Premenopausal Symptoms predklimaksnogo state

Menopause is divided into three phases, the first of them - premenopausal symptoms that some women begin to feel already in his forties. The process of extinction fertility physiologically inevitable, it is easy to recognize, and there are many ways to alleviate their condition.



  • What is premenopausal and when it starts
  • Symptoms of menopause
  • A woman's body in premenopausal

What is premenopausal and when it starts

Premenopausal women (premenopausal) - is the initial stage of menopause, during which there is changes in women associated with adaptation to a steady decline in the level of hormones allocated the ovaries. It lasts about 2 years and ends with the last menstruation. Every woman after 40-45 years begins to notice at the first symptoms of premenopausal stage.

Starting climacteric accompanied by mood swings, increased blood pressure, bouts of fever and other symptoms that may persist throughout the time of menopause. They appear individually and are directly dependent on lifestyle and processes in the body, responsible for the overall health.

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Diagnosis premenopausal available and up to 40 years (about 3%) and after 55 (20%), and not necessarily a sign of pathological conditions. Often this only shows atypical genetic especially women.

Symptoms of menopause

Premenopausal hard to miss. A number of changes in the body that occur on the physiological and psychological level, are evident both for the woman and for others. Main menopausal symptoms:

  1. Brighter expressed premenstrual syndrome: a dragging pain in the abdomen, chest discomfort, Irritability, mood swings, uncontrollable appetite and headaches are becoming the satellites of this period. If all of these manifestations were familiar with a woman before, then in early menopause onset of menstruation becomes even more painful.
  2. Irregular menstrual cycle becomes longer, and the amount of bleeding - much poorer. Average menses during menopause They come every 2 months.
  3. Hot flashes - a sudden increase in body temperature. Skin of the face and neck is red, there is shortness of breath, dark eyes. Once the attack stops, increased sweating. The number of hot flushes per day is determined by the difficulty of occurrence of climacteric syndrome: 5 - a mild form, up to 15 - average, to 30 - heavy.
  4. difficulty controlling emotions - one of the most common symptoms predklimaksnogo condition of the woman. Hormonal changes affect the nervous system. Violation of sleep and wakefulness and rapid fatigue translate into irritability. Very often overcomes anger, which is difficult to handle. The situation is complicated by the fact that other people often take it for whims and bad character. Accompanied by such negative emotions headache. Often, a woman falls in depression.
  5. Due to the reduction of allocated mucous secretion appears vaginal dryness, which adversely affects the sensations during intercourse. Significantly dulled libido, and therefore may have problems in relationships with men. Sami discharge becomes poorer and can change their quality - consistency, color, smell. Considered normal mucus odorless. In all other cases it is necessary to see a specialist.
  6. Disruptions of hormone function lead to a deterioration of brain function. Memory becomes dull, difficult to remember not only new information but also to recall the facts of the past. Have difficulty concentrating. Woman becomes difficult to deal with the same thing for a long time.
  7. A manifestation of the initial stage of menopause in women are considered failures of the cardiovascular system. High blood pressure with all its consequences - a headache, palpitations, burning sensation in the chest area - makes itself felt in this age.
  8. Breast tenderness - not often, but the phenomenon occurring in the early stages of menopause. In combination with copious bloody secretions may indicate an early stage of development of neoplasms. Breast cancer - a disease which most often common in women over 40. It is important to regularly visit doctors and undergo genital mutilation survey at this age.

Signs of pre-menopausal women not at all appear with the same intensity. Factors that affect the flow of predklimaksa:

  • genetic factors - those representatives of the weaker sex, who have inherited good health and whose Mom transferred this stage is relatively easy, it is very likely also do not face serious problems;
  • lifestyle - smoking, alcohol, stress, poor diet, hard physical or mental labor aggravate the condition during this period. A healthy diet, physical activity, absence of bad habits and facilitate quiet psycho-emotional state of menopause syndrome;
  • diseases of any organ, but first and foremost - the reproductive system: in this period their course exacerbated the likelihood of complications increases.

A woman's body in premenopausal

Premenopausal period - a time when increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood. This process is combined with a decrease in the level of estradiol, one of the main female sex hormone.


The ovaries continue to function, producing estrogen and progesterone, but their activity is reduced. Therefore, normal menstruation to ovulation preceding it are the place to be and, therefore, become pregnant during premenopausal still possible. Childbearing age in this rarely occurs without complications. It is strongly recommended not to forget about reliable contraception, which must necessarily be assigned a doctor.

A steady decline in female hormones in predelimaksnom state most affected by such systems of the body:

  1. Sex. Changing the quality and quantity of precipitates, genital microflora becomes more susceptible to infections. The changes concern and the menstrual cycle - periods become less leak less. Also common are complaints of sensitivity and hardening of the breasts, menopause, sometimes painful lumps can be felt. In women with mastopathy disease of particular shape at this time. Hormone therapy and continuous monitoring of the health of genitals by a competent person - something that will help to avoid complications.
  2. Cardiovascular. Estrogen deficiency results in fragility of the vessel walls, which adversely affects the blood circulation, and blood pressure. All women over 40 is recommended to eat foods containing polyunsaturated fats are beneficial to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their flexibility.
  3. Urine-sex. The hormones estrogen group ensure the normal functioning of the bladder and the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Accordingly, their reduction provokes such pathological conditions as incontinence, discomfort during urination, cystitis. In addition to menopause, causes of these diseases can be a problem endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Well help to solve these problems special exercises, such as Kegel exercises or imbilding.
  4. Digestive: significantly slowing the metabolism. This leads to increased levels of cholesterol in the blood, edema, constipation, flatulence, and rapid weight gain. Stomach pain and nausea - the reaction of the digestive system on high blood pressure. A healthy balanced diet and giving up food debris to help avoid these difficulties.
  5. Bone. Bone becomes more brittle, increasing the probability of fractures due to mechanical injuries. In addition, the skin and hair condition is deteriorating. The diet of women during menopause must be foods rich in calcium. It is also recommended to take vitamin complexes containing essential trace elements.
  6. Nervous. Instability emotional state is also triggered by hormonal spikes.

In addition to these changes in women during pre-menopause can worsen all chronic diseases. However, we must remember that the climax - a natural process and gradual. The body is able to adapt to changes, while competent and prevention of menopausal syndrome at all can take place without problems.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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