Nausea during menopause: the causes, treatment

Nausea during menopause occurs quite often. Often it is accompanied by dizziness and increased sweating, suddenly arose a feeling of heat, heart palpitations. The fair sex often withdraws into himself, becomes irritable and alarming. Woman faces and the following unpleasant symptoms of menopause:

  • worsening of sleep;
  • frequent urination;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • a significant increase in weight;
  • increased blood pressure.

These adverse symptoms can also occur in premenopausal. Under premenopause refers to the length of time, which deteriorates the main function of the ovaries - the formation of eggs. The menstrual cycle usually becomes irregular, markedly reduced estrogen in the body.



  • The causes of malaise
  • Exposure to irritants
  • Elimination of nausea when mepopauze
    • Phytotherapy
    • of drugs
    • helpful hints

The causes of malaise

Nausea during menopause occurs due to insufficient amount of the hormone estrogen. Due to its sudden changes in blood pressure may occur deficiency.

Adverse symptoms may also occur on the background of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Menopause increase susceptibility to strong flavors. Harsh smell leads to irritation of the receptors, a signal is supplied to the brain, and then often occurs

instagram viewer

The following causes of hot flashes:

  • the use of hot drinks;
  • prolonged stress;
  • intense exercise.

In order to reduce the probability of occurrence of hot flashes, avoid excitement, to abandon the hot coffee. If a woman climax and suffers from nausea, you need to wear clothes made of natural fabrics.


The cause of sickness can serve a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular system. In sharp fluctuations in blood pressure vascular condition deteriorated significantly. Accumulate on their walls is a harmful substance such as cholesterol. This leads to the following unfavorable changes in the body:

  • occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • heaviness in the chest area;
  • pain in the heart.

In severe cases, after the onset of menopause in women is nausea, against the background of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Menopause can also occur at a relatively young age. In this case, climacteric symptoms such as hot flashes and nausea transferred much heavier.

Symptoms of menopause in young women occur due to the influence of the following reasons:

  • strong stress caused, for example, sudden bereavement;
  • removal of the ovaries and uterus;
  • thyroid disease.

It should be noted that the body of a young woman quite easily adapted to the hormonal changes. Therefore, if timely treatment of nausea quickly retreats.

Exposure to irritants

Nausea occurring in menopause can be a symptom of various diseases. During this period disrupted immune system deteriorates overall health.

When menopause often experience problems with thyroid gland. Such diseases as hypothyroidism in womenOften accompanied by nausea. To eliminate unwanted symptoms, it is necessary to stick to a diet prescribed by a doctor.

Nausea during menopause also appear due to excess glucose. At the same time, there are other problems in the body:

  • increased appetite;
  • excessive thirst.

When these symptoms should consult a doctor.

One of the causes of nausea in the presence of diabetes is the increased motor activity of the stomach. In this case you should consult a doctor, a gastroenterologist.

holding his stomach

The menopause occurs nausea, and the presence of cancer. Therefore, an acute state of health should be wary. If a woman is experiencing constant discomfort, it may be indicative of poisoning, provoked by poor quality cells.

Elimination of nausea when mepopauze

Nausea appearing at menopause can be eliminated via balanced diet. The diet of a woman must be present dishes from lean meat, fish, dairy products.

Food is recommended to cook in a double boiler or oven. From fatty foods should be avoided. It needs to be taken and vitamin and mineral supplements that improve health during menopause.


Since nausea can cope easily with the help of folk remedies. The ladies should prepare medicinal teas of peppermint, lemon balm and peony. Traditional medicines must be taken for a long time.

Mint tea

From the use of medicinal plants should be discarded at the individual sensitivity to their components.

of drugs

Treatment with drugs, eliminates nausea during menopause, appointed doctor. If a strong indisposition prescribe means "Reglan". Fight nausea that occurs during menopause, help and following medicines:

  • diazolin;
  • diphenhydramine;
  • Etaperazin.

If the problem occurs sporadically, it is possible to take the drug or its analogs Aeron.

During menopause the use of Glycine allowed. It helps normalize sleep, eliminate irritability. Tool improves efficiency. It is recommended to take one tablet three times a day for ten days.

Against the background of an overdose of glycine and similar preparations to help in diseases of the nervous system, there may be side effects:

  • lethargy;
  • sensation of numbness in the extremities;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • appetite loss.

Therefore, should not exceed the recommended dosage of the drug.

helpful hints

Sickness can be triggered by lack of sleep. During menopause need restful sleep. It is necessary to carry out physical exercise, spend more time outdoors.

You need to stop smoking. Bad habits worsen digestive organs, increase irritability. In the morning, on waking, do not make any sudden movements. With the sudden change of posture may occur Adverse symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, darkening of the eyes.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 57
  • 225