Late menopause (menopause)

In normal menopause occurs in women aged 45 to 55 years. But some of this is happening later and later in medicine is the extinction of the reproductive function is called "late menopause." The presence of regular menses and no symptoms of menopause before 55 years - its main indicators. This is perceived as a continuation of his youth, but it can be a sign of some pathologies.

woman covering her eyes with her hand


  • Causes of late menopause
  • Late symptoms of climacteric syndrome
  • Risk of late menopause

Causes of late menopause

Reproductive ability of some women are genetically continue to operate longer than the other. Isolation of estrogen in the body is not reduced to 55 years or longer, hormones remains the same, and the unpleasant physiological symptoms of aging appear later. If the closest relatives of the older generation understood the menopause at the age of 55+, it is likely that all the women in the family will inherit this feature.

However, late menopause may indicate the presence of disease. Pathological menopause causes delay can be:

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  1. Gynecological diseases, such as ovarian dysfunction.
  2. Lump in the breast or genital organs: for them there is the allocation of an excessively large number of female hormones. Restoring monthly cycle at intervals of every 2-3 months - one of the signs of tumors.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system.

In addition to these reasons, late menopause provoke:

  1. Reception of strong antibiotics or other drugs that affect the functioning of the reproductive system organs for a long time. Perhaps the body was able to get used to their effects, and in this regard, there was a delay period of the extinction of sexual function.
  2. Recently undergone surgical treatment of genital organs, chemotherapy, or radiation exposure.

To exclude the disease conditions and their complications is recommended to all women preventive visits to a gynecologist and other narrow specialists every 4 months. Even if there is a genetic predisposition to late menopause, and nothing to be concerned, should be kept under the control of its women's health and undergo laboratory and clinical examination.

Late symptoms of climacteric syndrome

Late menopause manifests itself as well as timely, but in a pronounced manner. The main symptoms of menopause in women over 55:

  1. Increases the duration of the menstrual cycle and the amount of blood and mucus decreases. Bleeding in this period are considered warning signs may indicate cancer.
  2. Dryness in the intimate region due to a decrease excretory secretion, itching and burning sensation in the genital area that spreads throughout the body.
  3. Hot flashes with their characteristic sweating. If they exceed the daily amount of 10-15 times a day, you lose efficiency, disturbed sleep.
  4. pressure dropsAs a result of which there are manifestations of abnormal menopause: headaches, dizziness, respiratory distress, burning sensation in the chest, nausea, digestive problems and other.
  5. Cyclothymia and anxiety on the background of hormonal changes. Woman becomes maudlin, touchy, hysterical.
  6. Weight gain, worsening of the condition of hair, nails and skin. The fairer sex show diametrically opposed reactions to these changes: some are starting too young, others are completely indifferent to their appearance.
  7. When menopause begins late due to cancer or other diseases of the reproductive system, its symptoms are accompanied by manifestations of these diseases.
bad woman

Late menopause occurs in different ways: the severity of menopausal symptoms is dependent on the current state of physical and mental health and lifestyle.

Risk of late menopause

Late menopause many women perceived positively because they see it as a delay aging. However, there are several important unpleasant moments.


The most dangerous with late menopause are considered to be potential risk of developing cancer of the genital organs. Isolation of estrogen is often triggered by the presence of tumors in the uterus, ovary or breast cancer.

In the early stages of the development of malignancies is not accompanied by a woman feel pain or weakness. Therefore, irregular survey may lead to neglect of the disease process, and in this case of cancer treatment becomes practically impossible.

Deterioration of health

Upon the occurrence of late menopause symptoms more pronounced him:

  1. General condition and state of health of women is much worse.
  2. Almost inevitable with blood pressure problems.
  3. It increases the likelihood of mental disorders on the background of hormonal surges and physical discomfort.

It is considered to be a dangerous condition pathological menopause, So for more information For more information on this topic.

late pregnancy

Chances unwanted pregnancy, which in this age runs hard. Therefore, it is important not to forget about reliable methods of contraception.
Delaying menopause is not always a good sign and can be a symptom of a life-threatening disease. Constant monitoring specialists, laboratory examination and careful attention to the health of women of their genitals to help prevent the appearance of pathologies.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 43
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