Sweating during menopause: how to get rid of sweating

With perspiration body is cleaned from harmful substances. This process happens all the time, and not have to worry. But there are situations when women feel excessive sweating during menopause. It occurs due to age-related changes in the body, as well as for other reasons. Since menopause and sweating cause discomfort, it is crucial to see a doctor for help.

woman wiping sweat


  • Why there is hyperhidrosis
  • How to get rid of sweating during menopause
    • medication treatment
    • People's treatment

Why there is hyperhidrosis

At menopause there is a reorganization of the work of the reproductive organs. The gradual decrease in the level of hormones leads to a malfunction of the majority of the body's systems. Very different working brain and central nervous system. The pituitary and hypothalamus less produce hormones. Because of this, the nervous system gets wrong signals.

Since the central nervous system affects the sweat glands, menopausal woman begins to throw in the pot for any reason.

Increased sweating occurs because in menopause:

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  1. Tides. When blood begins to run only to the upper body, overheating occurs. This is because the body is going through physical activity with too frequent pulse. Increased pressure, shortness of breath. A woman in such a situation, sweats, to restore normal operation of sweating.
  2. Shattered nervous system. In menopausal patients often changing mood. They may be irritable, aggressive, resentful, often a Depression in menopause. Nervous excitement leads to the fact that activates the sweat glands, which is why you can watch episodes of severe sweating.

Hyperhidrosis can also occur due to excess weight, as to perform any physical actions will require more effort.

How to get rid of sweating during menopause

To reduce the sweating during menopause, you need to:

  • do yoga, gymnastics, swimming, cycling. Due to moderate physical activity decreases the frequency of hot flushes, the body endures stress, sleep normalized and reduced sweating;
  • less feast products which adversely affect the nervous system. Eliminate spicy seasonings, alcohol, coffee and strong tea;
  • eat vegetables, fruit, dairy dishes. Follow rules of nutrition in menopause;
  • watch your weight;
  • worn correctly matched clothes sewn from natural fibers, which does not hinder movements and absorbs sweat speaker;
  • regularly ventilate the apartment;
  • quit smoking;
  • regularly take vitamins prescribed by the doctor.
hot woman

These actions will help to successfully combat sweating during menopause, so it is important to heed the recommendations and implement them as far as possible.

medication treatment

If lifestyle normalization has not led to a reduction in excessive sweating, experts recommend taking special medications.

Tablets from excessive sweating during menopause can start to drink only after consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist. Physicians designate examination and based on the results determined with the correct therapy.

hyperhidrosis therapy at menopause is performed such preparations:

  1. Phytoestrogens, which are based on vegetable raw materials. For example, the treatment is carried Remens, Klimaktoplanom, Klimadinon, Feminalom. These drugs will restore hormonal balance, eliminate hot flashes, normalize the emotional level.
  2. When excessive perspiration during menopause carried out therapy with synthetic oestrogens, e.g., CLIMAR, Estrofene, ovestin and other drugs.
  3. To restore testosterone levels to renew the balance between progesterone and estrogen, doctors prescribe a combination thereof: Klimenov, Anjelica, divines klimonorma. These drugs should be taken only when the rash was caused by the vasomotor symptoms.
a woman takes a pill

To normalize hormone levels and reduce sweating during menopause it is important to regularly take medication therapy prescribed by the doctor.

People's treatment

To normalize the isolation liquid sweat glands, can be further therapy folk remedies. Through a combination of herbs derived medicinal products that help to survive successfully hyperhidrosis during menopause.

For hyperhidrosis help such folk remedies:

  1. Birch buds pour vodka and let stand in the dark for three days. Receipt of funds, wipe the problem areas on the body.
  2. Problems in the body associated with hyperhidrosis, can be eliminated by the infusion of oak bark. Minced raw pour water and add the juice of one lemon. Let stand for two hours and wipe tool places on the body that sweat the most.
  3. During menopause, the use of Sage helps reduce excessive perspiration. 10 grams of sage pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for a quarter of an hour. Take the medicine ready for the third part of the cup three times a day. Such herbal infusion is recommended to take a period of two weeks.

Sweating during menopause can be reduced and herbal baths. Plants can be replaced by essential oils. Not to harm the body's systems of folk remedies, it is important to consult with your doctor.

Now that you know what causes the body sweats in women during menopause. It is necessary to deal with hormones, normalize their balance, less nervous, to change your lifestyle in order to successfully overcome hyperhidrosis. When excessive and frequent sweat allocation, after consulting the specialists, it is necessary to pass medical therapy.

  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 32
  • 174