How to delay menopause and prevent manifestations of menopause

Life without menstruation is only at first glance it seems normal. In fact, in the body there are significant changes, and insufficient amounts of hormones can lead to diseases and health problems. Menopause is an irreversible process in a woman's body comes in all different ways, but mostly plays the role of heredity.

Modern science combined with pharmacology know how to delay the onset of menopause. Today's market offers a variety of drugs such as hormones, and plant that will stop the menopause and delay the menopause sometimes for 10-15 years. Let's look at what you need to do to delay menopause and prevent manifestations of menopause without harm to health.

age and youth


  • Menopause as a natural process in a woman's body
  • How can delay the onset of menopause - all the ways
    • Healthy lifestyle
    • Herbs for the extension of the female youth
    • Non-hormonal therapy and dietary supplements
    • How to delay the menopause using hormone replacement therapy

Menopause as a natural process in a woman's body

Scientific studies in recent years show that it is possible to avoid an early decay process, which invariably begins with the arrival of menopause. In order to achieve tangible results and delay

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menopause, You need to comply with several conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the organism women who have marked the hereditary factor early menopause.

According to statistics, the natural aging process associated with hormonal changes in a woman's body begins at 45-50 years. This applies to those cases where she led a healthy lifestyle. Many of the fairer sex menopause occurs earlier due to a hereditary factor, or under the influence of bad habits, negative influence of the environment, stress, obesity.

To make it more clear what mechanisms affect the length of the female youth, and how the menopause can be stopped, it is necessary to consider the menopausal process in detail.


Menopause is divided into three main stages, each of which causes some symptoms and conditions:

  • The process of pre-menopausal. When does this period is difficult to determine. Conventionally, it is defined as the beginning of hormonal changes in women. Ends premenopausal stage with the last menstruation.
  • Menopause. Often associated directly with the menopause, when the production of eggs is terminated, and the woman feels strong hormonal changes. In reality, menopause comes a year after the last menstrual period.
  • Postmenopause - is the process of completion of hormonal changes, which lasts about 3-5 years after menopause. Production of sex hormones estrogen completely stops, but in this period, the woman can continue to feel the symptoms of menopause, experiencing all the same symptoms, though less frequently.

Because hormonal changes prior to menopause, begins even before the will recorded last menstrual period, experts advise to have 35 years to begin to engage in prevention rejuvenation. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, avoid strong psycho-emotional turmoil, exercise, move more, be sure to visit your gynecologist.

How can delay the onset of menopause - all the ways

With a strong desire to delay the menopause, you can apply a variety of ways of efficiency, each of which will affect the body in different ways. Of course, to delay the coming menopause, hormone therapy works better. By exposure preparations containing synthesized hormone progesterone, doctors recommend not resort only when the process is started menopause, but also as prophylaxis after 35 years.

Menopause begins at different times. Therefore, we must understand that these drugs should appoint a doctor on the basis of gynecological history, analysis of genetic predisposition and the survey results.

Studies have confirmed that women who do not have children or giving birth only once, but do not breastfeed have earlier onset of menopause. In contrast to them mothers of large families long do not grow old, and their ovaries work longer. This is due to the fact that during the period of gestation and during lactation ovaries do not function, respectively, their reserve is maintained longer.

Are at risk of early menopause, women should clearly follow the menstrual cycle and take analyzes on hormonesAnd at their lack of elaboration to take active measures.

smiling woman

Modern medicine helps to delay the onset of menopause with the following therapies:

  • prevention of natural and vitamin-mineral therapy;
  • with help phytotherapy (Extracts of herbs);
  • fitoestragenov intake, dietary supplements;
  • hormone replacement therapy.

Each method in its rezultativen and expedient use of all kinds of therapy as they gain to really prevent menopause menopause and keep for 5-10 years. Ideal prevention would be the combination of all the ways that are best suited for each age. To do this:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle with 30 years or even earlier;
  • conduct preventive courses of special infusions of herbs to prolong youth from 35-40 years of age;
  • take the plant hormones and dietary supplements from 40-45 years;
  • resort to hormone replacement therapy after 45 years.

All terms can vary depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. Before taking any kind of hormone is necessary to address to the gynecologist.

Healthy lifestyle

The concept of "healthy lifestyle" in terms of gynecology laid down a set of measures aimed at maintaining the overall health and enhance physical fitness.

For women after 35 years it is important to change your lifestyle towards the preservation of health, subject to the following rules:

  1. Avoid stress and psycho-emotional turmoil (cortisol - a stress hormone, estrogen breaks - the main female hormone). When stress and anxiety need to take sedatives.
  2. Get enough sleep. Night's sleep should last 6-8 hours. When insomnia doctor may prescribe sleeping pills.
  3. Eat right. Increase the dose of fish and seafood, as well as herbs, nuts, valuable vegetable oils to increase fiber intake. Avoid large amounts of carbohydrates, saturated fats, sugars.
  4. Exercise regularly. Physical activity increase the metabolism, which directly depends on production of hormones. Useful jogging, yoga. Effectively acts on the female body Tibetan hormone gymnastics.

In addition to these recommendations, it is important to note the fact that the bad habits (alcohol, tobacco) negative It affects not only the beauty of women, but also in the production of hormones, which inevitably brings on menopause some years.

Herbs for the extension of the female youth

Push menopause and reduce the symptoms of menopause, you can use of traditional medicine. Useful properties of herbs used since ancient times, and now confirmed by scientific wisdom of the ages. Plant hormones - are natural plant hormones. It is proved that they have a positive effect on the female body and help to stop the menopause. The best herbs for the treatment of phytoestrogens as follows:

  • grass lungwort;
  • sage;
  • Red clover;
  • horsetail;
  • calamus root;
  • liquorice root;
  • berries and juniper roots;
  • red brush.

Despite the fact that herbal remedies have a relatively weak effect in comparison with the hormonal preparations, in the early stages of pre-menopause and as a preventive measure they They fit perfectly. Their use allows the complex of measures to slow the onset of menopause.

Non-hormonal therapy and dietary supplements

In addition to plant herbs, pharmacology uses the properties of phytoestrogens in the finished homeopathic preparations. The use of these tools allows for a long time to make plant hormones in the required dosage without the need for a regular brew herbal infusions.

As a natural hormone therapy phytoestrogens body perceives calmerAnd they have virtually no contraindications, unlike synthetic hormonal agents. However, these agents have a pronounced effect and allow you to delay the menopause only when chronic administration.

Among the variety of products that contain plant hormones, delay the onset of menopause by virtue of the following means:

  • Estrovel;
  • Feminal;
  • Femivell;
  • Remens;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Chi-klim;
  • Klmimaksan.

gynecologist is not recommended despite the seeming harmlessness of homeopathic medicines, apply them without a prescription.

How to delay the menopause using hormone replacement therapy

The main goal of replacement therapy - is artificially inserted into the chain of processes occurring in the body, the missing hormone. When menopause often lacking estrogen. However, to reduce the risk of negative side effects of this hormone is often combined with progestogen.

By synthetically synthesized hormonal preparations include: Melsmon (for injection), Divina, Gormopleks, Triaklim, klimonorma, Angelique, Klima, Ovestin, Femoston - this means that contain estrogen or combined with progestogen.

Synthetic hormones should be taken only with the permission of the attending physician. Excess hormones in the body can lead to negative consequences. This becomes a cause of mastitis, which will need to be treated already by other means, and what is worse - the uncontrolled intake of hormones can trigger onkokletok growth. Therefore, the self-ruled here. Hormonal treatments show better results in dealing with menopause, but you need to take them correctly.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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