Tachycardia in menopause: treatment of heart palpitations, arrhythmias

Menopause entails major changes in the female body. Women aged 45-55 years are increasingly notice the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, which did not exist before. Often they turn to professionals complaining of tachycardia during climax.



  • Heart problems in menopause
  • What was the reason: menopause or disease
  • safe products

Heart problems in menopause

Palpitations in menopause can actually become more frequent, because with the onset of the menopause on the cardiovascular system has to an increased load. Reduced ovarian activity causes radical autonomic, endocrine and hormonal changes in the body.

the amount of estrogen, resulting in decreased vascular elasticity and strength, disturbed regulation of lipid metabolism and support normal cholesterol level in the blood decreases. All these unpleasant changes can become a cause of high blood pressure and the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Reduced estrogen production process affects the circulation of blood through the vessels: it is slow, causing arrhythmia and tachycardia.

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Low estrogen levels leads to a deficiency of trace elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium, and this will inevitably affect the myocardial contractility. High blood viscosity causes tachycardia, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate at menopause are not excluded and heart failure.

Arrhythmia in menopause is more often a sign of fading reproductive function rather than a separate disease. There is increasing heart rates. For women, menopause is considered normal 60-85 beats. With the development of tachycardia observed an accelerated heart rate.

It becomes impossible to complete the contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle, because of this, during menopause can hurt the heart. Independently suspected development of tachycardia can be symptoms of palpitations in menopause:

  • pulsation in the veins of the neck and temples;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • change in heart rate;
  • unfounded panic attacks;
  • labored breathing;
  • a sense of warmth in the face and head area;
  • limb tremor;
  • redness of the skin.
woman looking down

Tachycardia menopause may manifest arrhythmia episodes. It is easy to recognize: there is a feeling as if the heart was pushed sharply several times, it began to decline rapidly, and then stopped. Such an attack starts and ends abruptly, but has a strong stress on the heart, so heart palpitations there is still a long time. This condition can cause a stroke, so it should be treated.

What was the reason: menopause or disease

Poor circulation as a result of reduction in estrogen - the main cause palpitations in menopause. Cause the development of diseases can and thyroid disease. The most dangerous for the heart is gipertirioz. State is accompanied by increased production of thyroid hormones. They directly affect the work of the reproductive, digestive and circulatory systems.

Hyperthyroidism causes reduction in diastolic pressure, increased heart rate and palpitation with menopause. A woman can be confusing for nausea, jumps in blood pressure, Poor sleep, mood swings, weight loss, jaundice of the skin.

During menopause, tachycardia can be caused by dysfunction of the nervous system. Hormonal changes cause lethargy, sudden mood swings, depression. Emotional outburst becomes a common cause of palpitations, tachycardia can cause an attack. Once a woman calms, symptoms disappear on their own, and the state is normalized.

Such diseases and heart problems during menopause may result from adrenal cancer tumor development.

at the doctor's

Hormonal imbalance, other than tachycardia manifested by symptoms:

  • desudation;
  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • migraine.

Heart pain in women is often caused by severe blood loss. When given hormone replacement therapy, hormones can cause heavy uterine bleeding, which is reflected in the state of the cardiovascular system, causing dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes, rapid pulse and powerful palpitations.

In the transition of the body to the new conditions of the chronic diseases have exacerbated the property, worsening the condition and state of health of women.

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If a woman worried tachycardia during menopause, it is important to know what preparations you can stop an attack. If you experience any symptoms should take drugs to relax the heart muscle - Valocordin, Valerian, Corvalol. Be sure to ensure the access of oxygen, the window should be opened for this purpose.

According to experts, tachycardia treatment for menopause should be comprehensive. A doctor in the period of menopause assigns patient kardiopreparaty, hormonal and sedatives. These medications gives the opportunity to adjust the work of the heart, eliminate nervous excitability, normalize estrogen levels.

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Among antiarrhythmics used procainamide, Ritmonorm, VFS. If you violate the psycho-emotional sphere necessarily appointed sedatives. They allow you to stop the signs of menopause, provoking tachycardia - nervousness, irritability, panic attacks and fear, crying. Usually this medicine based on extracts of valerian and Leonurus. With these manifestations of good job Corvalol. Used sedatives and vegetable-based - Inoklym, Persia, Remens.

The therapy is complete and without hormonal therapy based on estrogen:

  • Angelique;
  • proginova;
  • Femoston.

To normalize the heart rate, blood pressure stabilization, strengthening vessels and enhance their elasticity shown beta-blockers:

  • atenolol;
  • carvedilol;
  • Celiprolol.

Improve overall and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system during menopause, you can use herbal extracts based on female sex hormones.

The most common of the female plant is sage - a source of plant hormone estrogen. It supports hormonal balance and cleanses the blood vessels, reduces the intensity of hot flashes and stops the attacks of tachycardia. May be administered in the form of decoctions and infusions - tablespoon grass boiled water, kept in a water bath or boiled for 5 minutes. To improve the effect is mixed with lime.

Favorably in the female body in the menopause affect sedatives and herbs - mint, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian. Of them can make tea and drink at night: 1 tbsp the mixture is poured a glass of boiling water, stand for half an hour and take. With this tea can get rid of insomnia, sleep disorders, apathy and depression. As a result of the normalization of psycho-emotional background disappear and problems with the cardiovascular system.

For eliminate hot flashes folk remedies You can use this recipe:

  • hop cones, rose hips and take in the same amount;
  • 4 hours. l. collection pour 500 ml boiling water;
  • stand in a water bath for 15 minutes, filter.

Take tincture 1/3 cup half an hour before a meal twice a day.

Complex tachycardia therapy in menopause will reduce the manifestation of symptoms characteristic of menopause. By following the recommendations of experts, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the heart, reduce hot flashes and strengthen blood vessels and improve blood flow.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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