The test for menopause: how to determine the onset of menopause

After 40-45 years, the female body is going through hormonal changes. Gradually begins to fade reproductive function, can keep the monthly or rarely, or too often. These symptoms are often perceived as menopause. But they can talk about the development of various serious diseases. Therefore, to determine the level of FSH test is performed on the menopause.

at menopause test


  • How does the test
  • how to conduct
  • interpretation of results
  • When FSH may rise, in addition to menopause

How does the test

Any change in the female reproductive system and is accompanied by changes in hormonal background. Prior to the onset of menopause (before 40 years) hormone level has a certain cyclical. When developing ovarian hormones resource amount at each stage may vary and gradually decrease. At this time increases the level of follicle stimulating hormone FSH in the blood.

To determine when that period begins, it is necessary to conduct a special investigation.

The test for menopause respond to the increase in the number of FSH and show visually, whether it occurred.

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The doctor at the test results of the study will also take into account the signs of approaching menopause in the patient.

For more information on hormones in menopause and their standards recommend that you read in more detail in a separate article on our site.

The test for menopause can be done at home, alone. The result is compared with the instruction. Investigated the number appearing strips. If a positive test, it is important to consult a doctor.

how to conduct

In order to test the menopause showed a correct and accurate results, you must observe the following principles of the procedure:

  • exercise testing is recommended in the first week of the cycle;
  • upon receipt of a negative result, but in the presence of symptoms of menopause, it is necessary to test again after 60 days;
  • when receiving a negative result and no symptoms of menopause can be reused to test every six months;
  • if after the first positive test, and after the second - negative, the survey should be done in a couple of months;
  • during the procedure it is important to use only those strips that have not yet expired;
  • to correctly analyze each test pack when buying should be airtight.

It is also important to remember that oral contraceptives and hormone drugs can affect the result of a study by the test.


Instructions of the test for menopause:

  1. Holding on to the painted edge, remove the test strip from the sealed foil pouch.
  2. Place the strip for ten seconds in a jar with a previously collected urine (to the level indicated by arrows).
  3. Put on a clean and dry surface and wait for the display lines.

No later than five minutes, check the result. To properly carry out testing, is necessary to keep the strip in the urine for no longer than ten seconds.

If the menopause test was done with the instructions, repeat the procedure with a strip taken from a new package. It should be clearly monitor the correct execution of all the action without breaking a single item.

After the first test in a week you need to perform another such procedure. Upon receipt of positive results for two consecutive consult your doctor, as your body gradually enter into menopause. Specialist tell how should act to support the body in the menopause and prescribe medication maintenance therapy if necessary.

interpretation of results

The resultant strips on the result must be checked against the information in the instructions:

  1. When you see a light strip can talk about getting a negative test result. FSH levels within the normal range, the reproductive function of the body is performed stably. In the presence of menopause symptoms should consult a doctor.
  2. If the test were formed two bright stripes, which means that FSH levels rose, and this phenomenon is considered a positive result.

If the second strip barely noticeable, you need to test again, because the study may not be properly performed. Such a result experts believe invalid.

holding test

If the menopause test is negative, no monthly, and disturb other unpleasant symptoms, you need to understand why the body undergoes hormonal failure, as well as how it can be normalize.

When FSH may rise, in addition to menopause

Increase of the hormone estrogen and FSH levels can be observed in the hot season. Experts noted that it falls in the winter.

Raising FSH, not associated with the menopause, can occur when:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • absence of menstruation, when there are frequent disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • insufficient functioning ovaries;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • alcoholism;
  • formation of cysts;
  • exposure to X-rays.

FSH levels in the female body may increase when receiving Bromocriptine, ranitidine or cimetidine, ketoconazole or fluconazole, Metformin, provastatin, vitamin B

It should see a doctor if the FSH level is high due to infectious diseases, poisoning of various origins, formation of ovarian tumors. It must be fully examined, that the expert was able to prescribe the correct treatment. In most cases, the first symptoms of menopause It carried out early replacement therapy. If the patient complains of a large amount of negative symptoms, treatment is complex, with different drugs and methods.

It is important to regularly inspect your body to promptly determine the first metabolic disorders in order to prevent serious complications of menopause.

Menopausal tests will help determine the menopause has occurred or not. Thanks to this study, the women can prepare to hormonal changes in the body, both physically and emotionally.

The test for FSH allows you to take care of their health condition in advance, in order to successfully keep it at the onset of menopause.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 63
  • 158