Do I need to be protected during menopause: contraceptives

In healthy women menopause occurs in 45-55 years. This process is accompanied by the extinction of the functions of the reproductive system. Despite the absence of a menstrual cycle, experts recommend that women who are regular sex life, to protect themselves during menopause. There are several ways how to protect themselves during menopause, to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy.

a woman and a man


  • Do I need to be protected
  • How to protect themselves during menopause
    • barrier methods
    • oral contraceptives
    • spirals
    • spermicides

Do I need to be protected

With the onset of menopause, the ovaries decrease their activity, ova are produced less frequently, and therefore a full ovulation becomes rare.

In medicine, there are cases when a woman after 45 years of advancing pregnancy, even in the absence of the menstrual cycle. Experts explain this phenomenon is the fact that the hormonal changes of the body may take 3-5 years. That is why, despite the significant changes in the reproductive system, it is not necessary to abandon the use of contraception during climax.

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Women who are sexually active, it is recommended even in 50 years to take birth control pills during menopause. Oral contraceptives can help prevent unwanted pregnancies, which often ends in abortion.

Tissue of the female body in this age reduces its elasticity and firmness, so to expand the cervix and spend quality abortions is very difficult. Such a procedure is dangerous for the patients after 45 years. Late abortions resulting in unplanned conception can cause the development of inflammation, endometriosis, uterine fibroid disease and cancer.

Use condoms during menopause is necessary also for the reason that many of the cycle is not immediately completely stopped. The amount of menstrual fluid or menses can be reduced completely absent, indicating the onset of menopause, but after some time the cycle can resume.

How to protect themselves during menopause

when the First symptoms of menopause a woman should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will provide guidance on how best to protect themselves during menopause.

There are several methods of contraception are recommended for women to use menopause:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • barrier methods;
  • spermicides;
  • intrauterine device;
  • surgical method.

Oral contraception is the use of hormone formulations in the form of tablets. Birth control pills during menopause significantly improve the state of health of a woman, let it easier to transfer the unpleasant symptoms of this period.

barrier methods

Under the protection of a barrier method during menopause refers to the use of condoms. It is the most popular method: affordable, has no contraindications, and its use does not require specialist advice. Condoms not only protect against pregnancy during menopause, but also from many sexually transmitted diseases.


Among belongs barrier methods and application of the caps. This rubber device that fits over the cervix before intercourse. These contraceptives are easy to use, but they are unreliable, since the cap can change its position, fall off during intimacy.

oral contraceptives

Oral contraception is perhaps the most convenient method of protection during menopause. The main function of birth control pills - from pregnancy protection, but such tools support hormonal balance as contain female hormones - estrogen, ethinyl estradiol, progestin, levonorgestrel, desogestrel. You need to take medications on a daily basis, preferably at the same time.

birth control pills

Women menopause specialists often prescribe oral contraceptives are:

  • Janine;
  • Novinet;
  • Jazz;
  • Yaryna tablets;
  • Regulon drug.

Oral contraceptives should be selected gynecologist for each patient individually. When choosing a drug expert takes into account the health status of women and the presence of diseases.

A separate group of contraceptive tablets the drug is Postinor. He belongs to the post-coital emergency contraception. Take it should be no later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

Women of menopausal age is dangerous to use postinor and its analogues (Zhenale, eskapel, Ginepriston), as in the body with the onset menopause there is a serious hormonal changes, and that the dose of hormones that falls into it, along with the tablet can disrupt the endocrine system.


A common method of protection against pregnancy is intrauterine. It eliminates the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall - even if conception occurs, implantation is no longer possible.


When prevention in this way women can worsen health. Using the spiral in menopause becomes a common cause of cervical inflammation, heavy menstrual flow and ectopic pregnancy. According to gynecologists, it is an unreliable method of protection, because there are cases of pregnancy by using spiral.


To continue an active and safe sexual life, women at menopause can use spermicides - chemical contraceptives. This substance forming a foam or vaginal mucous layer inside through which spermatozoa can not pass. They are available in various gels, pastes, lubricants, sprays, aerosols, pellets.


Use the funds must be immediately before sexual intercourse, they will not be effective thereafter. Spermicides are recommended for women who are rare sex.

Often use this method of contraception is impossible. Chemical contraceptives have an adverse effect on the microflora and the acidic environment of the vagina. May occur dryness, itching and burning.

With the onset of menopause, some women resort to surgical methods of birth control - pulling the fallopian tubes. This method protects against pregnancy, but not exclude infection sexually transmitted diseases.
Choose methods of contraception during menopause should deliberately only using gynecologist. Properly selected contraceptives improve the health of women and to protect it from possible unpleasant consequences.

We also recommend further reading about sexual intercourse during menopause in a separate article on our site.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 9
  • 182