Surgical menopause, when it is assigned and what the

Surgical menopause, at which the removal of the ovaries and uterus, is a serious challenge, because after that the woman is no longer able to perform their reproductive functions. By this operation is resorted to only in the event that the patient has a serious indication for removal, which pose a threat to her life.

When menopause occurs naturally, healthy woman carries her symptoms without problems. But menopause after surgery can result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms.

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  • Life after the removal of the uterus and ovaries
  • Treatment in the surgical menopause
  • Can I get pregnant after surgery
    • after ovariectomy
    • after hysterectomy

Life after the removal of the uterus and ovaries

Surgical menopause may be caused by a number of ways:

  • removing reproductive organ;
  • oophorectomy (either or both);
  • removal of all reproductive organs.

Each of these special impact on health, which primarily depends on the characteristics of the organism. The main symptom of menopause as a result of the removal of the reproductive system is a lack of estrogen. Moreover, this condition occurs very rapidly, in contrast to the natural menopause process.

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For more information on symptoms of menopause We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

After removal of the ovaries menopause manifests the following changes in the body:

  1. Reinforced work glands responsible for the production of sweat, which occurs when the complete removal of the ovaries.
  2. hot flushesWhich explains the violation of thermoregulation of the body caused by hormonal failure. In surgical menopause, this symptom may occur up to 45 times per day.
  3. Decreased sex drive.
  4. Violation of the nervous system - the woman complains of constant fatigue, it becomes whiny and irritable.
  5. Rapid heartbeat.

Menopause Symptoms, when to remove one or both ovaries, may appear up to 2 yearsBut if to alleviate the condition is not carried out is no cure, the symptoms will be accompanied by a woman for many years. And, after 1-2 years after surgery, complications may develop:

  1. Increased total cholesterol, caused by changes in the blood. All this leads to the development of heart disease, which include stroke and heart attack.
  2. Changes the status and health of the urogenital tract, resulting atrophy of the mucous membrane of the vagina and bladder. The main symptom is itching, and dryness of the vagina, which is caused by a deficiency of hormones secretion and loss of uterine cervix. All this increases the risk of inflammatory and infectious diseases.
  3. Bone tissue soften and become thinner. Most at risk of developing fractures prone to wrist, collarbone and hip joints. If the natural menopause the percentage of bone thinning is 1, then after the surgery, it reaches 4-5% per year.

To prevent the development of these complications, it is necessary in a timely manner to deal with emerging symptoms.

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Menopause, which came after the removal of the uterus, leading to the changes:

  • There are no monthly, basis of which is uterine endometrium;
  • there is no function of procreation, since it is impossible to become pregnant during removal of the uterus;
  • tearfulness, nervous condition, aggression and depression.

For women, the elderly, who already have children, this situation is an advantage because you can not worry about pregnancy. In this case, the patient's psycho-emotional state is normalized.

It is worth to know that menopause is caused by the complete removal of the uterus is removed much more easily than menopause after removal of the ovaries, the main symptoms of which more extensive:

  • rapid weight gain, which causes high blood pressure and changes in normal heart;
  • incontinence and problems with urination;
  • pain during sexual intimacy;
  • severe bleeding;
  • pus on the seam line.

Alleviate the condition of the patient health help medical therapy, which is performed only under medical supervision.

Treatment in the surgical menopause

As described above, surgical menopause can cause several methods, which vary depending on characteristics of the disease, as well as what it gives problems of internal organ.

Modern methods of surgical therapy:

  1. Oophorectomy - removal of the ovaries. This method is used for ovarian pathological state, it leads to a reduction or complete cessation of hormone generating body.
  2. Hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, while the ovaries remain. When applied in the presence of problems with the reproductive organs - in multiple fibroids, fibroma or development of cancerous tumors. Since the ovaries remain in the body, it is aging much more slowly than in most doctors see only advantages. However, this situation increases the risk of cancer diseases, therefore a hysterectomy is used very rarely.
  3. Oophorectomy and hysterectomy - the simultaneous removal of the uterus and ovaries. Such a method of surgical menopause used to reduce the risk of complications.

After complete removal of the uterus and ovaries body has dramatically readjust to a new way of life, which is fraught with painful and unpleasant symptoms - unfortunately, they greatly impair the quality life.

surgical menopause treatment depends on the reason why the operation is carried out. Menopause hormone therapy is carried out and non-hormonal drugs, and select therapeutic compounds, their dosage and duration of reception must doctor. After treatment preparations containing hormones have several contraindications and side reactions.

In addition to being used non-hormonal and hormonal agents, the physician may prescribe the patient homeopathic preparations and vitamin complexes in the treatment of surgical menopause. We should not tolerate the painful symptoms that accompany surgical menopause, because the sooner treatment is started, the sooner the recovery.

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After the surgery you need to limit physical activity, as well as to adjust the diet, in order to avoid the appearance of excess weight. Therapy surgical menopause should be conducted on an individual basis. It was found that the complete removal of the uterus menopause occurs much earlier than is the development of a natural process. When completely deleted reproductive organs climax comes on the 7 years before.

Can I get pregnant after surgery

Many women who for health reasons had to resort to oophorectomy (ovary removal) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), are interested in, is it possible to get pregnant after surgical menopause. This is particularly important for young patients who wish to have children but do not have time or could not get pregnant. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to learn more about the procedures that are carried out for the surgical menopause:

after ovariectomy

If the patient remains the uterus and one functioning ovary, the prognosis is favorable for pregnancy. Should know that more than half of the women who underwent oophorectomy and have preserved ovarian function, able to successfully give birth.

The main condition for a successful pregnancy - scrupulous adherence to medical recommendations, as well as a good recovery after surgery. It is therefore necessary to postpone pregnancy for six months, temporarily using contraceptives. It is equally important for the successful birth of a baby regular visits to the gynecologist in mammalogy and postoperative menopause.

after hysterectomy

When was the removal of the reproductive organ of a woman, she will not have offspring. Indeed, during a hysterectomy removes the uterus - the main body, in which the possible growth of the baby in the mother's body.

However, in some cases, if the appendages have been removed, some women consider themselves to be pregnant even after hysterectomy. In fact, they have a rare complication such as the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This situation necessarily require surgical treatment, because the egg growth can lead to disruption of the integrity of the fallopian tubes and other internal organs.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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