How to call the month at the climax: the pros and cons

Menopause - is a natural biological process. Skip and stop him is impossible. To the approximate age limit when menopausal woman loses the opportunity of fertilization and reproduction, are treated differently. One is happy, others scary. Growing old does not want to, and the desire to prolong youthfulness clear. Those who are not willing to put up with the inevitable withering, using all possible means to cause monthly during climax. At gynecologists in this respect his opinion.

Climax - this is just a transition to a new state, and attempts to slow this stage is not always justified and safe, but when the monthly after menopause restored without health consequences, it is known a lot of. Modern medicine is actively developing in this direction.

In our time, to postpone menopause can be a variety of ways, but it is recommended to do so only at the beginning of menopause. In other cases, attempts are useless, ineffective and can have a negative impact on health.

Can I return periods during menopause


  • Does it make sense to renew monthly during menopause
    • Arguments for"
    • Arguments against"
  • instagram viewer
  • How to restore the monthly during menopause
    • prevention
    • Homeopathy and herbal medicine
    • hormonal agents

Does it make sense to renew monthly during menopause

Menstruation indicates the possibility of fertilization. During menopause and menstrual disorders production of female hormones - estrogen and progesterone - stops. It is these hormones are responsible for the safety of fertility. Women deprived of the opportunity to conceive a child, and usually occurs between the ages of 45-55 years. All different, but the physiological norm is this age.

With timely unpleasant menopause symptoms manifest. Disturbed menstrual cycle and reproductive function of the female body, but severe discomfort women experience. Another situation is when premature menopause, Ie up to 45 years. Besides extrinsic aging may disturb insomnia, flushing, dizziness, irritability. The deterioration of health and is associated with hormonal abnormalities. In such cases, one can intervene in the process of hormone production and help induce menses.

No less dangerous for the health of a complete cessation of menstruation before 40 years. This pathology, early menopause occurs in 1% of women and require medical intervention. Do not ignore the problem. Postpone the inevitable changes helps correct therapy that can call up monthly at the climax and prolong the childbearing period.

Arguments for"

Premature cessation of ovulation is harmful to health. The so-called "menostaz" causes irritability, body aging and aging of skin. Observed increased sweating, weight problems in sexual life.


Organisms are individual, so women who have not reached menopause, experts advise to try therapy to restore menstruation. This will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and protect against complications. Moreover, if the desire to become a mother is not yet fulfilled, it is not necessary to abandon the natural destination. With proper treatment a woman can carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Restore the menstrual cycle and is recommended in cases where the age of 45 years of monthly no more than a year. This deviation, which is accompanied by symptoms of early menopause. menstruation recovery - no intervention in the aging process, and targeted treatment. In the appointment of therapy, doctors are guided, above all, the improvement of health.

Arguments against"

Genital function is not eternal, and the climax is inevitable. For 40 years a woman has to be mentally prepared for the upcoming physiological changes. In life without menstruation is nothing intimidating, so it is not necessary to associate menopause with extinction. Loss of fertility does not deprive a woman charms of life, especially if you grow and delight children. But flimsy problem, on the contrary, seriously undermine the psycho-emotional state.

Cause and restore the month - an affordable way to alienate and delay menopauseBut it can be dangerous. Hormonal changes after the age of forty is reflected in the work of all organs. Menstrual bleeding is difficult to predict, naughty nervous system, pressure skips, worried about insomnia, decreased performance, can detect problems in the locomotor unit. The number and severity of symptoms are different, and most are associated with age-related changes. The body is experiencing stress, and the additional burden it is not necessary.

If you give birth after 40 years, your plans are not included, call the month does not make sense. Any measures of a temporary nature, the recovery of the menstrual cycle - is no exception.

How to restore the monthly during menopause

Ways to extend the periods in early menopause enough. We select and analyze the most effective.


This is the most affordable opportunity to slow menopause. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle in your performance can be a great stimulant. You will not need to think about how not to lose the youth and forced to return the menstrual cycle.

woman taking vitamins
  1. Get enough sleep, drink, vitamins, walk more and drive. Exercise, walking, swimming pool useful for the female body.
  2. Very important daily routine and nutrition during menopausebut. The daily diet of protein foods should prevail. Eat foods with a lot of calcium and fatty acids. This legumes, nuts, fatty saltwater fish varieties and algae. Meats, restaurant food, gassy drinks desirable to eliminate.
  3. Another important point - the psychological and emotional state. Protect yourself from stress and learn to enjoy life. Daily positive, good sleep, gymnastics, moderate appetite physiologically prolong youth body cells. Drugs to prolong the menstrual cycle may not be necessary. Excellent physical condition and mental health are able to push the menopausal effects and slow the onset of menopause.

Homeopathy and herbal medicine

Call the month, you can use herbs, which contain a part of the female hormone.

  1. Linden, clover, sage, marjoram - the most popular natural helpers that can renew monthly.
  2. You can try plants such as anise, fennel, soy, black cohosh, alfalfa.
  3. Among the more available - mint, parsley, chamomile, peel onions.

On the basis of these plants make teas, teas and infusions. They stimulate the hormone sector and may help in the resumption of menstruation at menopause.

With the same purpose, take homeopathic remedies, reducing women's health. Among the most popular and sought-after "Pulsatilla", "Grafites", "Kali karbonikum", "black cohosh", "Sepia", "Besser Alter", "Normotsikl".

hormonal agents

They artificially increase the level of hormones. With early menopause can resume monthly via "Angelica" preparations Klimodien, Cyclo-proginova, Kliogest, Divitren.

As part of the hormonal medications present natural estrogens. They are responsible for the preservation of femininity.

When choosing products for extending the month, be careful and do not experiment with a combination of different drugs. Find the right and safe means of expert help.

Is it necessary to postpone menopause and restore menstruation, a woman decides independently. Modern and traditional medicine offers many effective measures to deal with troubling issues. Slow down the aging process and help slow the onset of menopause hormones and homeopathic remedies. Good work preventive measures and medicinal plants. Monthly return at the beginning of menopause without problems, but how to do it without complications and health effects, known only by doctors.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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