Uterine fibroids during menopause: the symptoms and signs of whether the operation is necessary

Menopause has a negative impact on the mental and the physical health of the woman, despite the fact that it is a natural physiological process. With the fading of the reproductive function of the female body are manifested many diseases that were previously not made themselves felt. Quite often, the signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids detected during climax.

This gynecological condition where the node is formed in the tissues of benign tumors of the female reproductive organ system. Most often it is seen fibroids at menopause, in this age period such diagnosis is made every third woman.

sad woman


  • How to behave in fibroid menopause
  • Would it not be with uterine cancer
  • warning signs
  • Whether to go under the knife
  • How to prevent the development of fibroids

How to behave in fibroid menopause

tumor disease "younger", and affects women of reproductive age every year. Nodes on the uterus are fed by the blood vessels, mainly function to recharge them operate estrogen, which affect the menstrual cycle. It is even considered that the menopause benign tumors can, on the contrary, decrease in size since losing recharge.

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However, numerous studies have refuted this assumption. According to experts, not every tumor disappears at menopause, because the units come in several forms. The fact that fibroids during menopause is not always lowers its activity. Perhaps the disappearance of such species fibroids during menopause:

  • intramural - units produced within the muscle layer of the uterus;
  • subserous - nodes that grow on the surface of the inner penis.

What will happen to myoma during menopause, and also depends on the size and location of the tumor mass. If the node size up to 2 cm, there is a possibility of its resorption. He usually does not manifest itself in any way.

Symptoms of fibroids during menopause at an early stage of disease often do not manifest themselves. The first manifestations can be found in the long course of the disease.


Experts identify the symptoms of uterine fibroids during menopause:

  • Vaginal spotting;
  • pain in the abdomen, which are aching in nature;
  • feeling of fullness in the pelvic area;
  • sometimes there are painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • Many women notice how the stomach increases in circumference.

In particular, spotting during menopause can testify not only about uterine fibroids, but also other pathologies. For more information about the reasons for the appearance of this symptom we recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

If you run a disease, the tumor can grow so that the external appearance resembles the belly of early pregnancy.

Myoma menopause can cause a violation of urination and defecation. The fact that the tumor can be located close to the bladder and bowel, irritating or putting pressure on the authorities. This complication is manifested frequent urination and constipation. defecation process may be accompanied by pain and bloody discharge.

Development myoma during menopause may occur under the influence of certain factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • overweight;
  • frequent stress;
  • frequent abortions.

Extinction of the reproductive function of the body and hormonal changes have a different impact on chronic diseases. Some aggravated, others do not make themselves known.

Would it not be with uterine cancer

It is possible that during menopause fibroids develop into a malignancy. That is why gynecologists strongly recommend that women with menopause carefully monitor their health, in good time to be screened from the experts.

doctor keeps the uterus layout with cancerous tumors

Hysteromyoma menopause has the ability to cause hyperplastic processes, it can degenerate into malignant tumors. The host tissues occurs atypical actively dividing cells. With this course of pathology tumor becomes malignant form - uterine cancer. A precancerous condition called predsarkomoy, can only be determined by histological examination after curettage.

For fibroids during menopause can have different manifestations. Depending on what type of tissue is prevalent in tumors, such isolated species nodes:

  • fibroma - the predominance of connective tissue of the muscle;
  • fibroids (leiomyomas) - units, which consist of an equal number of muscle and connective tissue.

Rapidly growing fibroids at menopause in gynecology called proliferating. Patients with this type of pathology are under increased supervision of specialists.

Signs of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant reproductive organs may be:

  • rapid increase in the size of the nodes;
  • in the absence of blood loss anemia;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Signs and symptoms of fibroids, fibroids, or leiomyomas of the uterus in menopause alone can not be distinguished. They are identical, the diagnosis can only be a specialist on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease.

warning signs

With long-term preservation of the symptoms of uterine fibroids during menopause and untreated, often do not avoid dangerous complications and consequences. In cases where the sites are located in the lower parts of the uterus, it is possible loss of the tumor. Such a complication inherent neoplasms polypoid shape disposed on the mucosal or submucosal layer of the uterus.

Often such fibroids during menopause increases quite rapidly, leading to the discovery and inversion of the uterus. In this case, the node inevitably falls from the cavity of the female sexual organ, partially overlapping the vagina. This pathological process is shown by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain and monthly allotment;
  • detecting growth leiomyomata on ultrasound;
  • feeling of fullness in the abdomen radiating to the lumbar region.

Since the disease is characterized by frequent and heavy bleeding, in many patients, a diagnosis of anemia. Bleeding and pain usually occur during active growth of the tumor. He is due to hormonal spikes.

In order not to miss the start of development of the disease, it should be clearly understood, as the flow menstruation at menopause. For more information on this topic can be found in a separate article on our site.

Whether to go under the knife

If uterine fibroids during menopause in women began to decrease in size, treatment is usually not assigned, but an expert conducts continuous monitoring of neoplasm. However, when menopause fibroids resorbed not always, and then the required drug therapy.

Gynecologists prescribe drugs with progesterone, which suspend the growth of the tumor and cause its desiccation. Well-proven therapies such hormones as medroxyprogesterone Buserelin and Norkolut their prescribed course of 6 months.

Many women are interested in the question of whether uterine myoma operation is necessary during menopause, when the tumor is not resolved. Often completely cure uterine fibroids after menopause can only surgical treatment method. Surgical intervention is carried out in two ways:

  • radical;
  • organ-preserving.

surgeons perform the operation
If the specialist says that the symptoms of uterine fibroids should be treated in menopause radical way, refers to the complete removal of the body together with the neck.

Operation is such evidence:

  • size of the uterus, which is characteristic for the 14th week of pregnancy;
  • the rapid growth of benign tumors;
  • death of tissue tumor in violation of its power.

Conserving surgery reduces the removal of preserving the integrity of the uterus nodes. Menopausal age of the patient does not become the basis for a radical removal of the organ. Experts suggest women to make a choice, if the size and location of the tumor permit.

There is no doubt that if the fibroid is dangerous during menopause, and to let the disease take its course. Advanced tumors at menopause can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to prevent the development of fibroids

To reduce the risk of fibroids during menopause, it is important to observe the following guidelines:

  1. Visit the gynecologist must be at least 2 times a year, examining the condition of the reproductive system and hormones.
  2. regularly take hormones in menopauseIf they were assigned to a specialist for pathology prophylaxis.
  3. To refuse from bad habits.
  4. Do sport.
  5. Women who lead an active life, after menopause, it is recommended to slightly reduce the activity.

Fibroids - threatening tumor formation, which is in the early stages does not manifest itself by any symptoms, find it more often in the medical examination. It is important to remember that a careful and serious attitude towards their health during menopause reduces the risk of fibroids.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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