Despite the emancipation of modern society and walking around feminism, the opinion that the first step towards meeting( an invitation to a date, a request for a telephone number) must be made by a guy, not a girl.
But how to understand that you like a girl , because it's foolish to try to drive to the one that has remained indifferent to your charms.
At best, you will receive a categorical refusal, at worst - you will be ridiculed, alas, among us there are very hard-hearted people.
But there are true signs of female sympathy that have been formed for a long time and that work almost in 100% of cases.
If you know about them, you will never get into a mess.
How to understand that you like a girl, until the spark is extinguished?
How do pairs form?
"People meet, fall in love, marry" - this line from the Soviet song is a very simplified version of events, although it is possible that we live in a more difficult time, so sometimes it is so difficult to find your soul mate.
But often the guys themselves are to blame for not seeing the female signals do not bother to understand: "I like the girl - come on, act!".
I do not believe in love until the coffin, which appears from nowhere at first glance at the guy / girl.
To love a person, you need to know it well.
It all starts with a spark of sympathy that flares between two young people.
If this spark to inflate, then it can flare up in a hot bonfire of love, if nothing is done, then the spark will simply go out after a while.
And suddenly it was the love of your life that you missed, because you did not know how to understand that you like a girl.
You can not allow this in any case!
4 main features, thanks to which you can understand that you like the girl
Signs of female sympathy should be looked for at the first meeting with the girl you like.
It's very important to find them, otherwise it's not known if you will have a chance to invite her on your first date.
Actually, the signs that you can understand that you like a girl, there are a great many, but in order not to overload you with information, I will focus only on the most obvious:
- keeps an eye on your movements;
- timidly lowers eyes or looks away when you look at it in response;
- throws a flirty look from under the eyelashes;
- is openly flirting with his eyes.
Having a boyish haircut, it's difficult to demonstrate his sympathy for the guy in this way, only girls with long hair can do it.
What do they do:
- sorts the locks;
- winds the strand on the finger;
- throws the hair to one side, exposing the neck;
- shakes your hair so you appreciate their beauty.
A girl can show that she likes you, biting and licking her lips.
- takes the most attractive pose;
- allegedly unconsciously touches his body;
- demonstrates its beautiful legs - it will put their foot on their feet, then pull out in front of you, then they will start shaking the shoe;
- clasps hands on the back of the head so you can see its armpits - so intimate a zone to anyone not being shown;
- gesticulates a lot in a conversation with his interlocutor, trying to get your attention.
How to understand that you like an unfamiliar girl: 7 other signs of
What you do not say, and the most difficult, is to figure out whether you like or not an unknown girl that you saw for the first time at a party, nightclub, cafe, public transport andetc.
It's silly to rush straight into the fight, because several failures to the series can shake your confidence and discourage the desire to get acquainted with the girls.
If you could not understand by the eyes, lips, hair and body, you like the girl or this option is hopeless, there are other signs:
- Playing with a glass, which she holds in her hand, with her ornaments, with her phone.
- A slight smile touching her lips, if you meet a look.
- Partial exposure, for example, you see that her blouse seemed to slip casually off her shoulders, but the young lady, for some reason, does not hurry to correct it.
- A deliberately sexy gait when it passes you.
- Demonstrative coquetry with another guy with a constant peek at your line, they say, how does he react to it.
- Sexual laughter or loud conversation is also one of the signs of attracting attention to yourself, here, however, you should understand whether you are trying to attract or not.
If the girl herself came to your table with a request to smoke a cigarette or lend her a pen, then there really must be a real dunce to miss this chance.
How to understand that you like a girl on social networks?
Social networks are a modern and effective way to get acquainted.
Young people today are leaving their home less and less and spending more time sitting at the computer.
I will not say that I really like this trend, but we have to reckon with the realities of the time in which we live.
If you are an active user of social networks, then you can easily get acquainted with the girl and go from an absentee to a full-time meeting, if you make sure that you like her.
How can I be sure?
Taking a closer look at specific features.
So, the girl:
- Often visits your page and monitors the posts that you post.
- Do not skimp on the likes to your photos.
- Subscribe to the same posts as you.
Post news, which alludes to the similarity of your views and tastes.
For example, you post a new clip of your favorite music group, and she made his repost or made a selection: "The five best songs of this group".
- Speaks on your side in discussions to your or other people's posts.
Appeals to you for help with messages.
And just let it be: "What did they ask us in mathematics?" Or "Do not you have a friend who can reinstall Windows?" If such requests are frequent is a sure sign of sympathy.
- Jokes and flirts, commenting on your posts.
What other moments in the girl's behavior will prompt you that she likes you,
find out from the video:
How to understand that you like a girl with whom you have been dating for some time?
I do not think that there are many guys who, meeting a long time with a girl, still doubt whether you like her or not.
But having just a few dates with a lady, to understand how strong her sympathy is and whether it makes sense to continue a relationship, it's not easy.
And yet, there are several signs that will help you understand that you like a girl and she is ready for a serious relationship:
- Always available for communication.
Never says "I'm busy right now" or very rarely doing it. - I agree to talk on the phone, skype or correspond in social networks forever.
- Tells you about your movements, for example: "For the weekend I'm leaving with my parents for a summer residence" or "We'll go with a girlfriend to a new cafe."
- Always tries to look perfect, coming on a date.
- Tells you a lot about yourself.
- Introduces friends.
- Interested in your opinion on this or that question.
- He wants to know about you, as much as possible.
- Do not resist when you take her hand, hug and kiss.
Do not harm on dates: "This restaurant is bad", "Could not order a better wine?", "I do not want to go to the movies! You that you can not offer something more interesting? ".
With you she is ready to spend time, anywhere.
I think, now you should not have problems with that, how to understand that you like the girl .
Having such a bunch of signs, you will definitely determine the female sympathy aimed at you.