Sedatives during menopause

Frequent mood swings and depression may be associated with changes in the female body, not the character. Most often, they occur when hormonal reorganization. Due to poor mental and emotional state affects not only the women themselves, but also their loved ones. Therefore, at menopause are advised to take special sedatives. Any sedative in menopause should be prescribed only by a doctor. It is important to use them strictly according to instructions without disturbing the treatment regimen.



  • Causes and effects of anxiety during menopause
  • sedatives
  • vitamin complexes
  • Herbal preparations
  • Other drugs with sedative effect

Causes and effects of anxiety during menopause

When hormonal reorganization in women aged 45-50 years decreases the level of sex hormones. Climax exacerbations often accompanied by various diseases. usually develops hypothyroidismWhich negatively affects the emotional state.

Since menopause is considered to be a lot of stress for the female body, he could not steadfastly resist stressful situations. Therefore, there is irritability and insomnia.

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You experience the following symptoms of nervous system disorders:

  • there is lethargy and weakness;
  • woman gets tired quickly;
  • observed hot flashes in menopause;
  • the voice becomes hoarse;
  • nerve manifestations provoke the development of sleep problems;
  • there are easy emotional reactions;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • deteriorating memory, develops distraction;
  • there are jumps in blood pressure;
  • there is increased sweating;
  • Depression occurs at menopause.

listed symptoms of menopause when hormonal disorders every woman manifested in varying degrees.

If time does not begin treatment of disorders of the nervous system, can develop such effects as insomnia, lethargy, frequent breakdowns. The patient will suffer from fatigue, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, disequilibrium, frequent and sudden pressure surges.


To help the patient in menopause establish the normal functioning of the nervous system, remove anxiety, irritability and depression symptoms, you need to take her to the doctor. The specialist will designate the desired inspection and effective therapy.


To normalize the mental state appointed following sedatives during menopause:

  1. Grandaxinum, which allows to stop the strong emotional stress. The drug is not addictive, does not harm the gastrointestinal tract. It allows you to successfully cope with panic attacks, anxiety, nervousness, depression, stress, palpitations.
  2. Klimaktoplan It helps to successfully cope with the disorders in the nervous system. Experts prescribe a drug for a couple of years before the onset of menopause. In this case, it will help avoid the negative symptoms of the menopause. The tablets dissolve under the tongue and are not addictive.
  3. Atarax It allows to stop anxiety at various conditions, eliminate irritability, remove the feeling of inner tension. Since the drug causes drowsiness, it is recommended to take in the evening. Due to multiple side effects of sedation can be drunk only after consulting your doctor.
  4. Novocaine during menopause contributes to the vasodilatation, elimination spasms, cessation of headaches, hot flushes decrease. Elimination of these symptoms has a positive effect on the nervous system. Receiving sedation with novocaine reduces irritability and crying spells. medicine is also adjusts hormones, thereby reducing attacks of irritability in neurosis.

These sedatives are taken according to the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. It is important not to violate regulations and strictly follow all the peculiarities of therapy.

vitamin complexes

Vitamins in menopause help to improve health, as well as the beauty of the body. Together with the sedatives they successfully eliminate the violation of the nervous system.

To correct the health of menopause, experts recommend taking vitamin complexes following:

  1. Menopace: It includes the whole complex of vitamins B and E, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Thanks to one capsule a day, taken during a meal, drop attacks and anxiety sweating.
  2. Ladies Formula Menopause: the structure includes 11 vitamins and minerals with extract and extract of various herbs. Vitamin complex reduces the number of hot flushes, improves sleep, removes anxiety and emotional stress;
  3. Vitatress to reduce irregularities in the nervous system. The complex is composed of vitamins A, C, E and D, which especially helps alleviate the symptoms within the first year of menopause.

Doctors also recommend taking a vitamin complex Alphabet 50+. It consists of all the necessary for the female body of vitamins, minerals, lycopene and lutein.


Support the body during menopause and made other preparations. As the bones become fragile during this period, and may develop osteoporosis, apart from vitamins, experts recommend taking calcium from the Vitrum Calcium D3 Nycomed.

Herbal preparations

When violations of the nervous system during the course of menopause, doctors prescribe drugs to herbs. These drugs are considered to be harmless to the female body, as they are produced only from natural, natural ingredients.

Calming effect in menopause have such herbal medicines:

  1. Valerian. It allows normalize pressure eliminate anxiety, sleep problems, reduce pain and cramps during menopause. To take the drug on one tablet three times a day. If you exceed the dosage can be a weakness, drowsiness and loss of coordination.
  2. Motherwort. Assigned to the normalization of sleep, preventing cramps, irritability and excitability suppression and normalization of heart rate. The plant is often added to various sedatives fees that doctors prescribe at menopause.
  3. marjoram. It helps with nervousness different nature, nervous disorders, hot flushes. From it make teas or infusions that help to survive the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
  4. PersenWhich consists of valerian, peppermint and Leonurus. Herbal preparation eliminates anxiety, irritability and a feeling of fear. Menopause medicine are advised to take a course to get a positive effect of treatment.
  5. New Pass which is also made on the basis of vegetable herbs. He successfully cope with disturbances, irritability and other strung symptoms associated with the onset of menopause.
herbal tablets

Actions sedatives will be visible only if their right to receive, without disturbing the treatment regimen.

Other drugs with sedative effect

If the anti-anxiety drugs at menopause did not give the desired effect, doctors perform the treatment of neuroses, depression and other problems with the nervous system with stronger medication.

Antidepressants in menopause experts appointed in severe apathy, a strong sense of guilt, panic fear, thoughts of suicide. Conventional drugs can not arrest the symptoms listed. Therefore it is recommended to take the following antidepressants:

  • Paroxetine - for serotonin;
  • Koaksil - for normalization of sleep, anti-anxiety, eliminate depression, apathy and pain;
  • Efevelon - to produce serotonin, combat nervousness and irritability, as well as the treatment of depression.

Not to harm the health, listed antidepressants should be taken at the dosage specified by your doctor. Stop taking drugs should be gradually, slowly reducing the dosage so as not to provoke the development of stress.

Before you begin treatment with antidepressants nervous diseases, you need to carefully examine side effects and to get acquainted with contraindications to their use.

Now that you know what sedatives can eliminate depression, nervous tension, hot flashes, neurosis and other symptoms, which can be confusing at menopause. In disorders of the nervous system it is important not to self-medicate, and seek help in time to see a doctor. Correctly chosen a sedative to help improve the health and well to stop the unpleasant symptoms.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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