Hypothyroidism in menopausal women: Symptoms and treatment of thyroid

Decreased thyroid function occurs in 20% of women in menopause. Hypothyroidism and menopause are similar to symptoms for this reason, access to a doctor is delayed, and all the ailments are charged to the menopausal syndrome. This can not be allowed, because the running of thyroid disease can lead to heart problems and reception of synthetic hormones for life.

doctor examines


  • The impact of menopause on the thyroid gland
  • Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism
  • diagnosis of the disease
  • Thyroid medication during menopause
  • preventive measures

The impact of menopause on the thyroid gland

During menopause the body is huge hormonal changes. In the first place it reduces the level of female hormones estrogen and progestins. All endocrine organs work in harmony, therefore, it has an effect on the thyroid gland, which is in menopause reduced in size, which reduces the production of hormones.

Causes and factors of development of pathology in this vital organ not only lie in the offensive menopauseBut also in a number of others:

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  1. Genetic predisposition, especially in the female line;
  2. Frequent stress, depression;
  3. Violation of the function of the adrenal glands;
  4. The presence of thyroid surgery, which resulted in part of the body has been removed;
  5. Residence in the territory of iodine deficiency.

If thyroid disease caused by genetics, the person concerned about the lack of iodine in the body since birth. In the case of hypothyroidism acquired in menopause occurs disappearance of enzymes responsible for the production of hormones that is caused by changes in the organism during menopause.

touching throat

The ongoing restructuring of violent women in the body at times misleading regarding symptoms of hypothyroidism, which can be wrongly charged to the menopausal syndrome. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully monitor their body and to regularly visit an endocrinologist, especially after 45 years.

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism

When it is during menopause, and thyroid gland requires special attention, it is not allowed to treat the signals his body carelessly. Since hypothyroidism symptoms in menopausal women are very similar to menopausal symptoms, it is not necessary neglect regular attendance endocrinologist, who will be able to recognize the problems associated with thyroid gland.

Identify the following common symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • thyroid enlargement or goiter;
  • impaired memory, reduced concentration;
  • lethargy, weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • cold sensation, even at a comfortable temperature;
  • the deterioration of the condition of hair, hair loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • dry, pigmented skin condition;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • hoarse voice;
  • slow heartbeat.

If you manifest the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and noticed a general deterioration, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis. Decreased thyroid function can affect the functioning of the heart and other vital organs, so do not ignore their condition or wait for the improvements will come themselves.

diagnosis of the disease

During a visit to an endocrinologist going history and is assigned examination, which is important to go for an accurate diagnosis. You will need to donate blood for hormones, then it becomes clear that the reason for the onset of symptoms: menopause or thyroid gland.


If the tests for hormones during menopause (TSH, T3, T4) show decrease in hormone production, the doctor may prescribe scintigraphy. She is taking certain doses of iodine, followed by an analysis of the level of trace elements in the body. People with hypothyroidism usually noted poor absorption of iodine.

Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is also one of the ways to help establish the diagnosis. Identifying a patient tumor or nodes in this area increases the risk of having hypothyroidism.

If the results of all examinations will identify hormonal changes in the body associated with thyroid operation cancer, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, the effectiveness of which will be directly related to the timeliness treatment. There is a light and a severe form of hypothyroidism, which is related to the amount of hormones produced. So do not delay the visit to the doctor to treatment was as effective as possible.

Thyroid medication during menopause

hypothyroidism treatment is carried out with the help of hormone replacement therapy. For this purpose the hormone thyroxine, which is normally produced by the pancreas. Also appointed by the estrogens and progestins as in relieving menopausal symptoms. Since the work of the endocrine system organs associated with each other, it is impossible to maintain medication Only thyroid function and at the same time ignore the lack of production of female hormones.


In hypothyroidism during menopause can not self-medicateBecause endocrinology individually selected doses of hormones from the results of analyzes: incorrect dose of medication can provoke the appearance of tumors. Therefore, you must go to the clinic for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Hormone replacement therapy for hypothyroidism has a number of side effects:

  • decrease in thyroid gland (later the authority may even atrophy);
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions to prescription medications;
  • nervous disorders and stress;
  • the risk of developing cancer;
  • reduced life expectancy.

Effects of treatment are very important, so you need to take medications under strict medical supervision. In this case, an endocrinologist will keep track of the results of treatment, and can reduce the prescribed dose of hormones, or remove them altogether. Late referral to a specialist or a lack of control of the treatment often leads to the fact that the thyroid gland atrophied and can not perform its function at all, and then take hormonal preparations have until the end of life.

preventive measures

In order to reduce the risk of hypothyroidism, you should take vitamins for women, containing iodine. After all, this trace element is often the reason for the reduction in thyroid function.

In addition, it is necessary to enrich the diet foods with iodine in the composition in the first place, it's seafood. Seafood essential for women during menopause, because they contain a lot of nutrients and at the same time low in calories, and the preservation of a healthy weight is one of the measures of prevention of hypothyroidism.

Equally important it is for the prevention of vitamin A, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables red and orange. This carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper, apricot, peach, pumpkin, melon. Do not forget to add a spoonful of olive oil or cream to the carrot juice, because carrots contain carotene, which is fat-soluble and is converted into vitamin A after entering the body. Another very useful nuts, honey and herbs.

Enrichment of the diet right products, weight control, and intake of vitamins to maintain thyroid function will be different preventive measures. When combined with regular visits to endocrinologist, since the age of 40-45 years, it will avoid hormone therapy hypothyroidism in the future. Should carefully listen to your body, not to miss the warning signs. Try to avoid stress, and if they appear to apply to the neuropsychiatrist, not to bring the state to depression.

For more information on nutrition in menopause can be read in a separate article on our site.

Menopause - a rather difficult period in the life of a woman, but a proper diet, taking vitamins and regular expert advice to help avoid health problems. These actions will not take a lot of time and effort, but it will give a long life, which is to be filled with beautiful moments.

  • Oct 19, 2019
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