When menopause dry skin and itching of the body

Besides the endometrium dryness and other reproductive organs during the menopause, as seen dry skin. This is due to the decrease in the production of female hormones, typical of this condition. Insufficiently elastic skin is pulled together and it shows a sense of itching in menopause. It starts with the sexual organs and spreads throughout the body, causing discomfort and irritation, reducing efficiency and disrupt sleep. Itching back at the climax of the least pleasant, because in this area the most difficult to reach to scratch or process the skin.

woman scratching her back


  • Climax and dry skin
  • What to do with an itch in menopause
    • Therapy medications gormonosoderzhaschimi
    • Traditional medicines
    • A well-chosen diet
  • Tips for skin care during menopause
  • Vitamins for Women 45+

Climax and dry skin

Burning and itching in menopause linked to a number of hormonal changes in this period.

  1. Progesterone is produced not so active, that affects the production of the protective mucus of the cervix, as well as the sebaceous glands.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Mucous secretion with each passing month it becomes less and less, there is dryness of the vaginaWhich extends to the skin of the external genitalia. Feelings are so unpleasant that many women can not cope with them and comb delicate skin to ichor and ulcers.

Often itching spreads throughout the body due to lack of moisture sebum. Climacteric dry skin - a common phenomenon faced by virtually every woman. In addition to roughness, can appear such unpleasant its manifestation as rashes and irritation.

In addition to age-related changes, some diseases can also trigger itching all of the skin. Their presence should be excluded in order to properly deal with the problem.

What to do with an itch in menopause

To alleviate his condition and find the right treatments for itching, a woman must first identify its causes. In addition to menopause it may be:

  • disruptions of the endocrine system;
  • fungal infection of the skin;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • allergic reaction;
  • yeast infection, sexually transmitted disease;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • herpes;
  • skin cancers.

In the diagnosis of any of the diseases treatment prescribed by a doctor.

If in the course of medical pathology examination not show up, then the cause of itching are age-related changes in the body. Dry skin during menopause - one of them. Treatment is complex.

Therapy medications gormonosoderzhaschimi

Apply recommended strictly on prescription. Preparations in menopause There are general and local action.

  1. Common action - taken preoral or injection, the goal of therapy is considered to be the removal of all the unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause, as well as the causes of the itch - hormonal imbalance. They contain a small amount of the female hormone estrogen analogue, so they are completely safe.
  2. topical drugs used for the treatment of the vagina. The disadvantage of these drugs is that they remove only the itching in the genital area, and not its cause. The advantage of local products is considered to be a quick effect.

Traditional medicines

For the treatment of itching during menopause herbal medicine has been used successfully - douching decoction of herbs. Also, they can handle the vulva. Well suited for these goals, chamomile fees, succession, celandine. Will be effective tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil or candles from animal fat and propolis.

herb broth

Before using any of folk remedies important to ensure there are no contraindications to its components.

A well-chosen diet

The diet in menopause It is tailored to two fundamentally important points:

  1. Exclusion of products that enhance skin dryness: salty, spicy, smoked, sweet.
  2. Adding to the diet of healthy fats: nuts, oily fish, avocado.
  3. In addition, it is important to monitor the water balance and to drink at least 2 liters of pure water every day easy. Nutrition should be a fraction, so as not to overload the digestive system. Difficulties metabolic processes are fraught with the deposition of toxins, which inevitably manifests itself on the skin.

Among other things, you must carefully observe good personal hygiene.

Tips for skin care during menopause

Lifestyle modification should be adjusted to all the processes in the female body. Familiar gels and other means for personal hygiene with the beginning of menopause may further dry the skin of the genital organs, cause irritation and allergic reaction.

In order not to harm the skin and reduce itching, it is advisable to adhere to these guidelines:

  • abandon the usual cosmetics, choosing age-appropriate, and hypo-allergenic;
  • give preference to a decoction of herbs with podmyvanii;
  • to moisturize the skin of the body make better use of natural essential oils;
  • take a warm bath does not need more than 2 times per week, welcome the addition of essential oils into the water;
  • engage in moderate exercise, ideal breathing exercises;
  • take an air bath, avoiding the direct rays of the sun on the skin;
  • avoid stressful situations, and to secure a healthy sleep;
  • to give up alcohol, cigarettes and coffee.

All of these measures will not only help improve the condition of the skin and get rid of the itching, but also strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins for Women 45+

In adulthood, women's metabolism slows down considerably, and this affects the ability to absorb useful minerals. Even when a balanced healthy nutrition body needs additional supply of vitamins. Particularly for women, leading an active lifestyle. For skin necessary vitamins E, A, D, F, C. They can be used individually or as part of complex products. Before their purchase is recommended to take a blood test to determine if any of them are missing the most. The use of vitamins and supplements should be agreed with your doctor.

itchy skin during menopause - the inevitable phenomenon, but it is easily remedied with the right approach. Healthy lifestyle, health status monitoring, with the exception of stress and hygiene rules - that will help every woman.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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