Why sore feet during menstruation: the reasons why pulling, aching, numb in the limbs

Not every woman can boast of excellent state of health during menstruation. Reason why sore feet during menstruation, there may be several: from quite safe to require immediate medical intervention.

girl in jeans


  • Factors that trigger pain in the legs during menstruation
    • In girls, adolescence
    • In women of childbearing age
    • Premenstrual syndrome
  • These causes of pain in the legs
    • Reiter's syndrome
    • Back problems
    • venous insufficiency
    • joint diseases
    • polyneuropathy
  • What if the aching feet?
  • Diagnosis of the cause of the disease
  • Consultation with a general practitioner
  • Treatment of folk remedies
  • Compression underwear and creams

Factors that trigger pain in the legs during menstruation

In general, pain during menstruation can be considered the physiological norm. But these unpleasant symptoms are localized mainly in the area of ​​the lower abdomen. Uncharacteristic pain when pulling legs before menstruation, are perceived as threatening symptoms.

From a certain age, the girls need to listen to the state of his body and carefully monitor not only the regularity of the cycle, but also for the accompanying symptoms.

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They may indicate an underlying disease that is easily diagnosed and treated at an early stage.

In girls, adolescence

The so-called growing pains, which are often observed in the period of intensive growing between 5-15 years, and may be patchy. Teenage girls often complain of "volatile" pain in the lower extremities, not associated with injuries and illnesses.

At the age of 18 can absolutely hurt any part of the legs and the body as a whole. Experts identify two factors of this syndrome:

  • Increased physical activity that causes pain in the muscles and bone apparatus of the child;
  • the rapid increase in bone that provokes tension of the muscle fibers and tendons.
clings to his leg

Usually teenagers pain in the legs are not related to the menstrual cycle, but during this period the overall health worsens, she becomes broken, weakened. Unpleasant sensations that occur before, may increase the week before and during menstruation.

In women of childbearing age

In adults, especially nulliparous women the pain of this nature is not associated with an increase in the limbs. During menstruation can be uncomfortable when hormonal imbalance, diseases of the urinary and sexual systems, as well as due to different pathologies, obtained during childbirth (discrepancy pelvic bones, vertebral displacement, scar after COP).

Also unpleasant sensations in the legs may be caused by fatigue, length of stay in the vertical position, of general fatigue, lack of vitamins.

Premenstrual syndrome

One of the main reasons why sore feet before menstruation is premenstrual syndrome in women.

PMS pain sensations in the legs can be constant or periodic, are also different with different intensity, which is caused by changes in the concentration of progesterone and estrogen in hormonal disruptions cycle.

If the pain occurs on a monthly basis, there are swelling, mood changes, it can talk about PMS. As a result of fluid retention in the body can manifest symptoms such as a feeling of pressure in the lower limbs, severity, increased venous pattern, numbness and convulsions, especially after a long stay in the standing position and at night time.

PMS sensitivity increases. Women with a low threshold of pain may feel discomfort in the feet due to wearing tight shoes, non-elastic stockings and socks.

PMS lasts every woman is different, so please read more information on this topic in a separate article on our site.

a woman holding on to the legs

These causes of pain in the legs

If a woman shortly before or directly during menstruation sore feet, the causes can be due to various diseases, which are not directly related to the menstrual cycle. In this case, the monthly advance only intensifies pain.

Reiter's syndrome

Reiter's disease belongs to a group of rheumatic disorders. Characterized by the combined joint disease, urogenital tract and mucous membranes of the eyes. These organ systems may be affected at the same time or in sequence. The disease is called urogenital or intestinal infection.

In the presence of Reiter's syndrome in the acute phase of menstruation knees hurt, disturbed urination, urethritis develops. Then there is conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

1 month after the manifestation of urogenital infections develop reactive arthritis, asymmetric striking leg joints.

However, the disease more susceptible to the young men under 40 years, women who suffer from this disease is much less common, children, he does not hit.

Back problems

In spinal pathologies may experience pain in the lower extremities. Causes: pinched nerves, vertebral displacement, the development of osteoarthritis, muscle spasms. In this case, a sore leg, and the following symptoms are present:

  • numb feet;
  • convulsions;
  • tingling sensation on the skin;
  • drawing pains in the sacrum and lumbar spine.
girl in towel

A characteristic sign of back problems - pain often radiating to the body, around which there was a pinched nerve or other damage to the spine. When the compression of a nerve in the cervical discomfort will be felt in the head and hand in the breast - in the internal organs.

venous insufficiency

During menstruation, numb feet, there is a slight pain in the case of varicose disease. Characteristic symptoms feel swelling, aches in the lower limbs after stress, the development of venous ulcers.

The discomfort may be caused by breach of arterial blood supply (Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis). During menstruation, against the background of hormonal imbalance is a malfunction lymphatic drainage system of the body, swelling develops, causing the symptoms of the underlying disease worse.

joint diseases

Sometimes sore feet during menstruation and articular pathologies such as:

  • arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • arthrosis.

Causes discomfort may also be transferred and trauma surgery. Additional symptoms - stiff movement, crunch, redness in the affected joint, pain and heaviness in the legs when hypothermia or high load.


Feeling when you ache and numb the lower limbs during menstruation can also occur on the background of polyneuropathy. This disease is characterized by a feeling of chill in the calves and feet, heaviness, discomfort in the legs, hair loss, excessive dryness of the skin on the feet.

If neuropathy causes pain and loss of nerve fibers. And due to this constantly felt tired legs, cramps, chills.

feet on the pillow

What if the aching feet?

To eliminate the pain is necessary to make a diagnosis, especially if it is accompanied by other than menstruation, general malaise, increased temperature or long-not passes.

Diagnosis of the cause of the disease

At any time during the menstrual cycle, please consult your gynecologist. If necessary, the doctor will send the patient for further examination to specialists. For diagnostic purposes, is used:

  • biochemical and clinical blood, urine;
  • Abdominal ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • examination nerves and veins;
  • laparoscopy.

To identify the causes examined the spine and joints, genitourinary system, eliminate trauma and tumors.

Some procedures do not desirable during menstruation. For example, it is better not do an MRI at monthlyAnd to postpone the procedure until their completion.

Consultation with a general practitioner

Appeal to the therapist necessarily, if the pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle. Specialist differentiates legs such diseases as venous insufficiency, arthrosis and arthritis, as well as eliminates of stroke, the development of benign tumors, low back pain, increased sugar or approaching menopause. Appointed by the content analysis of various hormones in the blood. If necessary, the doctor issues a referral for counseling specialists - phlebologist, gastroenterology, traumatology, orthopedics, oncology.

woman at the doctor

Treatment of folk remedies

Frequent and severe pain during menstruation women are forced to apply the antispasmodic and analgesic drugs to alleviate the condition. But to get rid of unpleasant feelings only after eliminating the underlying cause.

So, treatment of pain in the legs folk remedies - an auxiliary measure. General recommendations for the therapy - regularly give the feet rest, and when to lift them up at the slightest opportunity the need to reduce the weight in the case of long distance do short breaks, not to throw his legs during seats.

Compression underwear and creams

Often bandages and compression garment is used in the case of varicose veins. Apply these products must be not only in painful sensations, but also at rest - for prevention.

Cast bandage is necessary in the morning without getting out of bed. Legs with the lift, the product is wrapped from the bottom to mid-thigh. It is important not was transferred by the skin, so as not to exacerbate the pathology of the venous system and not to provoke swelling.

With painful sensations in the lower limbs using special ointments and creams. They have a cooling or, conversely, a warming effect. Venotoniki improve blood flow, strengthens the vascular wall, prevent varicose veins development and eliminate the heaviness and pain in the legs.

Only a doctor accurately answer after the examination, whether the leg pain associated with the disease. It may be that this is a physiological feature of the female organism. To avoid health problems, do not delay the visit to the specialist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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