Sore ovaries after menses (right, left): why is there pain

The functioning of the reproductive system depends on the appendages. It is in these organs occurs oocyte maturation processes necessary for successful fertilization. In situations where the ovaries ache after a month, but not in the critical days, it is possible to suspect a serious pathology, to cope with which will not be possible without medical assistance.

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  • What is said by the ovary pain after menstruation
    • ovarian endometriosis
    • ovarian cyst
    • oophoritis
    • salpingitis
    • Adhesions in the pelvis
  • Causes of diseases
  • As bowel pathology hiding under women's diseases

What is said by the ovary pain after menstruation

After closure days critical hormonal stabilization occurs. Being for a given period, usually substantially improved. If a history of chronic disease, these days, they can escalate, and this explains why the sore ovaries after menstruation.

Pathologies that provoke the appearance of pain, there are many. Identify them at home is not possible. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know the basic clinical manifestations of disease, to quickly notice disturbances in the body and go to the gynecologist for help.

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ovarian endometriosis

This is a serious pathology, at which growth of the surface layer uterine (endometrial) beyond the genitals. These tissues penetrate appendages and continue to grow already in them.

In addition, paired organs themselves in certain periods of the cycle increases in size and are putting pressure on the uterus. In this regard, there is pain in the ovary after menstruation.

The development of ovarian endometriosis often caused by hormonal imbalances. This disease is characterized by reproductive disorders. The cycle becomes irregular, critical days are coming late. In addition, the woman begins to notice that she had after a month left ovary pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general condition worsens.

girl in toilet

ovarian cyst

In any of the appendages may be formed cysts. This process is caused by thickening of the shell body and the inability to exit the ovum. In addition to pain, there are clinical manifestations such as nausea, frequent urination, and occurrence of malfunction cycle spotting is the period of menstruation.

Another cause of pain may be apoplexy. In this case, damaged blood vessels and the outpouring of blood there. The main symptoms of apoplexy are sharp pains in the ovaries, which do not disappear during the entire cycle, as well as dizziness, pyrexia and chills.


One of the most common inflammatory diseases that affect the reproductive system, considered oophoritis. Its development is due to the penetration into the body of a viral infection, excessive exercise, stress, and depression of the immune system.

The following symptoms are observed in inflammation of the ovaries:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pulling character of pain in the lumbar and appendages;
  • need to reject intimacy due to the fact that much pull the ovary;
  • purulent discharge from the vagina;
  • frequent urination.

Pathology can cause serious complications - inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

inflammation of the pelvic organs


This is a serious gynecological disease in which the inflammatory process begins in the fallopian tubes. Cause this pathology can independently or on the background of oophoritis. Among the major clinical manifestations of the disease are the following:

  • discomfort in the lower back. Besides it hurts the ovary;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge;
  • painful urination;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • feeling the chill.

Adhesions in the pelvis

This is a condition in which the pelvis is formed compounds. Pain appear on the left or right, the menstrual cycle is broken, it becomes impossible to conceive. Often while women complain that they have drawn the right ovary, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature.

Causes of diseases

There are many causes of diseases in which there are unpleasant sensations in the appendages. The inflammatory process in the ovaries can trigger sexual infections, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma. A number of diseases develop on the background of surgical interventions. In this case, the woman can observe unpleasant discharge after menstruation.

Pathological changes in the reproductive system often seen in women exposed to stress and excessive exercise. This process is able to provoke and immunosuppression.

Two women

Independently determine the reasons that led to the development of the disease, and diagnose pathology impossible. Therefore, the appearance of pain in the area ovary after menstruation is necessary to seek the help of a gynecologist. Only thanks to timely medical care provided will be able to avoid serious consequences and normalize the activity of the paired organs.

As bowel pathology hiding under women's diseases

The emergence of pain in the appendages are often caused by various intestinal pathologies. For example, in Crohn's disease (an inflammatory disease of the terminal ileum) in women sore right ovary after menses. On the left side of the pain is not felt.

Intestinal infections initially appear a dull pain that is felt in most parts of the peritoneum. After a while it is localized in the area of ​​the appendages.

In the case of ischemic colitis, which occurs when occlusion or a violation patency of venous vessels in the intestinal area, often pulls left ovary. Therefore, the cause of the unpleasant symptoms are often trying to find in gynecological diseases.

Pain, evident in the critical days after the appendages - a wake-up call. Such changes in the body are the reason for the urgent visit to a gynecologist. Just in case, if the cause of the unpleasant symptoms will be timely identified and eliminated unwanted complications can be avoided. The lack of care, in turn, can lead to infertility. In some cases, drug treatment is not sufficient and need urgent surgery.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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