Pathological climax: Symptoms and Causes

In every woman's life there comes a time to complete the natural process of the menstrual cycle, which is called menopause. It is divided into 2 types - normal and pathological climax. Normally, menopause occurs between the ages of 45-55 years, but sometimes the symptoms appear very early (at age 40), or, conversely, too late (at 55 years and more). In this case, we can talk about the course of the pathological menopause, which requires mandatory treatment.



  • What distinguishes pathological from normal menopause
  • Why there is a pathological climax
  • Methods of treating severe menopause

What distinguishes pathological from normal menopause

Heavy menopause is diagnosed every 8 women. When menopause ovaries begin to gradually stop the production of follicle in which the ovum maturation. At this time the female body ceases to fulfill the reproductive function, since ovulation disappears.

In place of the formation of the egg appears connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in the ovaries. At this point, some women have significantly increased the level of gonadotropin and estrogen hormone starts being produced in smaller quantities. This causes menopausal syndrome.

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Signs and symptoms of abnormal menopause are significantly different from the normal course of menopause. When its development is deteriorating overall health, as well as there are unpleasant symptoms. However, some signs of the female menopause improper flow are not manifested - it complicates diagnosis and treatment.

At menopause, occurring in severe form, the woman observed:

  • sweat in the chest;
  • redness of the skin;
  • feeling cold, in which a woman can not get warm;
  • tides.

There are such signs as a result of disruption of the autonomic nervous system. If during normal menopause these symptoms are absent. However, at the time of abnormal menopause, a woman may notice them at any time of the day or night. Duration unpleasant symptoms may be different - usually it ranges from several seconds to 10 minutes.

not good

Manifestations of menopause symptoms, flowing in the Pathological form, usually begin immediately after menopause. Wait for their completion is not necessary, as they themselves will not - need a comprehensive treatment that restores hormonal balance. Only then can we assume that the climax has acquired normal and "healthy" for.

Additional signs of the pathological climacteric syndrome, which is not found in normal menopause include:

  • changes in mammary glands;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • excessive sweating;
  • general weakness;
  • frequent urination;
  • headache or migraine;
  • appearance of itching in the vagina, which is unable to be seen only during urination;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • depression;
  • urinary incontinence, characterized by disturbance of bladder function;
  • mood swings.

If between tides occur dizziness during menopause and oppression of heart needed to address urgently to the doctor.

Although the symptoms of pathological course of menopause is similar to the symptoms of normal menopause, some differences in the features, as well as the general deterioration of a woman should alert. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the faster will recover the normal course of the climacteric syndrome.

Why there is a pathological climax

With the development of pathological menopause there is a decrease the production of sex hormones. This is the main cause of the disease development. The decrease in estrogen is carried out when the ovarian follicles end.

Since the cause of pathological processes is considered to decrease the hormone level of female representatives in their own way suffer menopause. Basically it depends on:

  • health;
  • power;
  • lifestyle;
  • presence of other diseases of the body that occur in acute form;
  • the difference between the amount of sex hormones (the stronger it is, the worse the patient will tolerate pathological climax);
  • time of year - spring menopause flows more difficult since the winter people "attacking" the lack of vitamins and UV deficit.

The unpleasant symptoms of menopause, there will come in the form of a pathological need to be a strong argument for visiting the doctor. After failures in hormonal background greatly aggravate the condition, and do not allow the body to function normally. If you do not take therapeutic measures of the pathological process of menopause will last longer, had a negative impact on health.

It is also the cause of menopause in the form considered dangerous pathology of genitals, which aggravate the onset of menopause. In such a case, their treatment is carried out, and only then comes the pathological menopause therapy.

Methods of treating severe menopause

The gynecologist or endocrinologist gynecologist after the diagnosis of the patient appoint a therapeutic treatment that allows you to quickly overcome the disease. It is important to note that ignoring signs of pathological menopause leads a woman to develop cancer, Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other serious diseases.

hormonal therapy

Such therapy pathological menopause is obligatory for every woman. The selection and dosage of hormonal drugs prescribed by doctors. Usually drugs, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms related Angelique, Divina, klimonorma, Klimov and others. They are appointed in the patch, pill or injection.

holding pill

Depending on the condition of patients can be discharged candles and gels that improve health. These include estriol and Ovestin. In this case, the patient should take into account the general recommendations to receive medications to not harm the body.

Homeopathy and fitosostavy

This type of medications given to patients in the case they are contraindicated treatment hormonal agents. They have a mild effect on the body without causing side effects.

Such drugs relates Qi-klim, Klimaksan, Estrovel et al. Taking homeopathic remedies and should be fitosostavy by the physician.

Treatment of severe occurrence of menopause is mandatory for each. Otherwise, the development of serious diseases, which together with the menopause would be difficult to heal.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 51
  • 170