IVF in menopause and absence of ovulation

In recent years, the childbearing period was longer: Now not only give birth to 25 years, but after 45. Despite the fading of the reproductive system, many resolved to IVF in menopause, because this is the only possible way to have a baby in the postmenstrual period.

To vitro fertilization resort, when the background of hormonal changes the ovaries do not produce eggs, and the probability of conception tends to zero. Menopause - not a reason to abandon the decision to have a child, because modern medicine allows a woman to become a mother after 50 years.

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  • Is IVF possible during menopause
  • necessary inspections
  • Preparation for IVF with donor egg
  • Contraindications for IVF
  • The procedure replanting embryos occurs

Is IVF possible during menopause

IVF is used during menopause when female body is not able to fertilize. This procedure may be needed for women and after age 35, if they are diagnosed early or premature menopause. IVF with early menopause required in 90% of cases, other women unable to conceive naturally during sex.

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Even if the ovaries do not produce an egg may conceive naturally. In the absence of ovulation in in vitro fertilization recommended climax, but only with the possibility of independent gestation.

To make IVF in menopause, the body requires special training. Can not do without drugs for superovulation like Orgalutran or Tsetrotid.

These two hormonal agents inhibit the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, resulting in premature ovulation excluded. Tsetrotid was injected under the skin in the abdominal region - below the navel. Often simultaneously with Tsetrotidom professionals assigned Gonal - stimulating drug, which facilitates follicle growth and ovulation process starts.

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When planning for artificial insemination is usually prescribed estrogens, progestins are complementary. Such hormonal therapy continues after the successful conception for maintaining the pregnancy the whole period of its course. If this does not cause ovulation, women of menopausal age are offered programs by donor egg.

To increase the chances of successful conception and pregnancy, in some cases it is advisable to resort to methods delay menopause. For more details on the performance of funds, see the separate article on our site.

necessary inspections

Planning to do IVF in menopause, it is important to be diagnosed to determine the readiness of the organism for such an intervention. A woman passes a full medical examination, because her body must meet the following requirements:

  1. The absence of contraindications for artificial insemination.
  2. The impossibility to self-conception of the child.
  3. The absence of contraindications to hormone therapy in preparation for fertilization. If the body is already reconstructed in the new work environment, when there was a complete ovarian failure due to age-related changes, course of pregnancy without complications impossible.

At the stage of such analyzes shall survey for IVF:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • Pelvic ultrasound;
  • mammography;
  • Thyroid ultrasound;
  • fluorography;
  • hysteroscopy.

According to the results of a full examination of the body of a woman of menopausal age should not be a hormonal imbalance that prevents a healthy pregnancy.

Preparation for IVF with donor egg

IVF with menopause in the absence of ovulation, and the impossibility of its hormonal stimulation is available using donor eggs. If in vitro fertilization in menopause is only possible via the donor operation can be performed by two methods:

  • using frozen oocytes, when the material is taken from the bank of donors;
  • freshly fertilized ovum sperm of husband or donor.

The first variant of operation cheaper, but the probability of success of 10% lower than the second method.

An important point of preparation for fertilization - the choice of female candidates for the donation of its egg. There are two options:

  1. Spouses independently selected female donors among friends or close relatives. If this is not possible, the clinic can offer candidates from a list of donors, guided by the wishes of the couple.
  2. Anonymous. In this case the wife did not know the donor, they only describe the alleged portrait of a woman, specify the blood group and Rh factor.

Further, the survey is conducted and superovulation of the donor for the maturation of multiple eggs.

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To the fertilized egg could attach to the uterine wall, the potential mother prescribers to increase endometrial required thickness - 8-10 mm. For this purpose therapy with hormonal agents. Appointed by:

  • Divigel;
  • proginova;
  • Estrafem;
  • Estrazhel;
  • Utrozhestan.

If the body is in deep menopause, even with hormonal methods is not always possible to revive the endometrium.

Advance planning for a new baby in the menopause, a woman can donate her eggs and keep them in a laboratory method of cryopreservation. In this case, there is no need to resort to the use of a donor embryo IVF during menopause.

Contraindications for IVF

It is not always possible to carry out this procedure, it has contraindications, they are divided into absolute and relative. Among the first group belong to such a serious pathological processes:

  • HIV;
  • hepatitis;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney disease.

Relative contraindications - it's state of the organism, which represent an obstacle to the normal course of pregnancy. This hormonal disorders, endometriosis, genital infections and other symptoms. After their elimination, you can resort to fertilization.

The procedure replanting embryos occurs

After the examination and approval of all the experts, you can proceed to in vitro fertilization procedure. If the organism is still able to develop the egg being treated by stimulating ovulation hormonal drugs. In the absence of menstruation stable only treatment for infertility becomes a donor egg IVF. Procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. The choice of the donor.
  2. Stimulation of follicular maturation and donor withdrawal.
  3. Withdrawal of semen from the husband or a donor.
  4. Artificial fertilization of the egg.
  5. Putting embryos in the mother's womb.

After a successful IVF procedure the woman the entire period of gestation is under the supervision of a specialist.

sometimes more than one is born a result of IVF children. Multiple pregnancy is developing due to the fact that a number of embryos transferred to the uterus at the same time. However, during menopause, this is undesirable because the increased burden on the weakened woman's body, which may affect the health of children.

About artificial insemination in menopause have mixed views of experts. On the one hand the method of giving the woman a chance to motherhood in later life, but on the other - may be associated with many risks and possible complications.

For more information about whether you can become pregnant during menopause, Tells a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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