Folk remedies, herbs in menopause, hot flashes phytohormones

Women elegant age, faced with the unpleasant but inevitable onset of aging, often powerless before the manifestations of menopause. Menopausal syndrome negatively affects women's lives and health, which leads to neurosis, the development of serious ailments. Modern medicine, in addition to traditional drugs based on hormones, offers women used as non-hormonal preparations based on vegetable raw materials, as well as folk remedies when menopause.

At the same time when the menopause herbs are used as an adjunct to patients receiving gormonosoderzhaschih preparations. Collection of medicinal herbs, consisting of a balanced composition of the plant materials capable alleviate many uncomfortable menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, headaches, pressure surges. This article will help you understand how herbal medicine can help a woman in one of the most difficult for her body's lifetimes, and choose the most effective ways.

woman drink the infusion


  • The medicine is not a panacea
  • Recipes from herbs in menopause
    • nervousness
    • when tides
    • With abundant monthly
    • Natural sources of phytoestrogens
  • instagram viewer
  • Under what conditions can apply herbs
  • The use of dietary supplements

The medicine is not a panacea

Age-extinction of the reproductive function and the associated process changes in the body called menopause. First of all it is caused by oppression, and eventually stop production of female sex hormones, accompanied by the following types of unpleasant symptoms:

  • neuro-psychological - emotional lability, irritability, sleep disturbances, depression;
  • Cardiovascular - dizziness, darkening of the eyes, migraine attacks, arrhythmia, tachycardia, Pressure surges and flow;
  • endocrine - ovarian function, menstrual disorders, anovulation, a change in the overall hormonal levels, changes in appearance, the development of diseases of the endocrine system.

Reducing the production of female sex hormones causes disorders in all organs and body systems. To facilitate the flow of relief of symptoms of menopause and climacteric syndrome, doctors prescribe different treatments:

  • replacement therapy;
  • non-hormonal drug treatment;
  • phytotherapy.

All of these methods can be used separately, or in combination. Treatment of hormonal therapy has a long list of contraindications, so very often, instead of products based on hormones, doctors prescribe plant hormones during menopause. Plant hormones - are plant analogs of female sex hormones, which have a similar effect on the body.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers not only a wide variety of herbs and herbal, designed specifically for women during menopause, but also a wide range of dietary supplements based on extracts and vegetable extracts raw materials.

Today in the pharmacy you can buy any remedy for menopause. However, it should be remembered that only a doctor-gynecologist on the results of the survey can prescribe treatment certain drugs, even if it's traditional recipes, and useful in the treatment of menopause herbs everywhere apply.

Recipes from herbs in menopause

Therapies manifestations of menopause folk remedies used for centuries. Folk medicine recommends various herbs, teas, herbal infusions based on herbs. Modern herbal medicine also offers a variety of herbal supplements in menopause made as simple of a particular set of herbs and using different extraction processes, special processing and the addition of other natural ingredients.

Herbs can ease the condition of women with hot flashes, mood swings alleviate nerve and eliminate insomnia, and some of them are replaced by acting hormone treatment. They can be brewed as a tea (sold in pharmacies in special filter bags). You can also buy individual herbs in packs or as ready fitosborov.


The nervous system of women during menopause suffer not only because of problems with the hormonal background. Panic overtakes her, including, and the fear of impending old age, the loss does not only possibility to give birth to the child, but also the prospect of the loss of visual appeal and youth.


Recipe 1: Flask for driving nerves in order

To facilitate the inflated condition caused by the constant hormonal changes and the overall imbalance in the female body, help teas of the following medicinal herbs:

  • valerian (plant roots);
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • peony;
  • mint;
  • Melissa.

The above ingredients are taken in any combination one tablespoon, poured 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled in water bath for 15 minutes. Then, the broth is cooled and filtered. It is recommended to take half an hour before meals for a third cup.

Recipe 2: soothing mixture

Many women use for self-soothing blend of soothing herbal tinctures sold in pharmacies. Valerian tincture, motherwort, peony mixed in overall glassware obtained mixture was stored in the refrigerator. As a herbal to instructions for use, having a calming effect, the minimum dose to receiving 20-30 drops, then the mixture was diluted with the same dose in a small amount of water and take an hour or two before sleep.

Before you start taking this integrated sedative, to make sure that no you are hypersensitive to its components, and do not forget that part of the ethyl tinctures alcohol.

The above herbs have not only soothing, but also a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Mint and lemon balm give a small diuretic effect that helps to combat swelling. Concomitant effect when the sedative effect of valerian and Leonurus will eliminate palpitations and arrhythmia.

Recipe 3: decoction with sedative effect

To combat headache, depression and insomnia folk medicine recommends to use a decoction of dried herb mixture following:

  • Melissa - 3 tablespoons;
  • rhizome chicory - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • hawthorn - 2 tablespoons;
  • mint - 2 tablespoons;
  • willow-herb - 2.5 tablespoons.

The ground plant material is mixed in the specified proportions, and from the resulting mixture preparing herbal infusion. One tablespoon of the mixture to pour cup of boiling water, wrap a towel and infuse for half an hour. Take the infusion of a third cup 3 times a day before meals.

when tides

Such unpleasant symptoms of menopausal syndrome, as the tide is expressed in a sharp increase in body temperature, hot flashes, a woman quickens the heartbeat, increased sweating, dizziness, appears dark in eyes. The attack may be a brief time, and last for several minutes. The appearance of the tides is considered to be a consequence of the reaction of the cardiovascular system in the menopausal changes in the body.


at tidesWhich become a permanent companion exhausting women during menopause, folk medicine recommends use of medicinal herbs. Folk remedies for hot flashes include the use of herbs and fruits of plants, such as:

  • sage;
  • oregano;
  • Oak bark;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • briar;
  • hawthorn;
  • Rowan;
  • chamomile.

These herbs help in menopause hot flashes, sweating and heart palpitations. Herbal tides from at menopause can be created in several different ways, with different herbs.

Recipe 1: The infusion of dried herbs

From dried medicinal herbs are preparing the mixture in the following proportions:

  • sage - 3 tablespoons;
  • oregano - 3 tablespoons;
  • chopped oak bark - 2 tablespoons;
  • chamomile - 2 tablespoons.

One tablespoon mixture pour boiling water (1 cup) in a thermos and infuse half an hour, then the infusion filter. Drink a half hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Recipe 2: decoction to reduce sweating

To reduce sweating can sponge oneself decoction of a mixture of buckthorn bark and oak.

To prepare the mixtures take 2 tablespoons of oak bark and buckthorn, chop and mix. To prepare the broth to boil 1 cup of water, add 1 tablespoon of the mixture, brought to a boil and pour into a thermos insist half hour. Then the volume of broth was adjusted to 0.5 liter. The resulting broth wipe the upper body 1-2 times a day.

Recipe 3: rosehips and hawthorn

In order to strengthen the cardiovascular system it is recommended that the infusion of rose hips and hawthorn.

In boiling water (0.5 L) was added fruit (1 tablespoon) and the mixture is brought to boiling, removed from heat and infused, preferably at least one hour. The resulting infusion, you can add honey, lemon, ginger and use it instead of tea in the evening.

Recipe 4: a mixture of herbs with severe symptoms of menopause

In case of severe climacteric syndrome is considered to be the most effective decoction prepared by the following recipe. Preparing of herbal raw materials, taken in equal parts:

  • blackberry leaves;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn flowers;
  • woodruff;
  • cudweed marsh.
a mixture of herbs for decoction

0.5 l of boiling water is added one tablespoon of milled collection boiled 5 minutes on low heat, and then infused in one hour. Broth need to strain and drink 3-4 times a day for a third cup before eating. In two weeks must come relief.

Recipe 5: tincture of mountain ash

The berries are red ash in an amount of 1 cup thoroughly wash, dry, then lightly crush and put in a glass container with a lid. Pour vodka (1 cup) and infuse within one month in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon before bedtime.

Recipe 5: tincture of hop cones

Mark 20 g of hop cones, wash, dry. Put a glass container with a lid, pour vodka (1 cup) and insist week in a cool dark place.

Take 2 times a day, morning and evening, 5 drops dissolved in a tablespoon of water.

With abundant monthly

To combat uterine bleeding and heavy menstruation during menopause is used a decoction of the following herbal collection:

  • oak bark - 1 tablespoon;
  • chamomile - 1 tablespoon;
  • knot-grass - 5 tablespoons;
  • nettle - 3 tablespoons.

Grind and mix the ingredients in the amounts indicated. 2 tablespoons collection add to boiling water (1 L) and soak for simmered (gentle reflux) for 10 minutes. Infuse for one hour, then strain broth. Take before meals for half an hour. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day.

Natural sources of phytoestrogens

In the absence of contraindications and under the strict supervision of a physician can use the following herbs to facilitate the flow of menopause:

  • red clover;
  • snake root (black cohosh).
Red clover

Red clover

These plants are natural sources of phytoestrogens - plant analogs of female sex hormones. Red clover for women is particularly useful, it is composed of many minerals, the lack of which adversely affects a woman's body during menopause:

  • calcium;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

They are used in the form of decoctions and infusions.

Recipe 1: decoction of black cohosh

To prepare the broth from snake root (black cohosh) in boiling water (1 cup), put 1 teaspoon comminuted plant material, cook at low boil for 8 minutes, infuse for 2 hours strain.

Drink a quarter cup 3-4 times a day. continuous course of treatment should not exceed 6 months.

We must not forget that this plant is prohibited in the diagnosis of estrogen-neoplastic processes (mammary tumors, uterine fibroids) history. Such treatment is possible only after the approval of the treating physician.

2 Recipe: Flask of red clover

Chopped raw material in an amount of 50 g was placed in boiling water (1 cup), bring to a boil and turn off. Insist half an hour, drain. Drink 2-3 times a day after eating a quarter cup.

Under what conditions can apply herbs

Herbs, fitosbory of them, and fruits of plants - lovely folk remedies for hot flushes, nervous disorders and cardiovascular problems. Phytotherapy in menopause can help in solving the problems of hormonal imbalance as phytoestrogens found in plants in small doses, can replace traditional hormone therapy.

Using the healing properties of plants also will delay the onset of menopause and development, has a restorative effect, increases the overall body tone.

The use of dietary supplements

Some women during menopause hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be carried out using conventional hormonal therapy because of the presence of contraindications to their use. In this case, the assistance may come herbal preparations with phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens in menopause play a role of natural female sex hormones, because they are their natural counterparts, contained in medicinal plants. Thus they do not have properties causing side effects, such as:

  • growth hormone-dependent tumors and other oncological diseases of the female genital organs;
  • the development of endometrial hyperplasia;
  • endometriosis and other diseases.

With climacteric symptoms pill containing plant hormone analogues cope not worse than the most effective hormonal medication.

In dietary supplements (dietary supplements) practically no contraindications, the most serious of them can be idiosyncrasy of the individual components. BAD - not a cure, but its use must necessarily be consistent with the gynecologist.

Currently, the following herbal remedies are used in menopause:

  • Klimadinon;
  • Estrovel;
  • Chi-klim;
  • Red brush;
  • Remens;
  • Feminal and many others.

Using the healing power of plants and the achievements of modern science can successfully cope with the climacteric syndrome. Phytoestrogens contained in certain medicinal plants, will not replace the female hormones in full, but may help ease during menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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