Ovulate when taking the app, after the abolition of the contraceptive pill

Some people believe that birth control pills just prevent the exit of the ovum from the follicle. In fact, oral contraceptives have a significantly larger range of action. Therefore, clearly tell when ovulation occurs after discontinuation of OC and whether it while taking the pill can be quite difficult. This is influenced by a number of factors.



  • Is there an ovulation when taking contraceptives
  • What happens to the body after discontinuation of
  • What determines the period of recovery
  • When ovulation after canceling OK
    • Reception 3-6 months of preparation
    • Admission to several years
  • Early ovulation after OK
  • When too late
  • When you can plan conception
  • What if there is no ovulation after taking contraceptives

Is there an ovulation when taking contraceptives

To understand whether the ovulatory period on the background of possible OK, you should understand what happens when taking birth control pills in the body. Their main task is suppression of ovarian function. Contraceptives have the following action:

instagram viewer
  • suspend process dominant follicle maturation;
  • make secret released by the cervix more viscous;
  • reduce contractility of the fallopian tubes.

When such changes in the body fertilization does not occur. However, sometimes there are exceptions. Ovulation when receiving OK in the following situations:

  • Non-compliance. Tablets need to drink regularly, strictly in the same time. Otherwise their effectiveness is reduced considerably.
  • The drug is taken short-lived. During the first 2-3 weeks organism adapts rearranged. Therefore it is necessary to use additional means of contraception.
  • antibiotics. Birth control pills are not compatible with a number of drugs.
  • Use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol stimulates the liver. It begins active toxins. When this action is neutralized contraceptives;
  • Irregularities in the digestive tract.
  • Wrong selection of medicines.


What happens to the body after discontinuation of

During the reception of contraceptives body regularly receives hormones. After the abolition of the contraceptive pill he had to develop their own. The ovaries begin to work at the same time in intensive mode. During this restructuring, the body is in a state of shock and have the following changes:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • mood swings;
  • change the structure of hair;
  • the appearance of acne on the skin;
  • increased appetite;
  • pain in the abdomen.

The occurrence of such problems due to hormonal changes. As a rule, after 2-3 months symptoms disappear on their own.

What determines the period of recovery

The dates on which ovulation can be restored after canceling OK, largely depend on the cause of the beginning of their reception. If a woman saw pills to protect against unwanted pregnancy, recovery period will be shorter than in the case of hormonal imbalance.

Allocate a number of factors that affect the timing of the start of ovulation after taking birth control pills:

  • presence of gynecological disorders;
  • correctly completed reception rate;
  • age;
  • circuit and the duration of contraceptive use;
  • form of the preparation used;
  • insufficient and overweight;
  • comorbidities.

When ovulation after canceling OK

Ovulation after OK can be observed in different periods. In many respects the period beginning ovulatory process affects the duration of the use of contraceptives.

Reception 3-6 months of preparation

Generally, when the short-lived drug reception, ovulation occurs in the first cycle. Doctors call this phenomenon Rebraund effect. It is often used in the treatment of women suffering from hormone infertility.

Ovaries after a short rest period begin hard to operate and the chances of conception is substantially increased. Often, while noting the maturation of several follicles. Accordingly, creates favorable conditions for fertilization.

Duration Rebraund effect is not more than three months. Use it only in cases where a woman has trouble conceiving.

The decision on the pill takes only a doctor.

Admission to several years

If a woman is over 2-3 years continuously drink the pill, the body simply wean yourself to produce hormones. In fact, to begin full-time work, it takes time. Usually, for each year of application of OK need about three months of recovery period.

girl pill

Girls under 23 years old the body is able to start properly function after a short period of time. Ovulatory process may start as early as the first cycle. However, such a phenomenon is considered to be the exception to the rule. In women older than 30 years after the cancellation of the first ovulation can be observed even in a few years.

The average recovery is required from 6 months to a year, but the timing will vary depending on age and other factors.

Early ovulation after OK

Early considered ovulatory process beginning on 7-12 day cycle. He does not signal a health problem, and is due to the individual characteristics of the organism and the recovery period.

If a woman takes contraceptives for the purpose of conception in the period of cancellation, planning to become pregnant should begin immediately after the critical days.

When too late

Doctors say that late ovulation after cancellation - a normal phenomenon. Follicle matures at the same time at 20, and sometimes 30 day cycle. Typically, the ovulatory period has been observed before in the next month.

Immediately after withdrawal cycle can be anovulatory. This is also not a big deal. To ovary began to function fully, it takes time. Often, it takes up to 3 months.

When you can plan conception

In the application of contraceptives for hormonal treatment for infertility, you need to plan conception right after their withdrawal. It should be borne in mind that during this period can mature multiple eggs. Therefore, increasing the chances of multiple pregnancies.

At long reception OK initially need to restore hormonal balance. In addition, it should be to saturate the body with vitamins, to be examined. Typically, the assigned reception vitamin-mineral complexes containing the following substances:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • iodine;
  • Vitamins B, C, E;
  • magnesium.

Three months after discontinuation of the drug the body compensates for the lack of useful elements, the ovaries begin to function normally. At the same time there comes a favorable period for pregnancy planning. Truth, keep in mind that the recovery rate affects the woman's age and duration of administration of contraceptives. Sometimes the doctor recommends to wait for a longer period.

What if there is no ovulation after taking contraceptives

Usually, the reproductive system is fully recovered within six months after the cancellation OK. However, this is not always. If women do not ovulate during the year, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is likely to be an appointment of drugs that stimulate the beginning of the ovulatory process. In some cases, the conception is possible only with the help of in vitro fertilization.

Oral contraceptives designed to suppress ovarian activity. Due to this, the time of conception is impossible. However, under the influence of certain factors of the effectiveness of these drugs is reduced. As a result - ovulation occurs even during treatment with OK. This point is extremely important to take into account women drinking pill to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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