How to lose weight during menopause: fighting obesity

Menopause - a difficult period for women. At this time frequent manifestation of the disease, which had not previously made themselves felt. The restructuring of the hormonal system leads to weight gain, mood swings, the identification of health problems.

Deal with the problem of overweight and lose weight during menopause can be. The main principle of this struggle - the right and good quality food. Correctness in the preparation of the diet - the success that the climax and the extra weight will never be synonymous in the understanding of women deal with the problem.

woman engaged in the simulator


  • The reasons for weight gain
    • Restructuring hormonal
    • malnutrition
    • Physical inactivity
    • Stress
  • Is it possible to lose weight during menopause
  • Folk remedies for weight loss in menopause
  • General recommendations for postmenopausal women with overweight
  • proper nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Drugs for weight loss

The reasons for weight gain

menopause is associated with the emergence of excess weight is not for each of the fair sex. Complete can become those ladies, who at a young age have not been received or slim beautiful figure price prolonged dieting, grueling workouts, costly surgical procedures

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. These situations - illustration of the fact that the weight gain becomes an actual problem with overeating, the complete absence of physical activity.

  1. The main reason for weight gain - slow metabolism in the body. This happens early, on reaching the age of about 25 years. Index averaged, so to some it happens earlier, others remain slender for a long time.
  2. Extinction of sexual function - another fact that explains the reason for the increasing body weight. Estrogen is produced by the female reproductive system, it is produced during menopause in a much smaller amount, so delicate first appear "barrel", then - the belly, and then the weight comes with growing speed.
  3. The emergence of unnecessary kilograms women can be attributed to a very banal reason: simple overeating. Personal problems, which, as a rule, with age it becomes more and more lead to the absorption of an incredible amount of extra in terms of calories needed by the body. Most often, the decisive role played by the products that are actively advertised and allow a woman to feel like a young, successful and happier: it is fast food, chocolate, biscuits and ice cream.

In general these factors contribute collectively launching mechanism of weight gain, long before the onset of menopause. Menopause also makes the problem more acute, overeating accompanying changes in hormonal levels and slowing metabolism. Weight gain during menopause is inevitable in such circumstances.

Prevent the occurrence of the problem of excess weight as possible. To do this:

  • not violate the principles of good, healthy eating;
  • use in diet supplements that activate many processes in the body;
  • not ignore the issue of physical activity, even if it is a half-hour, but the daily exercises.

By following these simple tips, you can avoid obesity and obesity later in the age of 50-55 years and to preserve youthfulness of mind and body for a long time.

Restructuring hormonal

The age at which hormones are failing, is associated with the onset of menopause - from 45 to 60 years. Every woman is different, this indicator. When this happens, responsible for the majority of the vital processes of estrogen stops being produced in the required quantity, there is a decrease tone, impaired metabolic processes in the body, lowering metabolism. Interesting fact: now only one-third of the total volume of food eaten per day will be processed into energy. The rest will be postponed in fat.

Excess weight in menopause is closely related to estrogen, and it is easy to explain. The fact is that now the body is attempting to receive estrogen by any systems. Adipose tissue also contains a certain amount of this hormone. So after menopause, the body begins to store fat hard, and she can not lose weight.


Obesity during menopause not only due to failures in hormone production. Blame can be overeating. overweight provoke the appearance of frequent mood swings, during which the woman, being in a depressed state, pleases himself goodies. The number of calories dramatically increases weight gain is often critical.


It is important that most of the exercise will give yourself at that age do not bother, referring to the emerging diseases, lack of time and the wrong social status. Deprived of walking and other forms of physical activity, the women sit down to the TV, watching the accompanying television series eating sweets. Carbohydrates that are not energy output, turn into extra weight.

Physical inactivity

Women during menopause are at an age when thinking about exercise do not want and do them often as they feel there is no opportunity. It is also important that during this period the lady stops work and becomes a pensioner and housewife. She appears more time to prepare a variety of dishes that are not the best way affect the condition of the body, altering the digestive tract to work radically.

The combination of a large number of non-busy time nothing and the huge amount of calories obtained from overeating causes appearing during menopause completeness.


Stress - it is not a lesser evil for a woman than a lack of exercise, and hormonal abnormalities. Violations of the psycho-emotional state, permanent panic attacks can lead to overeating and lack of desire to engage themselves and their health. The body's ability to increase the number of fat cells and, accordingly, body weight, is surprising.

It is important that this problem is almost impossible to cope. Only the help and support of loved ones, their attention and care will help to get out of stress state, to establish conditions and nutrition. The only way to control the process of excess weight.

Is it possible to lose weight during menopause

Is it possible to quickly lose weight during menopause, if you are over 55 years old? Yes, perhaps, but more necessary, because the appearance of extra kilos in adulthood inevitably be reflected in:

  • condition of the joints;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • operation of vessels.

Even if the amount of excess weight is small, deal with it is vital. it is not recommended to resort to drastic measures. It is better if weight reduction will be gradual, smooth, well-organized. Built a process of losing weight during menopause after 50 years on the following principles:

  • Fasting should be eliminated from your life forever;
  • use fasting days in the rest of the time to eat often, portion sizes should be small: it will help to restore your metabolism and lose weight;
  • to diversify the diet, not to be used for the preparation of the same products;
  • take drugs in strict compliance with medical prescriptions;
  • drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day);
  • monitor the amount of calories eaten.

In carrying out these recommendations, it is possible to reduce the weight in menopause. Losing weight can be comfortable at the climax, the main thing - do not overdo it.

Folk remedies for weight loss in menopause

You can quickly lose weight during menopause, wisely using the resources of traditional medicine. They should not be applied unthinkingly, as well as a supplement to the basic measures.

Losing weight with the help of traditional medicine can be. To do this, use the following recommended tools for weight loss:

  • of fresh carrot juice containing a large amount of nutrients;
  • celery juice, which has a fat-burning effect;
  • parsley juice that can rid the body of excess fluid and reduce swelling;
  • pineapple having in its composition bromelain - fat burning component;
  • grapefruit, known for its properties to destroy fat cells;
  • ginger, maintaining metabolic processes at a necessary level.

These juices are useful, however, to get involved in folk remedies to lose weight, it is not necessary. In excessive quantities it will wash away not only harmful, but also useful substances from the body, contributing to the weakening of the bone.

All the weight loss principles in menopause should be used wisely and carefully, but in this case we can expect a positive result. Ways to lose weight a lot, true can be only one: the power and charging.

General recommendations for postmenopausal women with overweight

To prevent weight gain during menopause, you should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • curb appetite, reduce the energy value of the food to the border of 1,500 calories per day;
  • revise the diet to include a mandatory breakfast and dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • to exercise in a feasible manner;
  • replenish stocks of nutrients through different kinds of food: in the diet should be present and proteins and carbohydrates from Fat completely abandon also not be;
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • take a glass of water before meals.
woman bought healthy foods

By following these tips, you can easily rearrange your diet, but quickly lose weight in menopause is unlikely to succeed. It should go to the goal gradually, but steadily. And we should not forget that rapid weight loss is dangerous for the body.

proper nutrition

It is necessary to make changes in the diet during menopause to lose weight and qualitatively long. The organization of proper nutrition - the right step, which will help to reduce body weight, avoid weight gain during menopause.

The image of power is built on the principles of rational eating. Diet meals do not have to be low-calorie. It is important for the body during a climax coming in and fats, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-free food is feasible not for everyone: it is fraught with frustrations, leading to even more weight gain. The diet should be balanced.

When menopause is necessary to include these foods in the diet:

  • poultry meat (lean), beef (lean);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • cereals (except rice);
  • cereals;
  • herbs and vegetables;
  • seeds, nuts, dried fruit (in small quantities);
  • Herb tea;
  • Vegetable Salad;
  • lean fish;
  • garlic and onions.

It is important that the cooked food can be boiled or steamed, but not fried. Suitable for the preparation of such food multivarka, steamer, oven. Fried foods are contraindicated during menopause, as well as for all those who want to stay fit and healthy.

It is worth remembering, and that during the day should eat as much as possible clean filtered or mineral water. Its amount should not be less than two liters.

Physical activity

Struggle with excess weight in menopause is necessary not only through normalization of power, but also including the date of exercise regime. They can be of different types:

  1. Hiking (at a distance of not less than 2.3 kilometers).
  2. Evening walk (not to give yourself a reason to be lazy, many retirees give birth to a dog).
  3. Classes in the gym (Pilates is well suited).
  4. Swimming in the pool (optimally - 2 times a week, if possible, it is possible and more often).
  5. Seen bath or sauna (in the absence of contraindications).
  6. The rise of the floor upstairs (moderate: if staying on the 4th floor can be reached on foot, for stays of 9 can be part of the way up the stairs, and some ride the elevator).

Physical activity during menopause - a guarantee that the weight will be reduced as comfortable as possible. The body will be fit, appeared the disease has receded, psycho-emotional state will be stable.

Drugs for weight loss

Drugs to reduce excess weight in menopause can not be used aloneBecause they contain harsh ingredients that can harm the body in a state of change. Aggravating the situation hormonal failure and reduced rate of metabolic processes.

The only way to lose weight, which is justified from a medical point of view - the administration of drugs having hormonal substances and vitamin E. Their use should not carry the main and auxiliary. Mandatory medical supervision.

Drugs that help to increase the level of estrogen:

  • Remens;
  • Estrovel;
  • Chi-Klim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Feminal.

Before taking this medication, it is desirable to pass a medical examination, pass analyzes on hormones in menopause. Convinced of the security components, you can start the treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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