Dizziness during menopause: signs and symptoms, treatment

At about 50 years of age every woman's life varies greatly because it is time to climax. Despite the fact that in some women, this condition occurs slightly earlier, while others - a bit later, it is bound to happen. And to climax did not become an unpleasant surprise, it is worth to know in advance about the possible changes in female body that are associated with menopause and leads to loss of reproductive function.

Many women are aware of such a sign of the coming of menopause, like irregular menstruation, due to hormonal changes in the body during this period. And this feature is no one cause of anxiety because of it is well known. But another specific symptom of hormonal imbalance during menopause is the vertigo.

Interestingly, this condition causes many women confused, because few people know about it. It is therefore necessary to learn more about whether a dizzy climax when and why this happens.



  • Why during menopause may feel dizzy
  • What triggers dizziness
  • How to treat dizziness during menopause
  • We treat people's means
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Why during menopause may feel dizzy

Despite the fact that the climax comes absolutely every woman, her symptoms individually. are the signs:

  • disruption of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, resulting in dizziness;
  • vessels lose elasticity;
  • nausea during menopause;
  • vomiting;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing loss.

These symptoms during menopause due to hormonal changes, which occur during the extinction operation of reproductive function and reduced tissue elasticity.

If previously submitted to the hormonal changes of a certain regularity, in the period menopause, they become chaotic - as a result of the body has to learn to adapt to this rhythm. This may explain the cause of vertigo during menopause, which for the first time begin to appear as early as premenopausal.

However, at this stage, very few women drew attention to a slight dizziness (vertigo), the appearance of which can only be explained by overwork.

Dizziness gradually increases, and he's joined by nausea and other symptoms of hormone surges. When they appear a woman believes that she has a health problem, but does not associate them with the coming climax.

woman holding his head

At the same time cause the appearance of dizziness during menopause is capable of several physiological factors:

  1. pressure surgesWhich are caused by the deterioration of the elasticity of blood vessels and the appearance on the walls of cholesterol plaques. All these changes occur due to reduction of estrogen, which helps with blood pressure problems.
  2. bouts of hot flashes - a sharp blood flow in the upper part of the body, which is accompanied by an increased functioning of the sweat glands. When this symptom female representative feels a strong sense of heat. Despite the fact that this is a temporary sign, it causes severe strain on blood vessels and thus tidal woman complains of severe weakness. It should be borne in mind that some women may be up to 50 hot flashes per day, so that it becomes clear how strong surges of hormones occur in her body. Quite often, the tides are accompanied by nausea, lack of air, headache and dizziness.
  3. Psycho-emotional instability caused by frequent changes of mood.

All this adversely affects the functioning of the autonomic system and causes problems of the vestibular apparatus.

What triggers dizziness

Since many are wondering whether the dizziness happens during menopause, you need to know what the reasons for this are considered to be different diseases:

  1. Low back pain, neck striking - there is muscle spasm, resulting in are pressed the nerves and blood vessels leading to the brain.
  2. Vestibular neurons that occurs in acute form - during the development of pre-menopausal observed asymmetric change of the vestibular nerve.
  3. Vestibular neuritis - developing premenopausal, after recently cured of infectious diseases such as that caused the weakening of the immune system.
  4. Inflammation of the labyrinth and auricular artery - causes a sharp worsening of the circulation in the brain, contributing to the emergence of severe dizziness.
  5. Meniere's disease - is inner ear dysfunction, which contributes to the appearance of fluid in its cavity and thereby enhances the menopausal syndrome.
  6. Neoplasms in the brain - is growing tumor tissue located near compression puts pressure on the brain and clamps the vestibular nerve, causing dizziness.
  7. Epilepsy - in addition to the worsening of the vestibular apparatus is a violation of coordination.
  8. Bleeding in the brain - there is the narrowing of blood vessels, which causes a lack of oxygen in its cells, and thus leads to the emergence of dizziness.
  9. Otitis flowing in any form.
  10. Multiple Sclerosis - the disease is accompanied by a true vertigo.

Quite often offensive attack occurs when a sudden change in body position.

In most cases, dizziness upon occurrence of menopause has no adverse effect on the female body. However, even if the mood swings causing trouble and cause dizziness, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to treat dizziness during menopause

When a serious condition at the time of menopause, caused by disturbances of the vestibular apparatus, it makes sense Therapy of vertigo drugs with phytoestrogens, such as Chi-Klim, Klimaksan, Remens, Klimadinon. But do not self-medicate and to take medications unless recommended by a physician.


Align the hormonal imbalance in the body to help preparations containing estrogen in their composition, so get rid of the vestibular disorders. These hormonal drugs include:

  • proginova;
  • estriol;
  • Divigel;
  • Dermestril.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medicines that affect the vestibular apparatus -Tagista, Vestibo, Vazobral, Betaserk, which also contribute to the elimination of dizziness.

We treat people's means

If dizziness is the only unpleasant symptom that bothers women during menopause and it is not a sign of a disease, it is possible to remove it on their own. To eliminate dizziness in menopause, treatment should include:

  1. Waiver of strict diets and eating salty and fatty foods and smoking. The diet of a woman must be dairy products, fruits and juices. Fill with vitamins and minerals help vitamin-mineral complexes. Equally important, excessive drinking - up to 2 liters of water per day.
  2. The movement also helps to get rid of the symptoms, but it should avoid sudden changes in body position. Best fit sports such as swimming, dancing, water aerobics, yoga, cycling and so on.

Also have good effect and folk remedies for dizziness such as:

  • drinking water, which is necessary to add the lemon juice, salt and crushed black pepper;
  • broth based hips, mint, oregano and plantain - 2 tablespoons plant mixture and pour 200 ml boiling water;
  • infusion based parsley seed - seed fill 10 g of water and 200 ml is left for 10 hours for the infusion;
  • juice from pomegranate, beets or carrots.

For dizziness during menopause is not necessary to wait until these symptoms disappear on their own. It is necessary to take all possible measures to eliminate this unpleasant condition, and then life will sparkle with new colors.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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