Early menopause: symptoms, causes, than dangerous

As the physiological norm of a certain age, in practice, the climax does not give an exact dating. According to the existing temporary definitions, sometimes it is early or late. Both conditions are considered pathological and often lead to undesirable consequences for the health of the woman.

Early menopause can begin imperceptibly at first it differs only mild symptoms. It is necessary for the diagnosis of a comprehensive examination, including conducting laboratory blood tests for certain types of hormones. The earliest age of menopause - 30 years. This pathology can thus have an adverse effect on women's health. The main thing you need to remember the woman in menopause 30 years - not a sentence, and life does not end there.

pensive woman


  • The causes of early menopause
  • The main symptoms
  • How dangerous early menopause
  • How to delay the pathology

The causes of early menopause

It is believed that the norm - it climax in 44 years. And women of childbearing age do not even think that he can come much earlier. Cases of menopause before 40 years abroad is not so rare - the climax of 30 years is responsible for about 15% of cases.

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The causes of early menopause include a wide range of factors, the relative effect of which leads to premature fading of female reproductive function. These include:

  • heredity;
  • Menopause after hysterectomy;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • the presence of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in history;
  • psychological reasons (stress and prolonged depression);
  • bad habits (smoking).


Hereditary factor is caused by genetic mutations:

  • Gene mutations leading to inhibition of the activity of the X-chromosomes;
  • number of X-chromosome exceeds two.

In the case of the normal development of the woman has two X chromosomes, but in an active state is only one of them. If as a result of mutation activity of the second X chromosome is also suppressed, the more likely to be diagnosed with early menopause - menopause is 40 years, and perhaps even earlier.

The so-called "extra" chromosomes are also a trigger for early onset of menopause, as the ovaries cause functional impairment of work.


For menopause, coming ahead of time because of surgery, there is a specific definition - surgical menopause. He comes in the case of the operations on the ovaries and uterus, right up until they are removed for medical reasons.


After such an intervention woman appointed by HRT - hormone replacement therapyIt aimed at suppressing the manifestations forced the come climax.

autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune disease is a pathology, manifested in the fact that the immune system suddenly receives an organ as foreign and begins the process of rejection. It is the synthesis of specific antibodies directed at the destruction of the body, in this case, the ovaries. Under the influence of these substances starts inhibition of synthesis of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, as well as reproductive organs extinguishing system. As a result, production of hormones stops ovarian function is permanently interrupted. This leads to the development of early menopause.

Such abnormalities may be a consequence of following endocrine diseases:

  • autoimmune thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland);
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism in menopause (Lowered thyroid function);
  • adrenocortical hormone deficiency (Addison's disease).

Consequences of chemotherapy and radiotherapy

Such methods of treatment like chemotherapy and radiation therapy given to patients with confirmed diagnosis of malignant cancer of various organs.

Chemotherapy uses drugs that have strong toxicity to the human body. Killing cancer cells, they cause side effects, particularly on the part of the ovaries, they are expressed in the oppression the production of female sex hormones and the onset of menopause on average 10 years earlier than the biological norm. The same applies to the radiation therapy.

psychological causes

Do not underestimate the impact of such a powerful factor in the balance of female sex hormones such as instability of the nervous system and the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psychosomatics has not been studied enough, but the first results are already recognized as official medicine.

Constant stress, depression causes neurological disorders in menopauseDirectly affecting the balance of hormones in the body. The depletion of the nervous system is, above all, the development of the imbalance of the endocrine system. sex hormone synthesis processes are broken, the failure takes permanent, which ultimately leads to follikuloobrazuyuschey premature exhaustion of ovarian function and reduced levels of female sex hormones to critical.

Bad habits

These latest medical research in France suggests that smoking accelerates the depletion of the reproductive organs, Contributing to the emergence of hormone imbalance and early menopause. And though of all the women surveyed, only 15% were active smokers, the results are officially recognized.


The main symptoms

Early menopause, the coming 40 or 40 years, often does not have pronounced symptoms, and the woman may take it for common disorders of menstrual function, especially when hormonal imbalance in history. Find out whether the cause of menstruation delays and poor health offensive early menopause, Will conduct analyzes on hormones - blood chemistry.

But if during menopause entails strong uncomfortable symptoms, confusing them with the usual discomforts quite difficult. Premature menopause is accompanied by functional disorders of almost all systems and organs of the female body:

  • nervous;
  • cardiovascular;
  • urogenital;
  • endocrine.

Ovaries reduce the synthesis of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone and androgen). Among the first signs of approaching menopause include early menopause symptoms:

  • increasing interval between menses (menstrual disorders);
  • change in the volume and intensity of menstrual flow;
  • the occurrence of hot flushes (transient flushes and sweating);
  • functional disorders of the nervous system: irritability, nervousness, increased emotionality;
  • insomnia;
  • metabolism disorders (weight gain accelerated pace);
  • degenerative changes in the skin, hair and nail plate;
  • mucosal atrophy internal genitalia;
  • degenerative changes of the bladder (frequent urination, cramps, burning).
at the doctor

In the early onset of menopausal genital function has not yet been extinguished, but the reproductive capabilities dramatically reduced. Ovulation still occur, but their frequency is reduced. Increases the break between periods, the failure can be from one month to six months. Also at this time the probability of the occurrence of uterine bleeding, the causes of which can install and remove the only gynecologist on the basis of the survey.

The main sign of what is coming early menopause - hot flashes. During this attack, the following occurs:

  • hot flushes, extending from the chest across the upper body;
  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • the skin reddens, there are clear signs of congestion;
  • enhanced sweating;
  • It appears dizziness, sometimes nausea;
  • blood pressure can rise;
  • attack is accompanied by weakness;
  • chills may begin after completion.

The duration of hot flashes varies from a few seconds to several minutes.

Menopause at an early age in its manifestations can have varying degrees of severity. It is judged by the number of hot flushes and their intensity:

  • mild - no more than 15 hot flashes during the day;
  • the average degree of - from 20 to 30 episodes;
  • severe degree - from 30 to 50 attacks per day.

In the normal condition when the concentration of estrogen in the normal, they inhibit the production of substances, break down serotonin and norepinephrine - the so-called "happiness hormones", are responsible for the positive mood. With the lack of estrogen production in menopausal degrading enzymes hormones of joy, activation, and a woman developing emotional disorders, increased fatigue, increased irritability, mood swings sharply increase.

Also, more than half of women in early menopause suffer from insomnia, which exacerbates the already precarious state of the nervous system due to lack of proper rest.

How dangerous early menopause

The main risk of early menopause is that it threatens the woman accelerated development of chronic diseases and pathologies inherent in the older age groups. Premature menopause contributes to:

  • development of diabetes type;
  • cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, venous insufficiency and accelerated the formation of blood clots;
  • pathologies infarction: angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, which can lead to myocardial infarction;
  • osteoporosis: Reduction in bone density develops as a result of demineralization of bone mass due to "washout" calcium and minerals due to hormonal imbalance, thereby increasing the threat of injury and fractures;
  • increasing cholesterol concentration as a consequence of slowing down the metabolism that is largely responsible for the above diseases.

Unpleasant consequences of early menopause is also reflected in the appearance. Hormonal changes in a woman's body cause:

  • withering skin, loss of turgor koi;
  • increasing the dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, including the internal genital organs;
  • increased hair loss and increase their fragility, premature graying;
  • strengthen brittle nails.

How to delay the pathology

The above-mentioned troubles and dangers lying in wait for the woman in the case of menopause before 40 years - is not a reason for despair. If early menopause symptoms are not expressed and not accompanied by severe manifestations, its start is detected by biochemical blood tests.

woman smiles slightly

Prevention and early menopause is a regular analysis showing the levels of oscillation follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by the pituitary intensively generated at insufficiency of estrogen synthesis the ovaries. Early detection of elevated FSH concentrations in the blood - a way to prevent early menopause.

We should not forget that in premenopausal with early menopause reproductive function women did not disappear completely, and the recovery of ovarian function for the conception and birth of a child is quite perhaps. Pause early menopause can be using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). After careful examination of the attending physician prescribes woman receiving gormonosoderzhaschih drugs that delay allows early menopause.

In the case of contraindications for HRT treatment possible with vegetable phytoestrogens which are analogues of natural female sex hormones. Preparations of plant-based do not cause adverse side effects.

After consulting with the doctor, can be supplemented with a complex of therapeutic measures folk remedies using medicinal herbs. The administration of hormones and phytoestrogens can help women keep youth and reproductive function as long as possible.

Respecting the principles of a healthy lifestyle and diet can not only prevent early onset menopause, but also to avoid the development of unpleasant diseases - ordinary women in menopause satellites period. The basic principles of healthy lifestyle are simple:

  • Maximum physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • consumption of adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Thus, early menopause and its treatment is not an unsolvable problem in most cases. Thorough implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician, regular screening and a healthy lifestyle - the basis of the safety of the female reproductive system.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 63
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