduces the appearance of tachycardia, hypertension and arrhythmias. Action hormonal drugs is aimed at restoring the lipid metabolism, urinary tract and endometrium. Among the major indications of treatment for menopause can be identified:

  • cessation of menstruation before 45 years of age and development of early menopause;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • higher risk of osteoporosis (brittle bones).

Hormone pills menopause appointed to replenish estrogen. This is the main sex hormone. The medicine contains its synthetic analogue. Many women are afraid to take estrogen drugs and prefer the latest non-hormonal drugs during climax. But they are not always effective, so when expressed symptoms and serious violations of doctors are turning to hormone therapy. The popularity and good reviews earned protivoklimaktericheskie following medications:

  • proginova - a tool that is recommended for estrogen deficiency. The medicine is effective for dizziness, sleep disorders, depressive states, tides during menopause, increased sensitivity of the bladder.
  • Kliogest It contains estradiol and norethisterone acetate. These ingredients help with nervous disorders, depressive states and painful manifestations of menopause.
  • Premarin It refers to estrogen drugs that can regulate the female reproductive system. It reduces heat attacks, is responsible for keeping the structure of bones, relieves symptoms such as racing pressure, heart palpitations, sweating, nervousness, prevents weight gain when menopause.
  • Femoston - Tablets of menopause from the group of estrogens. Due components estradiol and dydrogesterone provided the desired level of the main sexual hormone. The drug suppresses the psycho-emotional and vegetative menopausal symptoms.
  • Atarax effective in the psycho-physiological disorders. Serving agent is recommended when irritability and crying spells. Atarax helps eliminate dyspnea, arrhythmias, sweating and hot flushes.
  • Grandaxinum used when expressed menopause syndrome. The drug is effective in the neuroses, hyperplastic processes, hormonal dysfunction.

Such actions have modern drugs protivoklimaktericheskie sigetin, Divina, Pauzogest, Dermestril, CLIMAR, Angelique, Klimodien.

Hormonal therapy effectively eliminates the causes of painful phenomena, but the technique requires caution. Possible side effects. The most common include toxic effects on the liver and intestines, the increase of blood clots in the blood, retention in the body fluid.

The batch is individually. This applies to any drug that is prescribed for menopause.

The duration of menopause an average of from 1 to 8 years. Throughout the period the symptoms may change, grow, fade, complement each other. Each of the pathological signs requires attention and a special approach to treatment. In the case of uncontrolled hormonal preparations can seriously harm the body.

Before taking hormonal methods are recommended for a comprehensive diagnosis. Based on the data obtained the physician evaluates the status excludes contraindications for hormonal therapy and selects the appropriate drug.

Non-hormonal therapy

Treatment without hormones more safely. As a part of many of today's non-hormonal drugs are present phytoestrogens. This plant hormones, the molecular basis of which is similar to estrogen. Such means may be the salvation during menopause, especially in cases where hormone therapy, for whatever reasons, is contraindicated.

Phytoestrogens well help with moderate during menopause, when signs and symptoms do not cause discomfort. Have a tonic, tonic, immunostimulating action.

When properly administered, and the use of homeopathic and non-hormonal drugs relieve many menopausal disorders. They act selectively, that is not able to eliminate all of the symptoms immediately. Some are struggling with physiological problems: pressure, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, etc. Others act as antidepressants.


Among the common and frequently used anti-climax can be identified:

  • Remens - the safest drug for menopause. Tablets eliminate estrogen deficiency, corrected the psycho-emotional disorders, have a restorative effect.
  • Klimaksan normalizes sleep and restores the rhythm of the heartbeat, has a calming effect.
  • Feminal based on red clover supplies the body with important health izoflovonidami. a new generation of non-hormonal means stops the tides, normalizes metabolism, protects the heart.
  • Inoklym comprises vegetable oils, soybean and gelatin. It is indicated for sleep problems, palpitations and elevated pressure.
  • Femikaps contains herbal ingredients, minerals and vitamins. Homeopathic properties of the drug eliminates hot flashes, reduce perspiration, normalized heat transfer.
  • Klimadinon calming effect. herbal components improve the emotional background and well-being during menopause.
  • Estrovel boosts immunity. As part of the drug for women - vitamins, honey, herbs. The main components eliminate hot flashes, reduced libido and improve overall condition.
  • Tribulus improves mood. The main component of the preparation, herb Tribulus is stimulator works gonads.
  • Chi-Klim weakens the intensity of the majority of menopausal symptoms and reactions. This is an excellent sedative, which helps with nervous excitability. Means normalizes sleep, blood circulation, metabolism, regenerates the mucous membranes of the vagina.

The list goes on. In the pharmaceutical market a lot of offers, but what a perfect woman, the other can hurt. Non-hormonal drugs during menopause are soft, do not affect the endocrine system, and do not increase the weight reception, but the choice of means of menopause do not need to consult with my friends and acquaintances, and with specialists.

Do not forget about the cost dangerous individual intolerance and allergic reactions. In the treatment of menopause nonhormonal drug study guide is not enough. Consult your doctor and find out how the chosen tool is safe for you.

Vitamins in menopause

Properly selected medications drugs during climax return to normal life. Women can feel great and do not think about health problems. In the treatment of menopause vitamins and trace elements are the main participants. Their use is proven and tested. Vitamin complexes contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, improve metabolism, activate production of sex hormones, strengthens the immune system, reduce the occurrence of associated risk pathologies.


As part of vitamins contain the necessary elements for the preservation of health. special facilities designed for complex menopause:

  • Retinol (vitamin A). Means of slowing down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. While receiving the reduced sweating, and anxiety. Among the products are the richest sources of vitamin A - cod liver oil, pumpkin, spinach, beef liver, carrots, egg yolks.
  • Ascorbic acid - a source of vitamin C. It protects a woman's body from infection, prevents the penetration and growth of harmful bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C detoxifies, restores the pancreas and thyroid. Most vitamin C is found in cranberries, red pepper, citrus, black currant.
  • Tocopherol recommended for deficiency of vitamin E. It is a wonderful tonic stimulant, reduces blood sugar. It is produced in the form of pills or oils. The drug regulates cell regeneration and blood circulation, protects against the impact of toxins. The leaders in the content of vitamin C among dietary sources are the meat, egg, butter and vegetable oil, buckthorn, cereal germ.
  • Calciferol, viosterol, ergosterol are sources of vitamin D and calcium are the focal points and phosphorus metabolism. Reliably protect the mammary glands, the brain and the ovaries from defeat cancer cells. Recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Of the products, as part of which a lot of vitamin D, can distinguish fish oil, meat, milk.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) improves memory, normalizes the function of the heart muscle, relieves nervous disorders. With a lack of vitamin B1 daily menu can be supplemented with potatoes, pine nuts, beets, asparagus, peas.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) stabilizes the musculoskeletal system. Relieves spasms and cramping. Most of vitamin B6 found in cauliflower, cod and tuna, cantaloupe, brewer's yeast.
  • Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is related to antidepressants. Available in the form of coated tablets. Reduces irritability, promotes the blood renewal and improves immunity. At deficiency of B12 is recommended to eat cheese, meat, shrimp, mackerel, mussels.

Vitamin therapy requires regular and measure knowledge. When you receive drugs it is important to observe the regime and make timely breaks. Only in such cases, the vitamins will be useful and will lead to the desired results.

At menopause, experts recommend immunokorrektiruyuschie vitamin-mineral complexes Menopace, Ladies Formula women 40+, Aevit, Doppelgerts. Very popular Russian non-hormonal means Complivit 45+, 50+ Vitatress and Alphabet.

In the appointment of medical drugs and vitamin doctor examines the characteristics of the female organism, it reveals what it lacks vitamins, and assigns a tool that really ease the symptoms and solve problems health. When using drugs is very important to observe the dosage.

Climax and traditional medicine

Menopausal syndrome requires medical and restorative treatment. Light signs and symptoms can be removed with the help of medicinal plants. They are without hormones, sedative, hypotensive, cardiac, hypoglycemic effect. Menopause are proven beneficial properties of the following plants:

  • grass shepherd's purse;
  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • hawthorn;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • parsley;
  • partitions walnuts;
  • Linden.

When menopause drink teas, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, which is brewed individually, or make charges in equal proportions. Very useful herbal baths.

In conjunction with drug therapy, traditional medicine recipes allow alleviate the condition, improve health, performance and mood.

For most women, menopause is unpleasant. Associated symptoms are deprived of many pleasures as health during this period requires more attention. It is not necessary to endure the pain and inconvenience: the hormonal reorganization is possible to live a full life, and nothing does not deny. Prescribed by the doctor modern drugs against menopause to help cope with unpleasant symptoms.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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