Allocation in menopause: What are possible causes of

Discharge from the vagina during menopause may be due to changes in the work of hormones associated with reproductive function. In most cases, separation is the norm and do not require the adoption of any measures to correct them. However, the decrease of the uterus and ovaries in size, which is characteristic of this period, affects the amount of mucus is protective. Drier microflora is fertile soil for the spread of pathogens, so separation in menopause can be a sign of pathological conditions. Their quality and quantity must be controlled to prevent the development of diseases.

girl, SOS sign


  • General concepts
  • The types of exudates in menopause
    • normal selection
    • abnormal discharge
  • The separation may be caused by menopause
  • When to seek medical advice
  • What treatment can be appointed

General concepts

Menopause is called a period of up to 6 years, between the ages of 45 to 55 years, during which estrogen production is significantly reduced. This hormone is responsible for the ability to bear offspring, so its reduction leads to the extinction of the reproductive function and a number of other changes in the body.

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Schedule monthly during climax unstable, their duration and the amount of decrease, and state of health these days is getting worse. This is the result of hormonal changes, in connection with which the endometrial layer of the uterus slows buildup. In the reproductive years is once endometrium regularly stood out from the vagina as a menstrual period.

Indicators secretions in menopausal women depend on its history. Blood and normal allocation in the first 2 years predklimaticheskogo state do not change their quality lower only gets their volume. Is pumped into the period of the last menstruation. Further menopause lasts 3-4 years, the discharge becomes clear and homogeneous, but not liquid.

woman and doctor

The types of exudates in menopause

Allocation in menopause are rarely abundant than before. Their large volume can be a symptom of organs of the reproductive system disease, or other internal organs. Several distinct types of discharges during menopause:

  1. Mucous clear or light yellowish tinge. If the consistency is homogeneous without impurities foam and odor - an absolute norm.
  2. Moderately abundant with burgundy or deep red shade spotting during menstruation are normal and natural.
  3. Spotting of bleeding brown indicate serious diseases, especially in the closing period of menopause.
  4. Milky curdled to sour smell - a sign of fungal diseases.
  5. Purulent thick yellowish or greenish tint, accompanied by painful sensations and pruritus occur when venereal diseases.

Most women worried spotting during menopause. For more information about the reasons for their occurrence we recommend that you read in a separate article on our site.

normal selection

Secretions are considered normal and safe during menopause, when:

  • they are characterized by a homogeneous consistency of the mucous;
  • their color - transparent;
  • no odor.

These characteristics indicate whiter cervical health and its full-fledged functioning in conditions of hormonal changes. They protect the organs of the reproductive system from infection and create a healthy microflora in the vagina.

Mucous discharge at menopause may have a white or light yellowish hue that appears due to oxidation by oxygen.

abnormal discharge

Allocation at menopause are a sign of pathologies occurring against the backdrop of the natural changes in the body or as a result of unprotected sexual activity. These include:

  1. Curdled white discharge. This is one of the main symptoms of fungal diseases that arise for many reasons. Characterized by a sour unpleasant odor, non-uniform, clotted consistency, itching and burning, especially after urination.
  2. Bloody. In the normal course of menopause naturally considered to be a permanent reduction in the number of blood during menstruation in the first years of menopause to their complete cessation. Any blood - clots, ichor, spreadable, profuse discharge - in the second half of menopause is seen as a warning sign and a reason to pass a comprehensive examination to determine the presence of malignant neoplasms. Typically such leucorrhea accompanied by additional symptoms: general malaise, pains in the pelvic area, migraines, increased body temperature, rapid weight loss and others.
  3. Watery - an eloquent indicator of many diseases and disorders of the cervix functions primarily mucus production. As a rule, they are sharply unpleasant smell, there are yellowish or bloody. This may be due to erosion, neoplasms and other disease states.
  4. Purulent character during menopause are characterized by having a sufficiently saturated yellow or green. Consistency is watery, medium and thick. Always have a sharp odor. Together with them regularly felt pain in the pelvic organs, itching, burning and discomfort in the vagina.

The separation may be caused by menopause

Non-pathological leucorrhoea menopause due to the good functioning of the reproductive system organs, particularly the cervix during hormonal changes the body.

Consider the main causes of abnormal discharge.


  • hormonal changes in the body, this natural period;
  • antibiotics or other medicinal agents for the treatment of any disease;
  • disruptions of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic failure;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • thrush, which arises as a result of weakening of local immunity or female is sexually transmitted;
  • mechanical damage to the genital organs through tissue injuries or surgical therapy.


  • with erosion and cervical dysplasia;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus - the volume allocated secret exceeds the rate of 2 ml / day, they often have a color close to the brown impurity and blood;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and uterine tubes - at untimely treatment of watery consistency becomes thick and purulent, which is a sign of more serious pathologies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the formation of polyps in the uterus.


  • cervical erosion;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • Bacterial Vaginosis - in this disease watery whites differ pungent odor of spoiled fish and causes constant itching and burning sensation in the vagina;
  • coleitis - violation of the microflora of the vagina due to the lack of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and frequent use of tampons;
  • presence of a foreign object into the vagina;
  • transmitted disease from a partner infectious etiology - trichomoniasis.

Causes of purulent secretions in menopause are infectious and inflammatory processes in the vagina.

  1. Infectious venereal diseases of the genital organs are transferred from a partner during unprotected sex. The most common: trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Spin trichomoniasis watery, with an admixture of a foam, it has a yellow-green color and an unpleasant odor. In gonorrhea secreted purulent secretion and gray-green, disease accompanied by frequent urination and discomfort in the vagina. When chlamydia mucous whites, with white impurities, eloquent signs of the disease are considered to be cloudy urine and cutting pain during urination.
  2. The cause of inflammation of the vagina - vulvovaginal - considered a violation of the microflora due to excessive dryness. It leads to the formation of cracks in the tissues in which develops inflammation.
  3. When cervicitis inflamed mucous cervical tissue.

When to seek medical advice

Each conscious woman should monitor the state of health of the genitals during menopause. Allocation after menopause require special attention and lightning-fast reaction at the first sign of disease.

To self-medicate it is extremely dangerous, because many diseases are similar to the symptoms, and the treatment is different.

Any deviation from the norm: the smell, pain in the genital area, discomfort in the vagina, a suspicious consistency and volumes excretory secret - should be an occasion to address to the gynecologist.

What treatment can be appointed

Upon detection of abnormal discharge during menopause must first pass a comprehensive examination:

  • outpatient doctors narrow profile;
  • Laboratory examination of smears from the vagina and blood analysis;
  • if necessary, ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs.

Treatment of any disease diagnosed is done strictly on prescription.

Common methods of treatment:

  • Medication according to indications.
  • Douching at home. Effective in vaginal candidiasis and inflammatory diseases in combination with medication.
  • Overall strengthening of immunity with vitamins, a balanced diet and visiting spas.
  • Preventive measures.

Timely response to abnormal discharge during this difficult period for every woman will help to avoid complications.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 84
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