Artificial menopause (menopause): how to produce and how to get

Climax - this age period, which occurs in every woman's life, and is associated with the extinction of reproductive functions. In female representatives terminated ovulatory and menstrual phase, eliminates the possibility of pregnancy. In gynecology experts cause an artificial menopause, when it is necessary to adjust the level of female sex hormones, to spend treatment of certain gynecological disorders.

With artificial menopause hormonal changes significantly. A specialist should be closely monitored for the female body, to prevent pathological changes in organs and systems.

Woman in hospital gown


  • types of menopause
  • What is an artificial menopause
  • The mechanism of occurrence
  • The main signs and symptoms of an artificial menopause
  • Is it possible to become pregnant with artificial menopause
  • Therapies artificial menopause

types of menopause

Officially, in medicine there is a classification of menopause:

  • prematurely - from 30 to 40 years;
  • early - from 41 to 45 years;
  • a physiological or natural - comes at the age of 45-55 years;
  • late - after 55 years.
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It is known that the longer a woman's menstrual cycle is maintained, the better for her body. With early menopause accelerates the process of aging.

Early and late termination of the menstrual cycle is considered by gynecologists as a pathology. Such conditions require full medical examination and further treatment. When menopause in normal time only possible application of the preparations for facilitating the associated symptoms.

It is known in Gynecology and this type of menopause, like artificial menopause. This state, when for some reason experts cause ovarian failure. Drug treatment of certain diseases also lead to the development of artificial menopause, this is seen as a side effect of therapy.

Artificial menopause can reach via several methods. Specialists apply:

  • drug hormone therapy;
  • surgical technique - resection of the ovaries;
  • Radiological method - exposure of the ovaries.

Surgical menopause - spaying in benign and malignant tumors, as well as their injury.

irradiation method needs in oncology, when surgical removal of the affected organ becomes impossible. Upon irradiation or removal of both ovaries in a woman stops menstrual cycle, menopause. This process is irreversible and requires hormone therapy.

What is an artificial menopause

Female sex hormones are produced in several organs of the reproductive system at the same time, but their main number is produced by the ovaries. These bodies are multifunctional - contribute to the maturation of sex cells in a woman's body and are responsible for updating the internal layer of the uterus. Any violations in their work are reflected in the changes in the menstrual cycle.

The essence of an artificial menopause is the sharp temporary suspension of ovarian function. It is necessary in such gynecological diseases:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • infertility due to hormonal disorders;
  • malignant hormone-dependent diseases.

The development and course of the pathological process takes place under the influence of estrogens that are produced by the ovaries. However, in diseases such instead of the normal development of genital sex hormone multiplication causes the uterine mucosa cells or causes benign neoplasms.

With the help of medicines is a change level of female sex hormones - decrease in estrogen production. Under the action of drugs mucosal cells do not receive nourishment and grow, but stops and the menstrual cycle.

Artificial menopause translates the reproductive system of the female body in a state of rest. During this period, the ovaries do not produce estrogen, do not affect the maturation of the egg; mucous layer of the uterus is not growing, there is no menstrual discharge. Those portions of the mucous membrane, which already grow under the influence of hormones atrophy with time, the tumor reduced in size.

The mechanism of occurrence

The pathogenesis of artificial menopause is identical in almost all cases. The process occurs in suppressing production of female sex hormones estrogen.

The main drugs that cause an artificial menopause, belong to the group of agonists gonadotroping-releasing factors, progestogens and antigonadotropnym funds. When the body of these medications comes production of statins, which inhibit production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result of drug therapy occurs in the blood decrease in the level of female sex hormones.

For medical suppression of ovarian function are assigned such drugs:

  1. "Buserelin ',' Zoladex ',' Diferelin". At their reception there is a decrease in serum estradiol. Long-term use of these drugs cause amenorrhea - the complete absence of menses and artificial menopause.
  2. Preparations 17 DIC "Djufaston" - medicines, which are synthetic analogues of progesterone. Under the action of these drugs reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia.
  3. "Danazol" - reduces the production of FSH and LH pituitary hormones the female body. Chronic administration suppressed ovulation and maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

For the duration of the impact on the reproductive system, these drugs are divided into two basic forms:

  • Depot - was injected and once their action lasts an average of 2 months;
  • Daly form - gradual effect on the body in small doses, are used daily in a particular dosage of active compound, usually in tablet form.

The duration of treatment for each patient is determined individually. Typically, the female body is introduced into an artificial menopause condition for a period of from 3 to 6 months. It depends on the severity of the disease and the ultimate goal, which is to put a doctor.

doctor keeps the patient's shoulder

However, regardless of the severity of disease and its treatment such drugs can not last more than 6 months. Simultaneously, the cover therapy aimed at ameliorating the symptoms of menopause.

In severe disease, when medications and radiation therapy are powerless, premature menopause is caused by the removal of the uterus and ovaries.

The main signs and symptoms of an artificial menopause

Artificially induced menopause accompanied by symptoms that are characteristic physiological menopause. All signs and time of onset of symptoms since the beginning of the development process is divided into early and late. The first group is characterized by such symptoms:

  • hot flashes;
  • heavy sweating during the night;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased performance;
  • memory impairment;
  • absent-mindedness.

Inevitably suffering psycho-emotional sphere. Violations occur in excessive sentimentality, irritability, decreased libido, depressive states.

Month after inducing artificial menopause completely stopped, which also has a negative impact on the mental health of the woman. In addition to the lack of menses, there is itching and dryness in the vagina due to the lack of estrogen.

Experts identify more and late signs of artificial menopause that appear later. After such an intervention in the reproductive system of the female body all the metabolic and endocrine processes are being violated. Such violations occur in the following features:

  • premature aging of the skin;
  • malfunction of the genitourinary system;
  • the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • manifestation of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.

Taking into account the possible consequences of artificial menopause specialist should spend prevention of these dangerous pathologies.

Is it possible to become pregnant with artificial menopause

After the introduction of the female body into a state of menopause, reproductive system starts working in slow motion. At the beginning of the reception of medical drugs that suppress ovarian function, egg still continues to mature, but the number of follicles is greatly reduced. Thus, in the first months of therapy, the woman can get pregnant.

Woman doing pregnancy test

Pregnancy that occurs during artificial menopause, experts recommend to interrupt. The fact that the egg is fertilized in the waning function of the reproductive system is likely defective. If there were irregularities in its structure at the time of fertilization, it becomes possible to develop Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other genetic disorders.

Therapies artificial menopause

Exiting artificial menopause can be done only under medical supervision. After 2-3 months after discontinuation of drugs that suppress ovarian function, she will need to get tested for the control over the level of hormones.

In the absence of gynecological and endocrine disorders organism repairs itself. The doctor decides to cancel preparations for artificial menopause, given the state of women's health. Cancel medicaments may be performed upon successful recovery or treatment failure.

Usually menstrual recovery after the abolition of drugs takes place after 1-4 months. However, in some women, menstrual flow can not come within a year. In this case, gynecologists prescribe medication to exit the artificial menopause, to restore all the functions of the reproductive organs.

Normalize ovarian job, you can use these medicines:

  • "Cyclo-proginova";
  • "Divitren";
  • "Besser Alter";
  • "Estrovel";
  • "Estrimaks";
  • "Estrofem";
  • "Ovestin";
  • "Ovepol".

Take these drugs only after consultation with a specialist. Sometimes, when you use this method of treatment, as an artificial menopause, a woman may disrupt the growth of the endometrium, estrogen levels drop or rise in the blood concentration of other hormones. To eliminate such side effects, a gynecologist may assign patient hormonal therapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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