Bleeding and spotting during menopause: causes, treatment

Climax - is the waning fertility, at a certain age every woman overtaking. It is accompanied by a number of different changes in the body, the most important of them - the oppression of production of female sex hormones in the ovaries and the cessation of ovulation.

The menstrual cycle first becomes unstable and fragile, and then menstruation ceases altogether. However, bleeding in menopause may still start, and its causes are different. This should alert a woman, in which case it is necessary to address urgently to the gynecologist to determine and eliminate the causes of ailments. Also commonly raised concerns spotting after menopause, these cases also requires urgent consultations in gynecology.

I have a stomachache


  • The causes of bleeding or bleeding during menopause
    • premenopausal
    • Menopause and postmenopause
  • Types of abnormal discharge during menopause
  • When to suspect pathology and seek medical advice
  • How to stop the bleeding at home
    • Pills
    • herbs

The causes of bleeding or bleeding during menopause

Climax is characterized by the gradual suppression of the reproductive function, it is a long time process that takes up to 10 years.

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He may be accompanied by various disorders of the sexual sphere. Any deviation from the norm requires examination by the attending gynecologist. The causes of uterine bleeding in menopause at different stages may vary.


During this period, hormonal changes, the ovaries become unstable, ovulation occur less frequently. The reasons for the increase of blood discharge at this time include:

  1. Endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal: Menstrual cycle becomes irregular, leading to the widening of the endometrium. During menstruation during this period the amount of discharge may increase.
  2. Endometriosis in menopause: Germination of the endometrium outside the uterus, in the neighboring organs. Accompanied intermenstrual bleeding.
  3. Fibroids in the uterus: this pathology is a violation of the contractility of the uterus, which causes bleeding.
  4. Endometrial polyps: growths on the endometrium provoke increased release of blood.
  5. Ovarian dysfunction: inflammation and hormonal disorders cause delay, the intensity of menstrual flow varies from time to time.
  6. Using IUD: intrauterine device causes an increase in volume of menstrual secretions.
  7. Oral contraceptives (in case of abrupt withdrawal of admission).
  8. Thyroid disease: the sharp fluctuations in the level of thyroid hormone can cause uterine bleeding.
  9. Bleeding disorder: it may be natural, and it can be caused by taking drugs, particularly anticoagulants.

Menopause and postmenopause

Menopause is characterized by a complete absence of ovulation, menstruation does not occur. If menopause causes of regular bleeding may be associated with hormonal agents with progesterone. Wanting to regain youth, women start to use hormonal drugs that cause the return of menses.


Also spotting possible using hormone replacement therapy menopausal symptoms are severe. This therapy is only possible in the absence of serious pathologies, and under the supervision of a gynecologist.

After ovulation stops completely and menstruation does not occur within a year, we can talk about onset menopause. Any spotting or bleeding during menopause to indicate health problems. Most often, the blood separation possible for the following reasons:

  • violation of the integrity of the vaginal mucosa (damage due to excessive dryness, for example, as a result of sexual intercourse) promotes various internal genital infections;
  • cervical benign tumors, cancer, fibroids.

Plentiful monthly at menopause in any stage - a reason for immediate visit to the gynecologist, as fibroids and polyps and cancer pathology can appear at any age.

Types of abnormal discharge during menopause

Uterine bleeding of varying intensity may occur in a woman at any time. In gynecology, they are divided into the main types:

  • menorrhagia - long (longer than 7 therein) or abundant (over 80 ml) regular bleeding;
  • metrorrhagia - frequent, scanty and irregular allocation spreadable character;
  • menometrorrhagia - irregular bleeding, prolonged in time and (or) abundant;
  • polimenoreya - bleeding occur regularly, the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days.

In premenopausal bleeding typically has menometrorrhagia character and bleeding at menopause has properties metrorrhagia. Dark brown discharge during menopause - a signal about the development of pathology. Microtrauma vaginal arising due to its excessive dryness of the mucous membranes (vaginal atrophy climacteric) may cause bleeding, sukrovichnye selection.

When to suspect pathology and seek medical advice

Bleeding in menopause can have a different nature and frequency, it depends on its stage. In premenopausal women should consult a doctor if:

  • menstruation is too long, but irregular, and the amount of unstable precipitates (menometrorrhagia);
  • present in secretions clots, tissue fragments, it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • menstruation occurs more frequently than every 3 weeks (polimenoreya);
  • menstruation are of short duration and different weak intensity (metrorrhagia).

If you start spotting appear brown discharge during menopause, you first need to be screened for cancer. Any allocation of menopausal containing blood can indicate a serious pathology.

woman at the doctor

Of bleeding during menopause at different stages may indicate a variety of problems of internal genital authorities, but we must not forget about the main symptoms of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), requiring immediate hospitalization:

  • discharge has a liquid consistency;
  • blood bright red color;
  • Blood flows rapidly, the bleeding subsides in a prone position.

Such a condition can be eliminated only in the hospital, with the use of emergency treatment measures.

How to stop the bleeding at home

Uterine bleeding in menopause is especially dangerous as menstrual irregularities and varying amounts of secretions can enter the woman astray. Stop bleeding may be necessary medication (tablets, injections hemostatic preparations), and simultaneously, in agreement with the doctor, to use methods of folk medicine.

Bleeding after menopause maximum likelihood means the presence in the body of serious cancers. Treated at home by yourself, you should not require urgent examination in the hospital, as you may need urgent surgery.


Typically, hemostatic drugs are used for the suspension of unexpressed bleeding:

  • calcium gluconate - reduces the permeability of capillaries;
  • Menadione (synthetic analogue of vitamin K) - stimulates the production of prothrombin and prokonvertina;
  • Dicynone - reduces the permeability of the vessel walls and stimulates the formation of thromboplastin;
  • aminocaproic acid - inhibits fibrinolysis.
with pills in hand

If the cause is established, and uterine bleeding occur regularly, attending gynecologist appoints tablets in combination with the methods of traditional medicine. Also these drugs prescribed for heavy menstrual period, causing blood loss.


Doctors recommend the use of hemostatic grass uterine bleeding in menopause. These include the following herbs:

  • urtica dioca: Chopped dry raw material in an amount of 4 tablespoons place in boiling water (0.25 L) and simmer for 0 minutes. Cool, strain and drink one tablespoon of 5 times a day;
  • lady's purse: Raw dried (tablespoon) pour boiling water (0.25 L) and prepare the infusion, sustained 1 hr. Strain and drink one tablespoon 4 times a day before meals;
  • viburnum: Fresh berry mix with sugar (to taste), grind. Add boiling water, keeping the proportion of 1: 1. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • yarrow: 2 brew tea spoons feedstock in boiling water (0.25 L) present. An hour later, strain and drink 4 times a day for a quarter cup of infusion.

Monthly during menopause (usually between the ages of 45 years and older) should be under constant supervision of women. The changing nature of discharge, their frequency may indicate the beginning of the disease which need to quickly identify and cure.

Spotting in postmenopausal warns of the need to pass screening for cancer disease, and occurrence of bleeding after the menopausal period may require urgent operations. Careful attention to your health during menopause may prevent undesirable effects on health.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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