Breast breast cancer in menopause: symptoms and treatment

Menopause brings with it many changes in the body. And if a woman is easy to cope with it, the other required medical care. One of these problems is pathology of the breast, which significantly increase the risk of cancer diseases. That is why, if a woman was discovered breast breast during menopause, mandatory condition is an annual mammogram breast, which allows enough time to prevent the development of serious disease.

woman examines chest


  • symptoms
  • Causes
  • Where to begin at the first sign of mastitis
  • Treatment and prevention


At the beginning of breast development can not give any symptoms, can be observed only minor pain in the breast. But with the development of this form of the disease as FKM (fibrocystic mastopathy), shows the following signs of mastitis breast during menopause:

  • appearance seals in prostate tissue;
  • local pain or a feeling of heaviness in the chest sick;
  • discharge from the breasts (but they do not always attack the woman upon the occurrence of the disease);
  • changes of the skin in the chest and in the areola.
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When the first symptoms it is necessary to see a doctor to breast disease did not lead to serious complications. And it often happens that a woman is not able to distinguish the chest pain from the left side of the pain in my heart, so call to the doctor is a must and an important event.

Rather unpleasant symptom can be called teat deformation and appearance on the skin of the breast changes in the form of lemon peel. Only a doctor-mammolog can deliver an accurate diagnosis of the woman, after listening to her complaints and conducting diagnostic testing.


Most often, the appearance of fibrocystic breast disease at menopause is due to hormonal changes in the body of patients older than 45-50 years. It was at this time a woman has seen the irreversible changes that affect her reproductive organs, including the breast.

The development of mastitis in menopause can also be caused by the following factors:

  • early puberty;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in the past;
  • abortion;
  • the absence of pregnancy;
  • refusal to feed the baby;
  • a metabolic disorder that leads to obesity, diabetes and other problems;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives.

All of these diseases, leading to a breach of the amount of hormones in the body can lead to the development of mastitis at the onset of menopause.

Where to begin at the first sign of mastitis

If difficulties occur in the mammary glands during menopause, a woman should see a doctor, to undergo a breast examination as menopause and breast in females often interrelated a.

Doctor and a woman in hospital

It begins with a diagnosis interrogation, during which the doctor finds out the following information:

  • onset of menstruation;
  • pregnancies;
  • abortion;
  • first childbirth;
  • genetic predisposition.

After the survey is conducted breast examination, which will determine the presence of formations of different shape, size and density in the body of the patient. Help clarify the diagnosis procedure is mammography, breast ultrasound and determination of the amount of hormones. During menopause, the appearance of mastitis is most easily detected by mammography, which in this age is more informative.

Treatment and prevention

If the patient has been diagnosed with breast at menopause, the treatment of the disease will be carried out comprehensively. In most cases, it includes surgery and medication.

In the presence of the most common forms of mastitis in menopausal women require surgery. Before the operation the woman necessarily assigned cytology and histology.

In addition, treated mastopathy at menopause is necessary and with the help of medications, which include:

  1. hepatoprotectors. They help to normalize the amount of hormones in the body, as well as to establish the normal functioning of the liver and biliary drainage.
  2. Vitamin complexes. Help the patient upon the occurrence of mastitis in menopause vitamins are capable of the following groups - A, B, C, and E. They help strengthen the immune system, to normalize metabolism, to restore the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver, which is considered one of the sources of production of female hormones. Take vitamin complexes need only under medical supervision, carefully observing the recommended dosages, as there is a high risk of an allergic reaction.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment with NSAIDs help to reduce the production of prostaglandins.
  4. anti-anxiety drugs. By itself, menopause-related hormonal disorders, has a nervous system depressant effect of a strong woman. And if we add and breast pathology, which threatens the development of oncological diseases, all this could lead to serious disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system. That is why when mastitis during menopause doctor prescribes the patient various psychotropic drugs. These include sedatives, and drugs of plant origin, such as tincture of motherwort and valerian.
  5. Hormones. The selection of these drugs should be restricted to a specialist, which takes into account the level of hormonal levels of the patient.

An important factor in the prevention and rapid treatment of mastitis after menopause is considered stable and a full sexual life, thanks to which the normal hormonal levels in the body women. This is required to ensure that the patient did not need to take hormone drugs.

Also, with the development of mastitis therapy during menopause is in the following steps:

  • psychological stability;
  • proper and healthy diet: a diet can improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of the liver and restore hormonal balance;
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • physical work for the body, which will not be debilitating;
  • removal of inflammatory breast with creams;
  • water treatments.

All this contributes to the successful disposal of mastitis during the onset of menopause. However, we can not forget about contraindications, which can only aggravate the disease. These include:

  • strong physical effects on the mammary gland;
  • regular visits to the baths, solarium and sauna;
  • long to find under the sun;
  • narrow, tight underwear, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to the breast.

Therapy with mastitis performed only physician mamologist, which first performs diagnostic testing, then based on the obtained results selects an effective treatment.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 24
  • 195