Why sore breasts during menopause: changes in the mammary gland

Menopause - an inevitable process. Age 45-55 years is the most difficult and stressful for women, since the extinction of the reproductive function in the body is changing. Hormonal imbalance is accompanied by numerous physiological disturbances. Even healthy women find themselves unfamiliar symptoms and strange sensations, which can not but cause concern.

In addition to emotional distress, a woman is experiencing physical discomfort. When menopause may hurt the breast, and this phenomenon is very common. Worry is not necessary, for menopause pain in the breast is often considered to be the physiological norm.

The problem is that the nature of new symptoms are not all evaluated correctly. Sometimes the chest pain is a sign of serious illness. It is important to know the differences and understand the processes occurring in the body.

sore breasts


  • Changes in the mammary gland during menopause
  • As the chest reminds himself in menopause
  • Menopause and breast
  • Signs of Breast Cancer
  • Is it worth spending time on a mammogram
  • What drugs can be taken
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Changes in the mammary gland during menopause

Any sensation of pain the person perceives as a danger signal. Chest pain during menopause - a natural process. Mammary glands referred to as hormone-dependent organs. Any failure in this complex system is reflected in the state of the breast. So the body responds to the hormone deficiency.

Discomfort during menopause called mammalgia. Mammary glands are very sensitive. A light touch or slightest pressing given to the pain and discomfort. These sensations are caused by a sharp decline in estrogen and progesterone. Critically low level of major sex hormones at menopause provoke an aggravation of chronic and new diseases.

Chest in menopause may not only hurt. Very often changes its shape and size. For 45 years a change in the composition of the mammary glands. With the first signs of aging glandular tissue is forced connective and fatty. Breast loses its elasticity, becomes soft, gradually descends. Due to the increase in adipose tissue women gain weight at the same time there may be swelling of the breast during menopause and increase its size.

As the chest reminds himself in menopause

Swelling of the mammary glands and sore nipples - it is also the body's response to hormonal surges. Systematic negative symptoms depends on the features and the general state of the organism. In some cases, it is a short-term discomfort in others - a regular phenomenon.

topless woman

Chest pain during menopause differently. If we assess the nature of the subjective feelings of pain, the following types can be distinguished:

  • long cutting;
  • stitching;
  • aching;
  • shooting;
  • paroxysmal;
  • boring.

Sometimes breast pain during menopause is accompanied by several symptoms. The most common - burning, squeezing, feeling of heaviness.

Not always in the chest discomfort blame hormonal storms. Pain may occur in case of problems with the heart and blood vessels, with lack of calcium, bone fragility and osteochondrosis.

Only a specialist can discern the nature of pain in the chest during menopause and determine the cause of their appearance. Despite the proven natural characteristic of menopause, there is a risk to be mistaken with the symptoms of belonging and ignore severe gynecological diseases. Breast can swell to increase this match with mastitis, and this is a serious pathology that requires prompt treatment.

Menopause and breast

Breast in menopause are diagnosed very often. This is due to increased sensitivity of mammary glands at the hormonal imbalance. Forming a seal, and in most cases are benign tumors, but there is also the risk of cancer.

In menopause and identify mastitis breast may hurt, but it is not obligatory symptom. Many women are not aware that a problem exists, because tumors are detected only at survey. lipodogramma appointed to clarify the diagnosis, blood and urine tests, mammograms.

disease of the breast should be treated in the early stages, this precludes the development of complications. If the moment is missed, tissue growth can take an irreversible process. Pain and discomfort in the breast will become more frequent, accompanied by engorgement and nipple discharge. The most serious consequence of mastitis - degeneration of benign to malignant.

Signs of Breast Cancer

Chest discomfort and pain can disturb regular and cancer. During menopause it is very difficult to distinguish the symptoms of a dangerous disease, but there are symptoms, the presence of which should alert:

  • skin discoloration breast, redness;
  • nipple deformation;
  • isolation of ducts;
  • changes in breast shape;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • problems in the propulsion system;
  • frequent dizziness, vomiting;
  • temperature and febrile illness;
  • loss (lack of) appetite;
  • prostration.
chest X-ray

When cancer pain is localized, that is concentrated in one place. If such feelings supplements and at least one of these symptoms, go to the survey. It should be attentive to their own health and not be afraid of meeting with gynecologists. Only experts will be able to confirm or rule out the presence of cancer. In the case of cancer loss of time may result in loss of life.

Is it worth spending time on a mammogram

For women's health during menopause is very important peace of mind, but not all are willing to adjust to suddenly bring down confusing symptoms. Mammary glands during menopause are most vulnerable. Any deviation during hormonal changes dangerous complications. For personal feelings cause and nature of the pathologies can not be determined.

To identify violations of women after age 40 have a mammogram. It is desirable to be surveyed on a regular basis, regardless of the concentration and strength of chest pain during menopause. Annual radiological diagnosis allows to identify any breast disease and changes in tissue structure. The earlier a problem is detected, the more effective the treatment will be.

What drugs can be taken

Chest pain in menopause - it is not a disease but a symptom of the transition period. A woman does not need treatment. Adverse reactions and pain can be prevented:

  1. Wear a bra, not constricting chest.
  2. Exercise regularly, but without any sudden movements, and severe stress.
  3. Limit your intake of fatty and spicy foods.
  4. Forget about bad habits and take care of yourself from stress.
  5. If the symptoms of mastitis detected in menopause, discomfort can be eliminated with the help of massage and cold compresses.

As for drug therapy, in this case it is better not to exercise independence. Taking certain drugs requires caution. Safe medical treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Usually, it is a complex therapy with vitamin complexes to improve immunity. Alleviate the condition and help to stop the pain analgesics: Paracetamol, Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. Stress rescue sedatives: Motherwort, Valerian, Tamoxifen. To restore the level of hormones discharged products containing hormonal substances.

Pain in the mammary gland during menopause are the norm. This is a common reaction to a deficit of sex hormones. All changes occurring in the body affect the normal life, have to get used to the new state and to put up with some inconveniences. Pain will be, life will continue, but its quality is largely dependent on the woman herself and her relation to their own health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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