Climacteric neurosis: the symptoms and treatment of menopause

Climacteric neurosis - a complex mental disorder that affects more than half of women over 45 years. Hormonal changes in menopause, according to recent research, create favorable conditions for the development of this disease. The main reason for the changes are considered to be a function of the hypothalamic centers. In addition, the weakened lifestyle and stress the immune system is very likely will have an autonomic disorders during menopause.

woman covering her eyes with her hand


  • How to recognize climacteric neurosis
  • Climax - a natural process
  • Why emotions are beyond steel
  • Treatment of climacteric neurosis

How to recognize climacteric neurosis

The main symptoms of climacteric neurosis associated with age-related restructuring and changes in the hypothalamus functions.

Symptoms associated with age-related restructuring

  1. attention deficit disorder - there is a sense of his worthlessness, uselessness. Usually at this age children grow up, give birth to their relationship, they full of life, and this further enhances the syndrome. External changes lead to a number of complexes, because of which their husbands suspected of names. In order to attract attention, the woman begins to invent diseases behave theatrically, and too much attention to their appearance.
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  2. Often changing moods, hysterical, crying, a tendency to exaggerate the extent of the problem.
  3. depression: Anxiety, depression, apathy, indifference to his appearance and to everything going on. This is due to the fact that a woman is forced to recognize their withering and aging.

Associated with changes in the hypothalamus functions

  1. Fatigue and low performance.
  2. Disturbed sleep-wake rhythm, insomnia, Which often help to cope only medications.
  3. Significant memory impairment.
  4. Loss of ability to concentrate.
  5. Tremors and trembling all over.
  6. Headache.
  7. Increased sweating and hot flushes, which last from 20 seconds to several minutes.
  8. Dyspnea.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Failures of the digestive system: constipation, flatulence in the intestine.
  11. Heartache.
  12. Increase pressure.

A characteristic feature of the signs of neurosis in menopause considered them gradually they begin to appear more long before menopause, literally every woman between the ages of 45 begins to notice their appearance in one way or another least. The more they run, the more difficult the process of treatment.

Climax - a natural process

With menopause faced absolutely all the fairer sex. This is an inevitable physiological process of aging, accompanied by hormonal changes. During this period, gradually decreased progesterone production by the ovaries that affects the operation of virtually all body systems:

  • slowing metabolism;
  • blood pressure becomes unstable;
  • the quality and amount of bleeding varies;
  • menstrual cycle is increased, since the egg does not have time to mature;
  • emotions go out of control;
  • chronic diseases aggravated.

It's not all symptoms of menopause. Women painfully endure all these changes, but they are completely normal, and any doctor will confirm it.

Why emotions are beyond steel

As in all periods, accompanied by hormonal system changes (puberty, pregnancy, lactation), during menopause there are psychological problems. Sometimes they go together with the adaptation of the organism to all changes, and sometimes exacerbated transforming into climacteric neurosis. This happens when a woman does not maintain close, treating it as an unstable emotional state of moods and bad character.

emotions woman

Besides hormones, and misunderstanding of others, to manage emotions is difficult for the following reasons:

  1. Children who have a woman devoted her whole life to become more independent, leaving the parental home. Woman's appearance does not change for the better. Anxiety and longing for children, for fear of losing her husband transformed into a fear of being alone.
  2. Life results are disappointing - she understands that the best years have passed, and that's what she wanted, did not happen: career success, material wealth, self-realization, worthy partner - all this, as there was, and is not in its life.
  3. Due to the age and changes in hypothalamic function of the physical and psychological endurance decrease, this results in chronic fatigue, and on its background nervous disorders develop intense.

Treatment of climacteric neurosis

Neurosis, menopausal women can recognize their own, but I do it to diagnose and prescribe treatment can only be a specialist. Typically, therapy is aimed at achieving two objectives:

  1. General strengthening of the body.
  2. Addressing the causes and eliminate the symptoms of nervous disorders.

To achieve these goals it is necessary:

  • Establish a sleep mode. This is the main condition for the successful treatment of neuroses in menopause. Most often, in order to become healthy sleep it requires receiving hypnotic sedatives. The most popular sedative considered reserpine, the dose and application features are determined exclusively by a doctor.
  • During menopause effective means in neurosis considered hormones that help restore hormonal balance and thereby getting better and psycho-emotional state.
  • follow a healthy balanced diet, Food supplement use of vitamins for the age group 45+.
  • Enter in the habitual way of life of moderate physical activity: yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, long walks in the fresh air.
  • Visiting resorts and resort areas, and as often as possible. Procedures offered in the rehabilitation of health facilities - massage, phyto, aromatherapy and others - a beneficial effect on physical and mental health.
  • Find an outlet - a hobby that will distract from the problems and occupy their free time.
  • Working with a talented psychotherapist to help take everything that happens and love a new period of life. Communication with the psychologist.

To achieve maximum benefit from the treatment of neuroses in menopause is necessary to involve women surroundings. Psychologist or therapist is working with relatives, provides guidance and recommendations on how to behave with a woman, how to maintain it. At the fairer sex is clearly expressed the need to speak out and discuss problems. Talk with loved ones on the souls are able to give more results than drugs.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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