Endometriosis in menopause (menopause): Symptoms and Treatment

Menopause inevitably entails unpleasant processes in the female body. Some gynecological diseases as a result of changes in the level of sex hormones disappear, others - appear. Endometriosis can manifest unpleasant symptoms during menopause, which require mandatory medication.

lower abdominal pain


  • Whether endometriosis Often during menopause
  • Clinical forms of endometriosis and its symptoms
  • What treatment to choose
    • HRT
    • Surgery
  • The risk of degeneration into cancer

Whether endometriosis Often during menopause

at uterine endometriosis there is proliferation of mucosal cells outside the genitals. Lesions may be the cervix, ovaries, intestines, diaphragm, lungs, liver.

Endometriosis in menopause often disappears, because the level of hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle, decreases dramatically, and soon they all disappear. However, in some women, the symptoms of disease, on the contrary, much worse.

Experts cite several reasons why endometriosis persists in menopause:

  1. Overweight. By reducing the amount of estrogen in the blood triggers the formation of fat cells. In this case, progesterone is still at the same level. The endometrium is actively growing, and if it was not until the climax - a pathology for the first time makes itself felt with the advent of menopause.
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  2. Diabetes. Development of endometrial pathology in women of menopausal age may be due to metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. Production of hormones is particularly disturbed by a sharp decrease in progesterone.
  3. Infectious gynecological diseases. Frequent inflammation of the female genital organs is likely to disrupt the formation and detachment of the endometrium. Often pathology is aggravated with the onset of menopause.
  4. Surgery. Surgical intervention in the female reproductive system can be the cause of endometriosis with menopause. Often abortion made by a woman in the early years, resulting in abnormal proliferation of the endometrium during climax. The fact is that after such an operation on the lining of the uterus tissues are damaged, which causes increased cell division against the background of estrogen decline.

The cause of endometriosis after menopause science is still not fully understood, because this pathology is not specific to menopause.

Clinical forms of endometriosis and its symptoms

Symptoms during menopause depend on how much of the affected area has already been formed, and where they are located. Experts call such basic signs of endometriosis at the climax:

  1. Strong, frequent and prolonged headaches. They are exhausting character. In the first half of the menstrual pain expressed in the second - gradually reduced.
  2. Slack vaginal bleeding resembling a menses. They can be scarce or abundant, often of such a nature secretions changes within a few days.
  3. When exfoliation endometrium allocation accompanied by dizziness, abdominal pain, fever against the background of intoxication. Such a condition causes nausea and vomiting. In the study of blood leukocytes increased level is detected which is characteristic for any inflammatory process.
  4. Irritability, drowsiness. All these signs and notices a woman in the absence of pathology, but with endometriosis occurs aggravation of symptoms.

For signs of endometriosis during menopause rarely pay attention. However, if left untreated can cause serious complications.


In cases where the pathology affects the intestines, several other manifestations. When menopause occur following intestinal endometriosis symptoms:

  • violation defecation process - constipation or diarrhea;
  • impurity blood and mucus in the stools;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • bloating;
  • smearing of bleeding between periods.

In the absence of bowel endometriosis in women at menopause can cause intestinal obstruction. This complication is an indication for an emergency operation.

Development of endometriosis, menopause is much more dangerous than in the reproductive age. This is due to the fact that the diagnosis of the pathology of the clearest signs easy in the normal menstrual cycle. In addition, the disease for women over 50 years has consequences in the form of adhesive processes, post-hemorrhagic anemia, internal bleeding.

What treatment to choose

Treatment of endometriosis after menopause carried out by several methods, which selects a specialist. At the initial stage of the pathology and the absence of complications conservative therapy applies.


hormone replacement therapy performed to eliminate hormonal imbalances during menopause. Treatment of endometriosis with menopause occurs via hormonal agents. In gynecology used:

  1. Norkulov. The drug is based on progesterone. With his admission reduced the impact of estrogen on the proliferation of the endometrium.
  2. Gestrinone, Danazol. The main active ingredient are the derivatives of male sex hormones androgens. They reduce the production of estrogen, allowing the female body to move quickly to new working conditions, reduce the abnormal growth of the mucous membrane.
  3. Zoladex, Diferelin. They are sources of analogues of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, have a suppressing effect on the production of FSH and LH.

Therapy using such agents for treating disease in menopausal period is 6-9 months. Calibration is done under the supervision of a physician. Complemented by treatment taking painkillers - shpy, baralgin, papaverine. Required appointed sedatives - Motherwort, Valerian.


Hormonal treatments are issued in cases where it is determined that the female body is deficient of certain hormones - estrogen and progestin. If the unpleasant symptoms of endometriosis were found in premenopausal, technicians can assign administration of oral contraceptives or intrauterine device with hormones.


If conservative treatment does not give positive results or woman sought medical attention too late, held surgery to remove the endometrial. The most commonly used method of laparoscopy.

Often experts are considering surgery as the only radical and effective treatment for women of menopausal age. When the disease is sometimes neglect to remove the uterus is shown.

The risk of degeneration into cancer

Risk of uterine endometriosis is the risk of the cancer cells. At the time of diagnosis does not exclude the probability of finding a specialist neoplasms benign or malignant nature.

With each passing year the risk of cancer development against the backdrop of current Endometriosis in menopause increases. Cancer after 60 years is not treated as the fight against it requires a strong immune system, and in women of this age the body is weakened.

To avoid dangerous complications in the postmenstrual period, with any violations should be referred to a specialist.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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