Edema in menopause: why the liquid is delayed

Climax is a difficult phase in the life of the fair sex. During this period, the reproductive function fades, hormonal changes can have a negative impact on women's health. During menopause accelerated pulse, appears dizziness, mood changes abruptly. These symptoms may indicate the development of arrhythmias.

A mild form of the disease does not present any particular risk for women. But if left untreated the disease can progress. In severe irreversible changes occur in the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) may develop heart failure. In addition, during menopause in women often appear edema. To eliminate them are used as medications and infusions of medicinal plants endowed with diuretic properties.

woman sitting in bed


  • The causes of edema during menopause
    • hormonal causes
    • malnutrition
    • Edema due to inactivity
  • Diuretics edema
  • preventive measures

The causes of edema during menopause

During menopause fluid retention occurs for various reasons:

  • the presence of women from different chronic diseases: hypertension during menopause, Venous insufficiency, varicose vein disease, diabetes, renal disease;
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  • overweight;
  • nerve strain.

Edema appear during menopause and after prolonged use of different medicaments. These include, primarily antidepressants and NSAIDs.

hormonal causes

During menopause a woman's body may occur hormonal imbalance. In such a case it is necessary to take appropriate medicaments.

Hormonal imbalance during menopause is quite dangerous. It can cause the following complications:

  • metabolic disease;
  • nausea;
  • occurrence of tinnitus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • osteoporosis;
  • appearance obsessive fear of death;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid;
  • sweating;
  • pain in the heart area.

Hormonal medications help to cope with unfavorable changes in the body. But with medication, as part of which there are female sex hormones, there may be swelling.

In the presence of contraindications to hormone replacement therapy, the physician may prescribe the patient a means in which structure there are phytoestrogens. They are analogues of female sex hormones. Phytoestrogens allow endure hormonal changes. In the application of these preparations is extremely low incidence of side effects, including edema.


Often there is edema during menopause due to malnutrition. Therefore, the fair sex should be eliminated from your diet pickled vegetables, meats, mayonnaise, savory sauces, spicy seasonings, sweets. It is recommended to abandon the strong brewed tea, instant food, foods that contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates.

For more information on nutrition in menopause We recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

woman eating fatty foods

You must be present freshly squeezed vegetable juices, fish, salads, vegetables in the daily menu.

Edema due to inactivity

Inactive lifestyle can cause leg edema during menopause. You need to know that with a long stay in one position increases the likelihood of fluid retention in the body, this is a common cause of swelling in menopause.

If a woman has to have a lot of work to sit, you need to take short breaks. Free moments the best thing to perform special exercises. These include:

  1. Roll from heel to toe.
  2. Execution of the circular movement of the foot.
  3. Walking in slow motion.
  4. The rise on tiptoes.
  5. Alternately stretch heels and socks.

These exercises can be done in the office walls, and in the comfort of your home.

Diuretics edema

There are many popular recipes to help you get rid of edema during menopause, for example:

  1. The drug infusion of flax. It is necessary to pour 10 grams of seeds of 0.2 liters of boiling water. Drink insist on for 30 minutes, then the infusion is filtered. He helps to remove excess fluid from the body. It is necessary to drink 50 ml of infusion twice per day.
  2. Popularly and treatment of edema via horsetail. 50 grams of finely chopped vegetable raw material is poured 500 ml of boiling water. Means insist at least 20 minutes, then drink it is necessary filtered. It must be consumed before a meal of 30 ml three times a day.

When a woman has a chronic swelling should consult a doctor before using folk remedies. Some plants that have diuretic properties, have a negative effect on the kidneys, provoke the exacerbation of diseases such as nephritis.

preventive measures

Prevention of edema during menopause involves, first of all, the control of body weight. You need to give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol consumption. We need to spend more time outdoors: regular walks can help improve the body's condition.

It is recommended to periodically take folk remedies for prevention of edema. Peppermint tea not only calms the nervous system. Thanks to his menopause swelling of the feet will not occur. Because beneficial agent promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 63
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